Monster Altar

Chapter 195

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After running in the wilderness for more than 2 hours, Fang Ping left the radiation area of ​​Yinchuan base city.

Not at all Driving with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Flying Thunder God Jutsu has become his iconic ability. If it is used and discovered, it is easy to associate it with him.

Leaving the radiation area of ​​Yinchuan Base City, he walked in the mountains and forests, only the fragrance of flowers and no birds, the existence of monsters caused serious damage to the natural ecology.

Even with Kenbunshoku Haki, he can only occasionally spot small animals hiding in the forest.


There was the sound of water in front of him, Fang Ping walked in the direction of the sound, and a stream appeared in front of him.

He washed his face with stream water. The cold stream water made him feel refreshed, and he went up the stream.

“There are monsters!”

After traveling 4 kilometers, he made a discovery. His Kenbunshoku Haki sensed the sound of the monster.

The sound of the monster comes from 3 kilometers away. With the realm reaching Tier 4, Kenbunshoku Haki is enough to cover the 3 kilometers centered on him.

“This kind of breath strength should be a Tier 3 monster.”

Fang Ping rushed to where the monster was.

Monster Altar is upgraded. This Tier 3 monster may no longer be a sacrifice, but it still needs a Tier 3 monster to verify it.

Moreover, if you can kill a monster, you will never let it go. This is the most basic Awakener rule. This is applicable to Fiend Hunter, to the Awakener family, and to the monster countermeasures department.

A few minutes later, Fang Ping found the monster, which was more than 3 meters tall and standing on two legs.

The monster has no hair on its body, it has rock-hard skin, and its hands and feet are extremely thick, as if it were wearing huge fists and huge shoes.

This is the Tier 3 monster stone monkey demon, a monster known for its strength. The rock-like skin on its body has a strong defense, and it can turn into a rock at a critical moment, immune to physical attacks.

This is a monster that can be transformed into a specific element like Fang Ping and immune to physical attacks.

A Tier 3 monster naturally cannot threaten Fang Ping, and Fang Ping approached the stone monkey demon without hiding his whereabouts.


The stone monkey demon found Fang Ping, roared, and rushed towards Fang Ping, like a hand with a huge glove, hammering towards Fang Ping.

Fang Ping is not evasive, it is also punched out, and the fist, which is ten times smaller than the stone demon, collides with the stone demon’s fist.


With a blast, there was a strong wind, and the surrounding trees were swept by the strong wind, and all the leaves disappeared, leaving only the bare branches.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

The stone monkey demon’s body is more than 3 meters high and has its hind legs. Tree after tree is broken by it. The giant fist that collides with Fang Ping’s fist is a torn skin and gaping flesh.

Fang Ping’s physical power is not weak. The excellent Taijutsu innate talent has given him the physical power of middle order, but he rarely uses it in normal times.

Because the opponents he encountered were basically realm stronger than his opponents.

In the face of such an opponent, it is difficult for Taijutsu innate talents whose growth rate only reaches the middle order to be useful. Only high order ability, even peak order ability, can compete with such an opponent.

However, with his current Tier 4 Awakener realm, using physical power to deal with Tier 3 monsters is more than enough.

Quickly catching up with the backing stone monkey demon, Fang Ping raised his right foot and fiercely kicked the stone monkey demon’s abdomen.

The stone monkey demon flew up, broke a lot of trees, and flew to a few beyond ten meters.

In the abdomen, a bloody wound appeared again.

Before the stone monkey demon could get up, Fang Ping had appeared next to the fallen stone monkey demon, with his right foot kicking at the head of the stone monkey demon from top to bottom.

Ka-cha ——

The head of the stone monkey demon shattered under Fang Ping’s foot, but the stone monkey demon was not at all dead. Instead, it was surrounded by two arms and wanted to lock Fang Ping.

Fang Ping stepped back a few steps, avoiding the locks of Stone Monkey Demon’s arms.

He is not surprised that the Stone Ape is not dead. He knows that the Stone Ape possesses incarnation rocks and is immune to physical attacks.

Knowing this, I still choose to use Taijutsu, in order to use Taijutsu that has not been used for a long time.

Taijutsu this thing, it will be unfamiliar if it is not used for a long time.

Avoiding the lock of the stone monkey demon, Fang Ping walked around to the other side of the stone monkey demon, attached to the black Busoshoku Haki on the right hand, punched out.

Hong long!

The fist attached to Busoshoku Haki hammered the stone demon ape’s head.

Under Busoshoku Haki, the head of the stone monkey demon could no longer maintain elementalization, and the head was sunken inward under the huge force.

Blood and white matter flowed from the 7 orifices of the stone monkey demon, and the stone monkey demon died after convulsing.

After attaching to Busoshoku Haki, the formidable power of Fang Ping this fist skyrocketed.

The degree of increase is sufficient to achieve high order, and among high order, it is also quite the top one.

Coupled with hitting the key, so the simple ordinary punch will kill the stone monkey demon.

“Busoshoku Haki’s increase effect is significantly stronger than Taijutsu. Is Busoshoku Haki naturally stronger than Taijutsu innate talent?”

Standing beside the corpse of the stone monkey demon, Fang Ping frowned.

Busoshoku Haki’s growth rate is sufficient to achieve high order, but Taijutsu innate talent’s growth rate can only reach the middle order. Is the gap between the two innate talents a natural gap?

“Will it be the reason for the innate talent level?”

Fang Ping suddenly thought of a possibility.

The level of Taijutsu innate talent is excellent, and the innate talent of Busoshoku Haki is very excellent. The increase in Busoshoku Haki is stronger than that of Taijutsu innate talent. Is it related to the level of innate talent?

The level of innate talent determines the degree of increase of this innate talent?

Perhaps the reason why Busoshoku Haki’s growth rate can reach the high order is that the innate talent level has reached very excellent. If the innate talent level of Taijutsu innate talent is also raised to very excellent, it may be able to increase the growth rate of Taijutsu to high order. .

Taijutsu and Busoshoku Haki are two abilities that can be perfectly combined. This conclusion can be drawn from the anime One Piece.

If both Taijutsu and Busoshoku Haki’s growth rates reach high order, it may be able to trigger a qualitative change, so that the growth rate can reach peak order, which is comparable to peak order capabilities.

The more I thought about Fang Ping, the more possible it was, and I decided to have a chance to try in the future.

Then he looked at the corpse of the stone monkey demon and put it into the sacrifice space for sacrifice.

“The sacrifice level is too low, the sacrifice failed!”

As he expected, after realm reaches Tier 4, Tier 3 monsters can no longer be used as sacrifices.

Leaving and continuing to search for monsters. At noon, Fang Ping had encountered 5 monsters in a row.

They are all monsters of Tier 3 and below.

Among human beings, Awakener above high-level are generally rare, and among monsters, monsters above high-level are also rare.

Fortunately, if monsters of higher rank and higher among the monsters gather together, there is no room for human beings to survive, and human beings would have already perished.

After eating some dry food, Fang Ping continued to search. After a few hours, suddenly, he changed his face, opened the space inside the door, and hid inside the door.

Just shortly after he hid in the inner space of the door.

In the sky, a huge strange bird flew over, with a wingspan of more than ten meters, no feathers, and disgusting meat bumps on its body.

A strong aura spreads wantonly, and the already extremely silent mountain forest has become even more silent.

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