Monster Altar

Chapter 198

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Next to him, there was a man about his age with stud earrings on his ears. He couldn’t help asking when he heard what he said.

“What happened?”

“Li Pengling is wanted.”

The middle order man said.

“Li Pengling, Li Pengling on the 23rd?”

The man wearing earrings asked doubtfully.

“Yes, it is him.”

The middle order young man nodded.

Li Pengling, the 22nd on the original list, fell off the list after being defeated by Fang Ping, then challenged the 23rd and won the 23rd.

But soon he was defeated by Lan Ning and dropped off the list again.

After that, Lan Ning died, and he once again won the 23rd place on the list.

“What is going on?”

The man with earrings asked.

“Crime against humanity, that guy secretly killed a large number of Awakener, and was judged as a crime against humanity by the Monster Countermeasures Division.”

The middle order man said.

“Crimes against humanity, how could it be?”

The man with earrings sucked in a cold breath.

Awakener are people, and they are a group of people with extraordinary powers.

As long as it is human, there will be grievances and grievances. For disputes between the Awakener, as long as it is not done too much, the base cities will turn a blind eye.

However, if it is extremely vicious and kills innocent people, the monster countermeasures departments of each base city will intervene. The degree of interference is divided into multiple levels, and crimes against humanity are the most serious.

There is no room for commutation, and the death penalty will be executed immediately once discovered.

“Why not? That guy is smiling all day long, and he is not a good person at first glance. He has long felt that there is a problem with that guy. I didn’t expect it to be the case.”

The middle order man sneered.

Fang Ping stood up, checked out and left the restaurant, already having a guess in his mind.

“Really a crime against humanity? No, it is a crime against humanity to be precise. After all, he is not a human being.”

Just after encountering the ambush of the Demonic Human race, the Monster Countermeasures Division immediately issued a wanted for Li Pengling. He was charged with crimes against humanity. It is hard not to let him link the two.

Because of the ambush, the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City was furious and conducted an investigation on the base city. During the process, it was likely that Li Pengling was not a human, but a Demonic Human race hidden among humans.

There is another reason for Fang Ping’s judgment. Lan Ning once said that it was Li Pengling who told her to avoid the Illusion Technique by avoiding the line of sight.

The Demonic Human race who played against him a few days ago also knew to use this method to evade his Illusion Technique.

The known results were reversed, and he could not help but discover this weak spot.

In a valley full of red-leaf trees, a thin-faced youngster stands in front of a huge dirt bag. He is Li Pengling who is wanted for crimes against humanity.

“Red-clothed, why are you so aggressive?”

“Blam me, I know you like to be strong, but I haven’t stopped you yet.”

“Do you remember here? This is where we first met.”


There was no smile on his face, and he murmured in a low voice, as if he was recounting the old with Old Friend.

This stay was one day, one night. The sun rose and shone on his face. His face was smiling again, but his eyes were as cold as 10000 years of ice.

“Don’t worry, you won’t be lonely, I will let that human come with you soon.”

He turned and walked outside towards the mountain valley.

1 month later, the incident of the Demonic Human race attack gradually subsided. Of course, in fact, only a few people really knew about it.

What calmed down the tense atmosphere in Yinchuan base city, the search for Li Pengling stopped.

I searched the base city back and forth several times, but still did not find the other party, the other party should already not be in the base city.

Fang Ping came to the mission, ready to take the mission.

Although there is a crisis of being watched by the Demonic Human race, he was impossible to be bitten by a snake for ten years, and he has not left the base city of Yinchuan for ten years.

Moreover, now, his life-saving means is not only the spatial ability, but also the Nuke Nuke no Mi ability. In a crisis, he can use the Nuke Nuke no Mi ability to escape.

Of course, the most important point is that he had already received a task before that, which was the “reservation task” of the last time.

Scanning across the huge task screen, Fang Ping is looking for a suitable task.

“It’s better to take garrison-type missions, easy, you don’t need to do anything.”

“For others, in order to prevent emergencies, they must stay in the office and wait boringly.”

“But it’s different for me. With Shadow Clone, I can completely let Shadow Clone guard me and go out to hunt monsters by myself.”

“Flying Thunder God Jutsu also allows me to get news in time to rush back in case of emergencies.”

Fang Ping found that he already liked some of these garrison missions, which were simply tailor-made for him.

He immediately accepted such a garrison mission. The place where he was garrisoned was No. 6 Grain Base, one of the granaries in Yinchuan Base City.

Soon after Fang Ping took over the mission, Fang Ping received the mission’s message, and after several rounds, it fell into the hands of Li Pengling.

It was not the Demonic Human race who passed the message to him, but a few humans.

They are all people controlled by their abilities. This is a kind of ability similar to other gods, but not at all the other gods are as domineering, and their will is completely changed, even one level higher is effective.

This ability is to wipe out the spirit of people who are far below their own strength, and then multi-task and manipulate from a long distance.

In the morning a few days later, Fang Ping went to meet the other people who took the mission.

Not at all encounters acquaintances again, there are many Awakeners in the monster countermeasures department, and the probability of encountering acquaintances is still very small.

Arrive at the No. 6 grain base by car in a unified manner, and transfer to the original stationed personnel, arrange shifts, and Fang Ping temporarily stays at the No. 6 grain base.

I spent several days in peace, not to mention the Tier 5 monsters, not even the Tier 4 monsters.


The sun sets in the west, the afterglow shines, and another day is about to end.


Suddenly, a kind of space fluctuation that only Fang Ping can detect has spread, and within a very short time, the entire No. 6 grain base has been covered.

“Sure enough?”

Fang Ping tried to use the abilities of Flying Thunder God Jutsu and Doa Doa no Mi, but found that they could no longer be used.

I contacted the Monster Countermeasures Division by phone, and found that I couldn’t make the call. I didn’t know whether the signal tower was destroyed or the signal was blocked.

The special instrument in the hands of Morning Star powerhouse can shield the breakthrough signal, but unfortunately he is not at all in his hands.

“The enemy attacked, everyone went to the basement to escape!”

He jumped out of the office and gave a warning. The powerful lung capacity of the Tier 4 Awakener made his voice sound like a loudspeaker, and the entire No. 6 grain base could be heard clearly.

Choosing a direction at random, he quickly rushed out of the No. 6 grain base. Not long after he rushed out, accompanied by light and shadow, two figures intercepted him.

One of the silhouettes is a man with spatial ability, and the other silhouette is Li Pengling.

“Fang Ping, why are you walking in such a hurry?”

Li Pengling smiled and greeted Fang Ping, just like an Old Friend I haven’t seen for a long time.

It’s just that his eyes are icy, as if to freeze Fang Ping.

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