Monster Altar

Chapter 196

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The speed of the strange bird is extremely fast, it has exceeded the speed of sound, and it will soon go away and disappear.

Fang Ping walked out of the space inside the door and took a solemn glance at the direction where the strange bird disappeared. It was a Morning Star monster.

Within the radiation area of ​​Yinchuan Base City, there is the Morning Star powerhouse. Once a Morning Star monster breaks in, there will be a Morning Star powerhouse rushing to kill. The probability of encountering a Morning Star monster can be said to be very small.

But it is different outside the radiation range, from the Morning Star monsters to the Tier 1 monsters, monsters of any level may be encountered.

In fact, the last time he encountered the Morning Star monster guarding Frost fruit, it was also outside the radiation range of Yinchuan Base City.

2 days later.

Hiding in the door space, Fang Ping observes a monster outside.

There are more than five meters in the shape of magic objects, and the whole body is full of thorns and spikes.

There is a long Fairy Tail mopping the floor. At the end of the Fairy Tail, there is actually a ferocious snake head, occasionally swallowing a snake core, revealing 2 long fangs.

This is a monster that Fang Ping has never seen before, but judging from the sound it has sensed before, it should be a Tier 5 monster.

“After all, it’s a Tier 5 monster, so I can’t underestimate it, it’s better to be cautious.”

Fang Ping quickly formed the seal with both hands, and an identical Shadow Clone appeared.

Tier 5 monsters have strengths and weaknesses.

Weak, such as the Tier 5 monster bloodthirsty centipede that Fang Ping encountered before, powerful, and the battle strength is even comparable to top Tier 5 like Hu Ao’er.

Of course, such monsters are very rare.

To be on the safe side, he decided to use Shadow Clone to test this monster and explore its strength and abilities.


Shadow Clone jumped out from behind the thorn monster, Mutated Mera Mera no Mi’s ability was used, and a huge flame fist hammered the thorn monster back.

The thorn monster reacted extremely swiftly, immediately aware of the sneak attack from behind, and dodged to avoid it.

However, Fang Ping Shadow Clone appeared too suddenly, and the distance was so close, the thorn monster had not had time to evade, it was hit by a punch.


The blazing flame hit the thorn monster, and the thorn monster was blown off on fire, and a scorched smell came out from the thorn monster.

A lot of trees were broken, the thorn monster flew to a few beyond ten meters, and the flame on the buttocks was gradually extinguished because it lost the Fang Ping ability.

The thorn monster turned around and looked at Fang Ping Shadow Clone, his eyes were blood red, and Fang Ping could even see the anger in the eyes of the opponent.

This is a monster with a high IQ.

puff puff puff!

Suddenly, around Fang Ping Shadow Clone, a total of 100 non-metallic and non-earth spikes pierced from the ground, and each one stretched to a few ten meters in an instant, making Fang Ping’s Shadow Clone instantly Lost the escape space.


A throwing knives flew out of the Fang Ping Shadow Clone and flew towards the thorn monster. With this throwing knives, the Fang Ping Shadow Clone escaped from the spikes and approached the thorn monster.

Mutated Hie Hie no Mi’s ability was used, and the ice spread, and it froze on the thorn monster, freezing the thorn monster into an ice sculpture.

But before Fang Ping Shadow Clone could take any further action, a large number of spikes suddenly pierced from the thorn monster, the ice was pierced, and even more spikes spread towards Fang Ping.

Moreover, in the surrounding void, spikes after another suddenly appeared, covering a large area centered on the thorn monster.

And the flying knife with flying thunder divine technique is also shrouded in this area.

puff puff puff!

With a volley of spikes, Fang Ping Shadow Clone and the thorn monster are all shrouded in the shooting range, and the thorn monster seems to want to be together with Fang Ping Shadow Clone perish.

However, I quickly understood the reason. There were spikes that shot on the thorn monster, but it was as if it melted into the water. It merged into the thorn monster within the body, without causing any damage to the thorn monster.

In the door space, Fang Ping Shadow Clone teleported back, Fang Ping released the Shadow Clone and restored his peak battle strength.

The purpose of the temptation has been achieved, and he has a general understanding of the thorny monster’s ability.

The thorny ability possessed by the opponent restrains Susanoo to a certain extent.

For today’s Susanoo, the feet are where the weakness lies, and the thorny ability of thorn monsters can be pierced from the feet.

Fortunately, Shadow Clone was used to test this out, otherwise, when fighting, you might suffer a loss.

Leaping out of the space inside the door, Fang Ping sprayed his feet with flames, allowing himself to stand in the air.

Seeing Fang Ping disappeared under the attack, and now suddenly appeared again, the thorn monster immediately launched an attack.

A large number of thorn spikes appeared around Fang Ping, volleying towards Fang Ping.

Fang Ping pulled out Zanpakuto from his waist and sang in a low voice.

“Scatter: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.”

Zanpakuto fell to the ground, merged into the ground, and 100 giant knives rose from the ground, smashing into several millions blue sharp blades.

Rotate quickly around Fang Ping.

All the thorns and thorns that struck were shattered under the blue sharp blade, and the blue sharp blade surrounded the thorn monster.

The blue blade, with a dreamlike color under the sun, is extremely beautiful, but also extremely dangerous.

puff puff puff!

There were multiple wounds on the thorn monster. Although each wound was not deep, the combination of the numerous wounds suddenly made the wound extremely serious.


The thorn monster screamed, and suddenly, its body melted into the mud and disappeared.

“You still have the Earth escape ability? No, this monster is ready to escape.”

Under Fang Ping’s manipulation, the mud was shoveled away, and the thorn monsters that were fleeing in the mud reappeared.

A large number of blue sharp blades formed a huge sphere, surrounding the thorn monster, leaving one after another wound on the thorn monster.


The thorn monster roared in pain, and a large number of spikes flew around it for 4 weeks. The spherical shape was cut open, and the thorn monster continued to sneak into the soil and escape.

But under the Kenbunshoku Haki of Fang Ping, it had nowhere to hide, and the blue sharp blade broke through the soil again and surrounded the thorny monster.

After several times, the thorn monster could no longer see a good place, and was soaked in blood, lying on the ground, convulsing, its breath getting weaker and weaker.

Fang Ping stood in the distance and waited until the breath had completely disappeared before recalling Zanpakuto and walking towards the thorn monster.

“It’s a surprise to have Earth Element ability.”

Fang Ping this time Going out to hunt monsters has 2 goals.

The first goal is to observe the changes in Monster Altar.

The second goal is to gain abilities such as Earth escape through sacrifice and increase your life-saving method.

The thorn monster has the Earth Element ability. According to the sacrificial rules, it is possible to sacrifice the thorn monster and offer the ability to take out Earth escape.

If you can offer the take out Earth escape ability, these two goals will be completed.

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