Monster Altar

Chapter 200

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Hong long!

Susanoo’s spiral sword spins out, and the rock python slams with its giant tail.

Like thunder, a huge crack spreading more than 2 100 meters appeared on the ground.

The surrounding trees were pulled up by the roots under the hurricane, flying far away, and the splashing earth and rocks were like shells after another.

The No. 6 grain base not far away faced the surrounding wall and collapsed under the impact of the aftermath.

This is only the first time the two have faced each other.

After the first confrontation, the second confrontation followed.

Rock python hit Susanoo with his head, and Susanoo swept with a spiral sword.

Hong long!

At this time, the ground under the feet of the two collapsed, and a huge hole appeared around them.

On the surface of the rock python, there were large chunks of rocks falling, and the surface of Susanoo also appeared densely packed cracks.

Bang, bang, hong long!

A collision like a meteorite impact, each collision can send out a violent shock wave, even if it is several kilometers away, it can be clearly sensed.

Hong long!

It was another collision, the rock python became broken, and Susanoo collapsed in an instant.

It’s not that Susanoo’s formidable power is inferior to rock python after the increase in Sage Mode, but because the time limit of Sage Mode has passed.


Standing in the pothole, Fang Ping shook his head, but after all, he failed to kill the opponent before Sage Mode was released.

The strength of the opponent is by no means weaker than the tall man he encountered last time, even if compared with Hu Ao’er, it is not much different.

“Today is your death.”

Li Pengling walked out from behind the rock python, with a cold killing intent in his eyes.

Fang Ping not at all Desperate because he fell into a desperate situation, he corner of the mouth raised and said.

“It will be you who die.”

At the same moment Fang Ping’s voice fell.

A giant silver hand appeared abruptly, with the power of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, and slapped the man with space ability into the air.

The speed is extremely fast, enough to reach several times the speed of sound, and it suddenly shot at a very close distance.

Even with the teleport ability, the spatially capable man still has no time to teleport and avoid.

Peng –

The silver giant hand slapped on the space-ability man.

The bones of the man with space ability slapped up and down, and the flesh and blood on his body fluttered, appearing one after another chapped wound.

He flew out of several hundred meters and never got up from the ground again.

The body became huge and turned into a strange bird with four wings. On the huge head of the strange bird, the number “4” appeared.

This is a number that can only be seen when death changes into the form of a monster or actively changes into the form of a monster.


Li Pengling surprised and angry looked at the man with spatial ability who was shot and flew out by the giant silver hand and killed him on the spot. Then he turned his head and looked at Fang Ping with a pale face.

“This is… a trap?”

“Yes, this is a trap.”

Fang Ping nodded. Before taking over the task of garrisoning the No. 6 food base, he also took a task, and this task was to lead the Demonic Human race out.

Fang Ping is among the three youngsters that survived. Only one person who killed the Demonic Human race is the one who is most likely to cause hostility and assassination of the Demonic Human race.

Therefore, the Monster Countermeasures Division approached Fang Ping and commissioned this task.

The task is not at all mandatory, but Fang Ping still agreed.

Leading the Demonic Human race out to kill is good for him and the Monster Countermeasures Division. There is no reason not to agree.

“Even if you die, I will drag you to bury you.”

Li Pengling’s face became distorted, manipulating the rock python, opening his hideous mouth, and biting at Fang Ping.

Duan Kong, who possesses spatial ability, is dead, facing a Veteran Morning star powerhouse, he has no chance of survival.

But even if he died, he still had to drag the other person to bury him.

Ka-cha ——

Rock python bit Fang Ping in his mouth.

Two fangs half a meter long penetrated Fang Ping within the body deeply.

Fang Ping’s body is almost non-human under the strong squeezing force, with blood flowing long.

“Dead, die …”

Looking at Fang Ping, who was bitten by a rock python that was almost inhuman, Li Pengling laughed freely.

Although he couldn’t survive, he dragged the other party to the funeral, and the red-clothed hatred was reported.

“Just miss me to die?”

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and he looked at it suddenly, and suddenly became dull.

I saw a few beyond ten meters, and another Fang Ping appeared there, his body was intact and no injuries were visible.

He hurriedly looked back into the rock python’s mouth, and saw that the rock python’s mouth was hollow, no one was there.


After all, Tier 5 exists, and I immediately understand why.


Fang Ping nodded.

Just now, when Susanoo disappeared, he took advantage of the dust to block his vision to create a Shadow Clone.

However, I escaped into the ground through the ability of Nuke Nuke no Mi and withdrew to a safe range.

Pop, pop, pop!

Before Li Pengling manipulated the rock python and then shot Fang Ping, a footstep sounded, followed by a middle-aged beautiful woman who was the deputy director Lu Yun.

She was the one who killed the man with space ability just now.

Li Pengling looked panicked and manipulated the rock python to attack Lu Yun vigorously, but Lu Yun didn’t panic, until the rock python approached, the right hand turned into silver to shoot.

Ka-cha ——

The rock python was shot flying under this seemingly soft palm, and it was broken and disintegrated in the air, turning into countless rubble.

Then, the slender silver right hand was raised, and a giant silver hand, like a Five Fingers Mountain peak, patted Li Pengling.

Looking at the giant silver hand that was photographed, Li Pengling knew that he was bound to die. Li Pengling had completely lost his sense of resistance and did not escape, so he stood still.


A huge wild beast giant claw appeared and stood in front of the silver giant hand.


Just like a comet hitting the moon, the shock wave generated by the two collisions rolled up the super typhoon, and even huge boulders weighing several tons were blown up around it.

A woman with red hair appeared beside Li Pengling.

She caught a glimpse of the corpse of the monster turned into by a man with spatial ability not far away, her face became extremely ugly, with angrily said.

“Fool, I haven’t seen such an obvious trap.”

Then, she looked at Lu Yun with fear in her eyes.


Another giant wild beast claw shot out, covering the sky and sun, and patted towards Lu Yun.

Lu Yun didn’t dare to be careless, and shot a giant silver hand to resist.

Hong long!

The silver giant hand collided with the wild beast giant claw, and the ripples of terror spread around the place where the two collided. The hurricane roared, flying sand running stone, just like the end of the world.

The red-haired woman took this opportunity to grab Li Pengling with one hand, burst out faster than the sound, turned and left.

In terms of strength, she thinks she is not weaker than Lu Yun, but now she is in the sphere of influence of Yinchuan base city.

Before long, there will be Morning Star powerhouse reinforcements, and she will never be able to stay here for a long time, otherwise even she will undoubtedly die.

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