Monster Altar

Chapter 194

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“Will this matter be related to Yuyang Base City?”

Qin Lan said solemnly.

“It shouldn’t matter, Yuyang Base City should be used!”

Lu Yun shook his head.

“Go back and talk.”

Naturally, there is no need to go to Yuyang Base City. The 3 Morning Star powerhouses took 3 Fang Ping and returned to Yinchuan Base City.

More than ten minutes later, the six people returned to the base city of Yinchuan.

The three Morning Star powerhouses urgently summoned the top of the Monster Countermeasures Division to prepare for a high-level meeting, and the three Fang Ping asked them to return.

Although not at all to complete the search task, this time is due to the mistakes of the Monster Countermeasures Division, and it also put Fang Ping and the others in danger.

Lu Yun stated before leaving that the task bonus and points will not be less, and will be compensated appropriately.

Although knowing that there will be generous rewards in the future, Fang Ping’s mood still does not improve at all.

This time experience is a rare life and death crisis since he became an Awakener.

With the ability like Monster Altar, he walked all the way, although there have been some waves, but it is smooth.

But this time was different, it was a real life-and-death crisis, and in the end, if the rescue didn’t arrive in time, he would definitely be dead.

I have lingering palpitations, even now, I still can’t help feeling a cold back.

After a glance at Hu Ao’er and Lu Yu, in addition to Hu Ao’er, who is powerful and self-reliant and has the means of self-protection, Lu Yu also has a lingering fear.

Although he had shared adversities, Fang Ping had no intention of talking and was about to leave and return to his residence.

But at this moment, Hu Ao’er walked towards him and said.

“Leave a phone call to each other?”

“it is good.”

Fang Ping glanced at Hu Ao’er unexpectedly, nodded and took out his phone.

When the other party saw them yesterday, although they were not arrogant, they were not interested in talking at all. Now they are asking to leave the phone.

The reason for this is obviously because in the previous battle, the strength he showed has been recognized by the opponent or aroused the other’s interest.

They left phone calls with each other, and the two people left without talking too much. From start to finish, neither of them exchanged phone calls with Lu Yu.

Fang Ping is because of this personality, not the kind of person who likes to make friends everywhere, and Hu Ao’er is obviously because Lu Yu didn’t arouse her interest.

Returning to his residence, Fang Ping lay on the soft sofa, recalling the battle today and considering the weaknesses he exposed during the battle.

For others, weakness is still a weakness, and it is difficult to change it. After all, Awakener’s ability is not transferred by will, and it is impossible to know what ability will be obtained next time Awakener.

But it is different for Fang Ping. After discovering a weakness, he can make up for this weakness by hunting a certain type of monster and offering a certain type of ability to take out.

“The means of life-saving is too single!”

Soon, Fang Ping found the weakness he exposed in the battle.

Today, his strongest life-saving method is undoubtedly the space ability. With this ability, he has turned peril into safety many times.

But this kind of life-saving method is too singular. If you encounter an enemy who can confine space, as it is today, you are likely to fall into crisis.

He needs other types of life-saving methods.

Like the speed type, he has a speed that even Morning Star can’t catch up.

Such as the ability of Earth Element, can’t beat the ground and escape directly.


In short, he needs a life-saving method beyond the ability of space.

“The duration of Sage Mode is too short.”

The second weakness is the duration of Sage Mode.

Sage Mode is his most powerful hole card at the moment, but unfortunately, it has the disadvantage of too short duration.

To make up for this shortcoming, the only way to get the ninjutsu innate talent of anime characters who are good at “Sage art”.

After summarizing the weaknesses, Fang Ping couldn’t help but think of the red clothed woman he killed.

“What a pity the body of the red clothed woman!”

Before leaving, the Demonic Human race took away the body of the red clothed woman.

The corpse of a Tier 5 monster, and it is also a special race among the monsters. If it is used as a sacrifice, the probability of offering a good ability or innate talent should be very high.

It’s a pity that life was almost gone at the time, so there was no strength to snatch the body of the red clothed woman.

“In order to make up for my weakness, I need to hunt monsters to sacrifice, and to see the changes in Monster Altar, I also need to hunt monsters to sacrifice. It seems that I have to hunt monsters to sacrifice as soon as possible.”

Fang Ping concluded that the focus of the next period of time has become obvious, that is, hunting monsters.

However, thinking of what happened today, he couldn’t help but feel worried.

“After experiencing what happened today, I am afraid I will be targeted by the Demonic Human race.”

Regarding my performance today in the battle with the Demonic Human race, I don’t want to blow it up. Although it is not as dazzling as Hu Ao’er, it is certainly quite eye-catching.

If he can, he really doesn’t want to be so eye-catching, but in that form, he can’t help but keep a low profile.

He estimated that after today, he will be focused on by the Demonic Human race. If he goes out to do a task, he may be killed by the Demonic Human race.

“Right, Body-Transformation Technique.”

Fang Ping thought of the E-rank Ninjutsu Body-Transformation Technique that cost 30 points to activate.

After activation, it was only used when learning ninjutsu, and then never used again. After all, he does not engage in assassination or infiltration, and even if he does, he has a more useful Doa Doa no Mi ability.

Now this situation is very suitable for use.

“Body-Transformation Technique.”

Fang Ping both hands forming seals, accompanied by a burst of white smoke, he became a very handsome, handsome and a bit of an extremely young man.

This young man is Yao Jun.

“Not bad……”

After looking at himself in the mirror, Fang Ping nodded very satisfied.

The effect of Body-Transformation Technique is perfect, he can’t see the slightest weak spot.

Such a ninjutsu only has 30 sacrifice points, which is simply worth the money. This is probably the most cost-effective ninjutsu among his activated ninjutsu.

On the second day, Fang Ping’s mission rewards and compensation were placed on the Fang Ping card, a total of 2, plus 16010000 points.

A lot of money, and credits, but there is nothing wrong with it, after all, it is a hard work.

At the same time, Fang Ping’s ranking has changed.

Because of the deaths of You Shuiying and Shu Hui, his ranking has risen by 2 places, becoming the 16th on the list, earning 3000 points every month.

“You can go!”

With the Body-Transformation Technique, Fang Ping transformed into a middle-aged man, cast Flying Thunder God Jutsu, and he appeared outside the city.

not at all To take the task, you need to register your identity. If you take the task, there is no silver 3002 here.

After leaving the city, he headed away from the base city of Yinchuan. If there is the highest probability of encountering monsters in any area, it is naturally far away from the base city of Yinchuan, outside the radiation range of the base city of Yinchuan.

But the only bad thing is that in addition to being able to get the body of the monster, not at all bounty and points.

Nowadays, there is no need to consider the issue of bounty and points. To hunt monsters, naturally, you have to go outside the radiation range of Yinchuan Base City.

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