Monster Altar

Chapter 193

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Not far away, Hu Ao’er fought fiercely with the blonde woman.

Although she has a battle strength comparable to a Morning Star monster, the blonde woman is not bad at all, so she has no energy to distract him.

During the battle, she looked around and found that You Shuiying and Shu Hui had died tragically, and Lu Yu had also been seriously injured, but Fang Ping surprised him.

Not only did he kill the red clothed woman, but also evenly matched the man with the space ability.

But now facing the siege of 3 Demonic Human races, the ending is conceivable. She wants to help, but unfortunately she can’t make it.

“It’s now!”

The form fell into a disadvantage, but at this moment, Fang Ping was loudly shouting.

“Sage Mode.”

Both of his hands quickly settled, red eyeshadow appeared in both eyes, and the breath of his body skyrocketed.

Counting 100 giant knives broke out of the ground and shattered into 10000000 blue sharp blades.

The formidable power of Zanpakuto skyrocketed several times in an instant, and the sky was full of blue sharp blades.

In fact, he had already absorbed natural energy and prepared the conditions for the activation of Sage Mode, but he had not activated it.

The duration of Sage Mode is too short to be used as a regular battle strength.

So you can only choose to use it at the critical moment, as it is now, when you can kill 3 people at once.

Puff puff–

Faced with the formidable power that suddenly skyrocketed several times, a man as strong as Iron Pagoda and a woman with double ponytails were immediately injured.

Even the man with space ability was unable to dodge and was injured because of the sudden surge of the blue blade.

blue The blades are endless, and the injuries on the three of them are getting worse.


The man with space ability finally reacted and teleported out of the attack range.

However, the man as strong as the Iron Pagoda and the woman with double ponytails are about to die under the attack of Zanpakuto.


At this moment, the tall man who had never taken a shot suddenly turned around, his face showing surprise and joy like seeing the prey.


Two golden lights shot out from his eyes, and the two golden lights instantly smashed the blue blade that surrounded the Iron Pagoda man and the double ponytail woman.

The man as strong as the Iron Pagoda and the woman with two pony tails took this opportunity to retreat and escaped from the attack.

2 Everyone can’t afford to be injured, but they are alive.

“It fell short!”

Fang Ping was disappointed in his heart, no one was able to kill.

There was absolutely no wrong choice in his timing. The reason why he could not kill a single person was because the tall man reacted too quickly.


The tall man rushed towards Fang Ping quickly.

Did not reach the speed of sound, but already not far.

During running, his thin right hand, which was as thin as a bamboo pole, changed suddenly and turned into a golden sickle with several meters long.


Seeing the tall man coming, Fang Ping suddenly felt his scalp numb.

Fortunately, the effect of Sage Mode hasn’t passed yet. He hurriedly manipulated the blue knives, which had more than 10000000 million in number, to attack the tall man.


Counting 10000000 blue sharp blades collided with several meters long golden sickle, and the two erupted with a loud noise like thunder.

The tall man was slightly paused and pounced on Fang Ping again.

The broken blue blades once again gathered to surround the tall man, enclosing the tall man.


The golden sickle in the hands of the tall man rotates from left to right to draw a circle. The 10000000 blue sharp blades in a spherical shape are exploded and splashed in four directions.


Hu Ao’er looked towards Fang Ping in amazement.

Fang Ping, who originally thought he was bound to die, unexpectedly exploded with amazing battle strength.

It is as strong as the Iron Pagoda man and the double ponytail woman.

Even more so, she won’t let her fight against a tall man who makes her faintly feel dangerous.

Not only she, but even the blonde woman looked in Fang Ping’s direction in amazement, surprised that Fang Ping had hidden such battle strength.


He once again defeated the approach of the tall man, looking majestic, but Fang Ping’s heart was inwardly grumbled.

The Sage Mode effect is almost over.

Limited to Namikaze Minato’s aptitude in Sage art, Sage Mode can only last for 5 seconds.

How long can 5 seconds be?

Even if his attack speed with the tall man is extremely fast, he can only let them fight for more than ten times.

After more than ten years, Sage Mode will fade like Cinderella’s magic.


Suddenly, in the distance, two figures were rushing to this side with great momentum.

Along the way, trees, soil and rocks were swept by the strong wind caused by the running of two people, and they were blown to pieces.

The speed of the explosion reached the speed of sound.

Seeing the two people rushing quickly, Fang Ping looked happy, but the tall man had changed his face. He gave up Fang Ping decisively and quickly merged with other Demonic Human races.

Guessing that the opponent wanted to teleport and escape, Fang Ping intentionally wanted to stop it, but at this moment, the effect of Sage Mode passed, and the power quickly faded.


Under the teleportation of the spatially capable man, several people disappeared, and then the spatially capable man teleported again.

Teleport first appeared beside the blonde woman, then with the blonde woman, teleport appeared beside the red-haired woman.


Lu Yun shot the giant silver hand to intercept 3 people.


The red clothed woman was blocked by the wild beast giant claws, and the three of them disappeared under the teleportation of the spatially capable man.

The two Morning Star powerhouses finally arrived, but there was only the broken ground after the war, and all the Demonic Human races had disappeared without a trace.

2 people rushed in anxiously, without hiding their whereabouts at all. Fortunately, otherwise, Fang Ping might have to explain here today.

Two Morning Star powerhouses, one of them is the deputy director Qin Lan that Fang Ping has met, and the other is an old man, also the deputy director, named Tao Lianghan.

The corpses of You Shuiying and Shu Hui have been swallowed by the Demonic Human race who killed them. Not at all the corpses are left at the scene.

However, two people know who are in Fang Ping’s party, and after a glance, they have determined that two of the list geniuses were killed, and the skeleton doesn’t exist.


2 people clenched their fists, their faces were green.

These two people are the seeds of the Morning Star in the future, but they have not grown up yet, so they died.

“It’s pretty good.”

Lu Yun shook her head. Although she was also very sorry for the death of the two Morning Star seeds, she knew very well how bad Fang Ping and the others had been before.

She originally thought that in the end, I was afraid that only Hu Ao’er could survive, only 2 people died, and 3 people survived, which made her very lucky.

She looked at Fang Ping with appreciation in her eyes.

Although fighting at a distance before, she still noticed the situation here, and she knew what was happening here.

Lu Yu survived because Fang Ping’s sudden outbreak attracted the attention of other Demonic Human races.

“If Fang Ping’s strength had not exceeded the estimates of the Demonic Human race this time, I am afraid that only Hu Ao’er would survive.”

She sighed.

“Fang Ping?”

Qin Lan and Tao Lianghan looked at Fang Ping, with gaze in their eyes.

Among the five list geniuses, Fang Ping’s ranking was the lowest, but he survived, and his injuries were not serious, which really surprised them.

“Although his ranking is only 8 on the top ten list, his real battle strength should be able to enter the top ten on the list.”

“Before you came, there had been other battle strengths at Fifth Level before the list, but this kind of battle strength shouldn’t last, right?”

As the Morning Star powerhouse, Lu Yun is keenly aware of the weakness of Fang Ping’s breath.


Fang Ping nodded and admitted that he knew that this kind of thing could not be hidden from Morning Star powerhouse.

And he estimated that the Morning Star powerhouse of the Demonic Human race might have been noticed.

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