Monster Altar

Chapter 197

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Taking the body of the thorn monster into the sacrifice space, Fang Ping teleported back to the residence of the Monster Countermeasures Division with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, and some impatients offered sacrifices.


The body of the thorn monster disappeared under the blood-colored flames, and the blood-colored altar was lit up with the blood-colored rays of light 7 meters high.

In the sky, one after another stars lit up, and the stars were shining.

Fang Ping glanced, and unexpectedly discovered that the number of stars, not at all, had decreased.

In other words, this change is not about the increase in the probability of getting good innate talent or ability.

Just when Fang Ping wondered how Monster Altar had changed, a majestic voice sounded.

“You can choose to sacrifice the world. Should you choose to sacrifice the world?”

“You can choose to sacrifice the world, what does that mean?”

Fang Ping’s head was a little confused, and he didn’t understand the meaning of the majestic voice for a while.

However, he soon had a guess.

“After choosing Sacrifice to the world, will the anime character who offered the take out be designated as the anime character of this World?”

A sharp light flashed in Fang Ping’s eyes.

If it is as he thought, then this time Monster Altar’s changes, the benefits can be said to be great, even greater than the previous few upgrades.

“Is that right? You will know after trying.”

Thinking like this in his heart, Fang Ping said aloud.

“I choose One Piece world.”

As Fang Ping made his choice, as many as 10000 stars in the sky changed, and many stars disappeared. In the end, there were only a few 100 stars in the sky.


One of the stars shoots down a black beam, which turns into each and everyone. The child is very short, with a round head, and a person with a cat ear structure on his head.

Name: Tanaka-san

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: excellent


Nuke Nuke no Mi: Can go through all non-lifeform.

Tanaka-san, an anime character appearing in One Piece Golden City.

There is no doubt that this is the anime character in the One Piece world he chose.

That is to say, as he guessed, if a certain world is chosen, the cartoon characters who sacrifice summon must come from this world.


Fang Ping has joy in his eyes.

After many upgrades, many innate talents or anime characters with poor abilities have disappeared from the stars, and the probability of sacrificing good innate talents or abilities has increased.

However, there is one situation that cannot be avoided, that is, the cartoon characters who have taken out come from a non-combat world, and they have innate talents or abilities that are not suitable for combat.

Do these cartoon characters possess innate talent or abilities?

Absolutely high. If he is in a world similar to the opponent, he will definitely be able to reach the pinnacle of life with the ability and innate talent of the opponent.

But his current world is a world with monsters, Demonic Human race, aquatic.

Such innate talents or abilities are severely dissatisfied in this World.

Now that it’s good, you can choose world, then you can avoid showing anime characters like take out.

“This is definitely the most useful one of Monster Altar’s several upgrades and changes.”

The previous upgrades only reduced the number of stars, which increased the probability of obtaining good innate talents or abilities, and did not cause a qualitative change.

However, the upgrade at this time has caused a qualitative change. You can choose to sacrifice the world, and you can completely avoid taking out, the cartoon characters in the cartoon world that you don’t need.

What sunspot’s basketball, what diamond ace, what baseball Prince? You can leave him now.

After the excitement, Fang Ping looked at the cartoon characters who had taken out.

“There are some losses, but fortunately, the ability suits me well.”

In Fang Ping’s view, there is some loss in Fang Ping’s view of using the body of a Tier 5 monster to offer anime characters like took out Tanaka-san.

“Does choosing to sacrifice the world reduce the probability of getting a good innate talent or ability?”

Fang Ping was thinking, but soon shook the head again.

It is only the first time to choose to sacrifice the world, nothing can be determined, and only when there are more sacrifices in the future can it be determined whether this is the case.

“I choose Nuke Nuke no Mi.”

Fang Ping made a choice, a black rays of light shot out from Tanaka-san’s body and penetrated into Fang Ping within the body, Fang Ping suddenly felt something different.

That feeling is like the fish return to the sea, there is a feeling that no place can stop me, and I can go anywhere.

Leaving the sacrifice space, he walked towards the wall of the living room, black light appeared on his body, next moment, he walked through the wall and appeared in the bedroom.

Looking back at the wall, there was no damage. He did not damage the wall, but he passed through the wall.

“If I had this ability when I encountered the Demonic Human race ambush before, I wouldn’t be so passive.”

Fang Ping is fairly satisfied with the acquired ability.

This ability can be worn anywhere, the only place that cannot be worn is the lifeform.

“I have eaten dry food for 2 days in a row. Treat yourself to me today.”

After taking a shower and refreshed, Fang Ping left the residence and went to a restaurant near the residence.

The restaurant is not big, but the interior decoration is extremely delicate.

The warm color style gives people a warm feeling, and when you enter it, you can’t help but feel relaxed and happy.

“It’s really expensive.”

Picking up the menu, Fang Ping looked at the price of the menu. He couldn’t help but be speechless. Like the rumors, it was really expensive.

Even if it is the same vegetarian dish, the price can reach 1000, while the price of meat dishes ranges from 1000 to 10000.

“A braised steak with rice.”

After some consideration, Fang Ping ordered a braised steak for 3000.

The food here is expensive for a reason, because the master who cooks is an Awakener who is capable of cooking.

The ability of the opponent and the cooking skills can increase the deliciousness of the dishes by several levels.

It has gone beyond the scope of deliciousness in the general sense and can give people the ultimate enjoyment.

Because of this, the food here is so expensive.

In a short while, the braised beef ordered by Fang Ping was brought up.

Fang Ping can’t help but swallowed saliva and said with a strong fragrance. The color, fragrance, and flavor are all delicious. Before eating, there is already a delicious signal in the brain.

I picked a piece with chopsticks, stuffed it in my mouth, chewed, the juice came out, the ultimate deliciousness exploded on my tongue.

3 5 After a few mouthfuls, he swallowed it, Fang Ping re-clamped a piece and stuffed it into his mouth. It was too delicious to stop.

It’s no wonder that the sale is so expensive and it hasn’t closed down, and many people still come to eat.

When Fang Ping stopped, a large dish of braised beef had been swept away by Fang Ping, and several bowls of rice had been eaten.

He hiccups with satisfaction, and the 3000 yuan is not a loss.

Drinking tea after dinner, Fang Ping was about to leave, but after hearing the conversation from a table next to him, he stopped again.

“Have you heard that there is a major event.”

A middle order young man said to his friend next to him.

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