Monster Altar

Chapter 199

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“When I was about to kill the red clothed woman, you should be mine for the sneak attack?”

Fang Ping stopped. In the face of teleporting ability, he couldn’t win by relying on his legs.

And he didn’t plan to flee, his purpose was just to stay away from the food base and avoid damage to the food base.

“Red clothed woman? Her name is red-clothed, and her name is red-clothed.”

Hearing Fang Ping mentioning the red clothed woman, Li Pengling’s eyes flashed with grief and said.

“I don’t want her to even have a name in other people’s memory.”

“Red-clothed, I remember.”

Fang Ping nodded. Although the opponent is an enemy, although it is a Demonic Human race, it is still a Tier 5 powerhouse after all. Remembering the other’s name is a respect for the powerhouse.

“Resolve it as soon as possible. Although the signal has been blocked, there may be other means to notify the Monster Countermeasures Division!”

The man with spatial ability said, and then a teleport appeared in the distance.

“Duankong, thanks.”

Li Pengling thanked him and looked at Fang Ping. The ice in his eyes was even more piercing. After waiting for a month, it was finally time for revenge.


Fang Ping would naturally not be polite to those who came to kill him. While the other party was still talking, he had already made a sudden move.

Susanoo used his third form and turned into a green giant with an upper body wearing armor.

The spiral sword spun quickly, and a large number of green arrows flew out and attacked Li Pengling.

Li Pengling did not escape, the ground squirmed and turned into a huge rock python.

The rock python is made of rocks, and the thick rocks are like layers of armor, superimposed on it.

This is the ability that I used in my last fight with Fang Ping.

It’s just that compared to that time, the rock python is undoubtedly bigger, with a body length of more than 20 meters.

Obviously, when he was challenged by Fang Ping, he was hiding his strength.

He is hidden in the base city of Yinchuan, obviously not wanting to be too prominent.


The giant tail struck out, reaching the speed of sound, rolling up visible ripples of air.

Peng –

All the green arrows were taken away.

The rock python quickly slid towards Fang Ping with the rumbling sound.

Passing along the way, it is like pushing by a bulldozer, leaving a huge trace.

With a whining sound, the giant tail slammed towards Fang Ping.

There were violent ripples in the air, and it trembled violently like cloth.

The surrounding trees were toppled under the strong wind, and even pulled up by the roots and flew up.

Under Susanoo protection, Fang Ping facial expression grave.

He knew that the opponent’s strength was extremely strong, even if he was now a lot better than then, he still had no confidence in defeating the opponent.

Susanoo right hand The spiral sword spins, bringing up a spiral of strong wind, and hits the giant tail that slams against the rock python.


A terrifying shock wave permeated the collision center, strong wind splashed, earth and rocks turned over, and surrounding trees rose from the ground.

The giant tail of the rock python was forced to retreat, but the hideous head of the rock python bit towards Fang Ping.

Susanoo stretched out his left hand, grabbed the rock python 7 inches away, and firmly grasped the rock python.

Rock python took advantage of this opportunity, and the body was curled up, more than 20 meters long, like a huge chain, rolled around Susanoo.

Ka ka ——

Curl on Susanoo’s body, the rock python exerted force, even though he was wearing a defensive armor outside, Susanoo could not help but utter an overwhelmed voice.

Fang Ping facial expression grave, Zanpakuto sang in the heart of Zanpakuto who pulled out his waist quickly.

“Scatter: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.”

Zanpakuto melted into the ground, and 100 huge sharp blades broke out of the ground, shattered into several millions blue sharp blades, and flew quickly.

puff puff puff ——

The huge body of the rock python showed densely packed scratches, and the fragmented rocks fell in a rustle, and suffered severe injuries in the blink of an eye.

Rock python no longer restrains Susanoo, and quickly detaches, but at this time, Susanoo is surrounded by left and right hands, preventing rock python from detaching.

Rock python struggled violently, but couldn’t get rid of it, while the blue sharp edge, which counted as 1000000, was quickly swept across the rock python.

Ka-cha ——

The rock python was damaged to a certain extent, and finally collapsed, turning into pieces of broken rock.

Destroying the rock python, the blue sharp blade surrounded Li Pengling. At the same time, Susanoo’s spiral sword shot countless green arrows and attacked Li Pengling.


Li Pengling coldly snorted, another rock python appeared.

Not only that, light and shadow flickered, and three other rock pythons appeared.

The 4 rock pythons, some of them slammed their tails, and some of their heads hit Li Pengling’s several millions of blue sharp blades and countless green arrows, all being knocked off.

Then, 4 rock pythons all besieged towards Fang Ping.

Fang Ping quickly blocked 4 rock pythons from approaching with several millions blue knives and countless green arrows.

But in the face of a four-fold increase in the number, there is no way to stop it.


A giant tail struck Susanoo, Susanoo slid out, and Susanoo’s armor cracked.

Fang Ping had just manipulated Susanoo to stabilize his figure, and suddenly, another giant tail hit Susanoo.

Susanoo slid out again, and the cracked armor on his body became more serious.

Hey, hey, bang!

Susanoo continued to be hit hard, and there were more and more chapped marks on his body.

It seemed to be overwhelmed and collapsed, but at this time, Li Pengling suddenly stopped.

Recalling 4 rock pythons, looking at Fang Ping, who once again manipulated Susanoo to get up, said with a suppressed killing intent in his voice.

“Take out your method that can make your strength skyrocket.”

He wants to defeat the strongest Fang Ping, and he wants Fang Ping to die in despair.

Only by defeating the opponent at the strongest time can the opponent experience despair.

“Sage Mode.”

Fang Ping didn’t say a word, and quickly sealed his hands with Sage Mode.

Red eyeshadow appeared in his eyes, and his breath soared.

Ka ka!

The crack on Susanoo’s body instantly recovered, not only that, but Susanoo’s lower body and legs grew out.

The breath on his body soared, exuding a strong breath.

With Sage Mode’s increase in ninjutsu, Susanoo enters the fourth form.

Hong long long !

Under the control of Fang Ping, Susanoo ran, taking a step of more than ten meters, quickly culling Li Pengling.

Seeing Susanoo who was culled and feeling the huge pressure of assaults the senses, Li Pengling’s face finally took on solemnity.

The 4 rock pythons were entangled with each other, and in a very short time, they turned into a bigger rock python.

The huge rock python has a body length of more than 30 meters, and its head is as huge as a locomotive, and it also emits terrifying aura.

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