Monster Altar

Chapter 188

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“Peak order ability!”

Fang Ping is very sure that the formidable power of Zanpakuto must have reached the peak order level.

One hit spreads more than 100 meters, this formidable power has reached Tier 5.

To make him at the top of Tier 3 have Tier 5 battle strength, it is inevitable that Zanpakuto’s ability level reaches the peak order, and it even exceeds the general peak order.

For the peak order ability, which is known for its offensive power, the criterion is that the degree of increase has reached Tier 1, which has now exceeded Tier 1, indicating that Zanpakuto’s ability level not only reaches the peak order level, but also exceeds it.

After more than ten days, Fang Ping never made another move, and the No. 5 breeding base was never attacked by Tier 5 monsters.

However, Fang Ping’s performance when he beheaded the bloodthirsty centipede of Tier 5 monsters obviously calmed other people, and no more gossip. When he saw Fang Ping, he would greet him politely or even flatteringly.

So young they already have Tier 5 battle strength, Fang Ping’s future achievements, they are destined to only look up.

It would be of great benefit to them and the family behind them if they could make good contact with each other now.

Handed over with the people who came to the station to receive the task, Fang Ping and the others returned to the Monster Countermeasures Department of Yinchuan Base City in an armored vehicle.

Submit the task in the task hall to get cash rewards and points. Fang Ping immediately goes to the points exchange office to exchange for Tier 4 Awakener potions.

The remaining points show that there are 3300 points left, 2800 of which are the tenth 8th prize on the list.

After redeeming 11 bottles of nutritional medicine, Fang Ping’s points were completely zero.

“Not enough!”

Fang Ping was helplessly sighed. I used to think that spending money was like running water, but now I feel that the points are like running water, and I really don’t use it.

Compared with money, points are the real hard currency. Many things that cannot be bought with money can be exchanged in the Monster Countermeasures Division through points.

Back at his residence, Fang Ping took out the Tier 4 Awakener potion, which was a bottle with purple medicinal liquid. After opening the cork, a fragrance of medicinal liquid came out.

The bottle is not big, he drank all the medicinal liquid in one sip, slightly bitter, like he was drinking some kind of Chinese medicine.

After drinking the medicinal liquid, he suddenly felt his whole body become hot and dry, as if there was a flame burning within the body.

His skin turned red, as if it had been scalded by hot water, heavy sweat slipped from his forehead, and the clothes on his body were quickly soaked with sweat.

An inexplicable force was washing his body, and every time he washed it, he felt his body became stronger.

What becomes stronger is not strength, nor defense, but a kind of life essence.

After half an hour, this strengthening reached its limit, and Fang Ping felt as if his body had broken through a certain limit.

His strength, his defense, are growing crazily, and this growth can be clearly known every moment.

For a moment, the growth stopped, and the enthusiasm that enveloped Fang Ping’s whole body subsided. He felt that his fleshy body was at least several times more aggressive now.

Without testing, he knew that he must be a Tier 4 Awakener now.

Tier 4 is a huge dividing line. After reaching Tier 4, the number of Awakeners decreases sharply. Therefore, Tier 4 and Awakener above Tier 4 are also known as high-end Awakeners.

For Tier 4 Awakener, each base city will give a lot of preferential treatment. In base cities like He’an Base City, it is even enough to create an Awakener family.

Of course Fang Ping is not an ordinary Tier 4 Awakener. Although he is Tier 4 now, he has Tier 5 battle strength.

Even if the Mutated Mera Mera no Mi abilities and the Mutated Hie Hie no Mi abilities are used, the formidable power is already sufficient to reach Tier 5.

Even more how is Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan and Zanpakuto whose formidable power is far stronger than the general peak order ability.


Not surprisingly, a huge earthquake occurred in the sacrifice space, and Fang Ping’s consciousness was pulled into the sacrifice space.

I saw that the altar was shaking violently, and new blood lines appeared one after another.

This description is not accurate. It is not a direct view, but a judgment from the bright red rays of light.

The formation mark of the altar has the characteristic of “not directly looking at”, and he cannot directly see the changes of the formation mark of the altar.

After a short while, the shaking ended, and the altar change ended, Fang Ping exited the sacrifice space. He wanted to know exactly how Monster Altar had changed, but he had to wait until the next sacrifice.

Because of a lot of sweat, Fang Ping picked up the tea cup next to him to add moisture.

Ka-cha ——

With a crisp sound, the tea splashed.

His strength skyrocketed, and he couldn’t retract and release as freely as before, and the tea cup was crushed by him.

“It seems that you have to familiarize yourself with the power of skyrocketing, otherwise you will suffer a lot when fighting.”

Faced with opponents with similar battle strengths, being unable to precisely control their own strength is fatal.

With a slight difference, you can prevent yourself from evading the enemy’s attack, or you can actively crash into the enemy’s attack.

Therefore, he urgently needs to be familiar with the skyrocketing power as soon as possible and achieve precise control.

Fortunately, he has not encountered such a thing. In the past, he would encounter this situation every time his realm was improved. He was already familiar with the road and knew how to accurately control his power.

The method is actually very simple, it is to use continuously, continuously familiar with one’s own skyrocketing power.

After a few days, Fang Ping was able to precisely control his soaring battle strength. There was no need to worry about suddenly crushing the tea cup when drinking water, walking on the road, and suddenly crushing the ground.

Take a trip to Lu Yu’s residence and sacrifice the monsters that Lu Yu has hunted during this period of time into sacrifice value.

The number of sacrifices reached 10000 again, but there was no ninjutsu suitable for activation.

Although there are still many ninjutsu mastered by Namikaze Minato, it is not very useful to him. It is a pity to use the precious sacrifice value to activate such ninjutsu.

Instead of this, it is better to leave it for later, he believes that there will be no less “skills” that need to be activated in the future.


Yuyang Base City, a medium-sized base city more than 500 miles away from Yinchuan Base City, with a permanent population of 1000000, is a base city with comprehensive strength equivalent to He’an Base City.

At this time, a high-level meeting of the Yuyang Base City Monster Countermeasures Division is being held.

“How is it, is there any progress?”

Sitting in the first place is a man who looks quite wealthy. He should be more than 50 years old. He is one of the deputy directors of Yuyang Base City.

Since half a year ago, there have been cases of missing Awakener in Yuyang Base City. Up to now, there have been more than 100 missing Awakener, including 2 Tier 4 Awakener.

“No, these missing people have nothing in common. They commit crimes randomly and have no purpose.”

A middle-aged woman wearing glasses shook her head and said.

“Could it be done by a high-level monster that is good at lurking?”

A man with white hair said his guess.

“No. It is inferred from the traces left on the scene that it should be the work of Awakener, and it should be a woman.”

The middle-aged woman wearing glasses shook her head, the projection instrument screen slid, and the back of a woman with wavy hair and wearing a red leather jacket and pants appeared.

“This is the only time the camera has taken pictures of the other person, but it is difficult to find the other person based on this.”

“Red leather clothes and leather pants, wavy hair?”

Seeing this photo, the man sitting in the first place burst into light in his eyes.

“is her?!”

Such a dress and such a hairstyle reminded him of a wanted one he saw when he went to the base city of Yinchuan on business a few months ago.

There are 2 people wanted, among them the woman is dressed in red leather clothes and leather pants, and wavy hair.

“Chief, you already know who she is?”

Everyone in the office looked surprised at the man sitting in the first place.

“I have already guessed it. Let’s end today’s meeting. I have something to do. Send me a copy of the photo just now.”

At the end of the meeting, the man immediately contacted the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City and posted the photos he had just seen.

After getting the photo, the Monster Countermeasures Department of Yinchuan Base City immediately hired a computer expert to compare the red clothed woman with this back.

Soon, with results, there is a 70% chance that the master of this back figure is the monster that can transform into a human form.

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