Monster Altar

Chapter 187

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“Isn’t that the strength of the team leader is not the opponent of Tier 5 monsters?”

Looking at Fang Ping, who completely suppressed the bloodthirsty centipede of the Tier 5 monster, everyone except Fan Xuan looked astonished.

The bloodthirsty centipede now being suppressed by Fang Ping, isn’t it a Tier 5 monster?

With this kind of strength, is it really a “Tier 5 parallel import”?

The middle-aged woman’s face was hot, and it was said that Fang Ping’s strength was Tier 5 parallel imports, and she was not the Tier 5 monster opponent.

Women, especially women of a certain age, always like to chew their tongues.

“You can see, this is the person you say is not the opponent of Tier 5 monster!”

Fan Xuan was proud of his face, and silently said in his heart that Fang Ping was finally justified.

Pu chi ——

The spiral sword held the bloodthirsty centipede’s head, and pierced the bloodthirsty centipede on the ground, spinning quickly, and drilled towards the bloodthirsty centipede within the body.

The bloodthirsty centipede struggled violently, and the huge Fairy Tail slapped Susanoo. Although it caused some damage to Susanoo, it was obviously difficult to destroy Susanoo in a short time.

Eventually, with the outflow of the white substance, the bloodthirsty centipede stopped struggling, and the body became rigid and completely killed.


Seeing the bloodthirsty centipede being killed, all 4 people came forward and addressed Fang Ping politely.

This is the first time they have been stationed at No. 5 breeding base for so many days, and they have called Fang Ping so sincerely.

“You are injured and need to return to bandage the wound as soon as possible. Your team’s patrol this time ended early. I will let other teams replace you.”

Fang Ping looked at the middle-aged woman’s command, and then he stepped forward to collect the Tier 5 monster into the sacrifice space, and a teleport disappeared in place.

Several people looked at the place where Fang Ping had disappeared, and hadn’t spoken for a long time. They completely underestimated the leader. They could be arranged by the Monster Countermeasures Division to be the leader. As expected, no one was weak.

Returning to his residence, Fang Ping entered the sacrifice space, looked at the bloodthirsty centipede corpse bound by blood chains, and said aloud.



The blood-colored altarpiece lit up 7 meters of blood-colored rays of light, and the entire altar was trembling slightly.

This is the first time that Fang Ping has used the body of a Tier 5 monster as a sacrifice object, and the movement has never been stronger.


A pink rays of light fell and exploded, turning into a young man with long black hair.

The youth was handsome, with pale purple eyes and a cold expression.

Inside, I wear black clothes that resemble a kimono, and white Haori outside.

Name: Byakuya Kuchiki

【Innate talent】

Death God innate talent: very excellent



Formidable power Formidable power Zanpakuto, when Shikai, the blade can be broken down into 1000 sharp blades, cutting enemies from all around.

When Bankai (the real name is typed as an *, so I will call it this name in the future), he can create 1000 giant knives and turn them into countless sharp blades.

“It’s Byakuya Kuchiki!”

Byakuya Kuchiki, a character in the anime Death God, Captain of the 3th squad of the 6th squadron, belongs to the top powerhouse.

Using the body of a Tier 5 monster to offer an anime character like take out is definitely a profit, even a big prize.

“Think about it carefully. It was the first time to sacrifice Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 monster corpses. The cartoon characters who presented took out were very strong. Is this also a sacrifice rule?”

Fang Ping thinks about it, the more it feels possible.

The first time I sacrificed the corpse of a Tier 2 monster, I took out Uchiha Shisui and obtained Mangekyo Sharingan.

The first time I sacrificed with the corpse of a Tier 3 monster, I took out Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald and obtained the Beauty of Fitzgerald, which is invincible in theory as long as there is money.

The first sacrifice with Tier 4 monsters was to take out Namikaze Minato, to obtain the opponent’s ninjutsu innate talent, and to get Flying Thunder God Jutsu and Sage Mode.

Obviously, the abilities or innate talents of the cartoon characters who took out from these 3 sacrifices are all extremely strong.

“This rule can also be used.”

Fang Ping’s heart is looking thoughtful.

This time is the Tier 5 monster corpse, and the next time it is the Morning Star monster corpse. When he is able to hunt the Morning Star monster and sacrifice with the Morning Star monster corpse, he had better prepare as needed.

If you want to obtain some kind of powerful space ability, then hunt down the space ability Morning Star monster to sacrifice.

If you want to obtain a powerful eye ability, then hunt down the Morning Star monsters with eye attributes to sacrifice.


In short, according to the sacrificial rule of “High Rank innate talent or ability can be obtained at the first sacrifice”, if you don’t offer the corresponding ability of take out, that’s all. If you offer the corresponding ability of took out, the level of the ability must be extremely high.

“Currently anime characters have Death God innate talent and Senbonzakura ability. Do you choose one to acquire?”

The majestic voice sounded, Fang Ping immediately made a choice.

“I choose the ability Senbonzakura.”

Senbonzakura, as a well-known Zanpakuto among Death Gods, is also known for being powerful among Zanpakuto. Fang Ping suspects that the formidable power of its Bankai is sufficient to reach the peak order level.

So he chose Senbonzakura without the slightest hesitation.

“The sacrificer already possesses similar abilities and is capable of fusion.”

A pink rays of light crashed into the Zanpakuto on Fang Ping’s left waist, and quickly disappeared.

Fang Ping pulled out Zanpakuto and looked towards Zanpakuto, but found that Zanpakuto not at all changed too much, as if the integration failed.

He quickly looked towards the attribute panel and saw that Haineko had disappeared and replaced by the name Zanpakuto.


[Zanpakuto, a fusion of Zanpakuto Haineko and Zanpakuto Senbonzakura, has formidable power that surpasses both.

Shikai language: Scatter: Senbonzakura.

Bankai language: Scatter: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.

Both Shikai and Bankai languages ​​have changed. They are different from the original Zanpakuto Haineko and Zanpakuto Senbonzakura. They belong to the new Zanpakuto that has never appeared before.

And the formidable power is stronger than any of Zanpakuto non-cat and Zanpakuto Senbonzakura.

“Shadow Clone Jutsu.”

Exiting the sacrifice space, Fang Ping crossed his hands to quickly seal the seal, and an identical Shadow Clone appeared.

Leave a Shadow Clone stationed at No. 5 breeding base. If there is an emergency, you can immediately use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to send a message. Fang Ping quickly leaves No. 5 breeding base with the Doa Doa no Mi ability.

He already has some impatients who want to test the formidable power of the new Zanpakuto Bankai.

After leaving the No. 5 production base, Fang Ping stopped and stepped out of the door space after 20-30 li away.

Looking around, there is a natural stone forest, surrounded by huge rocks.

“Scatter: Senbonzakura.”

Pulling out Zanpakuto, Fang Ping whispered softly, Zanpakuto’s blade shattered and turned into a 1000-handled sharp blade.

Under the moonlight, these sharp blades all appear blue, which is the color formed by mixing the gray of Haineko and the tone of Senbonzakura.

puff puff puff ——

In front of Fang Ping, a boulder more than ten meters high was wrapped by a blue sharp blade.

Next moment, the boulder was shattered under the blue sharp blade and turned into countless fine broken stones.

Then Fang Ping pronounced Bankai.

“Scatter: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.”

Bankai needs two conditions, one is to have a spiritual communication with one’s own Zanpakuto and to know the Bankai language, and the other is that one’s own realm reaches a certain level.

Because of the reason given by Monster Altar, Fang Ping has been able to achieve spiritual communication since it was acquired.

In addition, Shikai and Bankai are both written in the annotations of Zanpakuto on the attribute panel, and this condition is fully satisfied.

The second condition, Fang Ping’s current Tier 2 realm, can be considered barely satisfied.

He believes that now he should be able to use Bankai enough. Of course, it should not be possible to play the destructive power like Byakuya Kuchiki, and there is still a long way to go.

As Fang Ping uttered Bankai, the blade was released.

Zanpakuto dived into the ground as if it had melted into the water.

On the Fang Ping 2 side, one huge blade without a handle emerged from the ground. There were as many as 100 blades, and they were all crushed and turned into blue sharp blades.

The number of blue sharp blades appeared as 1000000, flying under the moonlight.

puff puff puff!

With Fang Ping as the center, an area with a diameter of more than 100 meters is shrouded, and all the rocks in this area are shattered.

The stone forest was originally full of rocks, but an open area with a diameter of more than 100 meters appeared.

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