Monster Altar

Chapter 201

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“Since you are here, stay here!”

Lu Yun was full of murderous intention. While speaking, he chased him far away.

The space-ability man and Li Pengling can only be regarded as small fish, while the red-haired woman is the real big fish.

If you can kill the opponent, you can definitely hurt the Demonic Human race and suppress the arrogance of the Demonic Human race.

After chasing and fleeing, within a few breaths, he has appeared more than 1000 meters away.

A dozen breaths have disappeared from Fang Ping Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception.

Fang Ping did not catch up. He was not able to participate in battles of that level. He was not qualified to touch other battles in Morning Star at present.

Half an hour later, Lu Yun returned, and Morning Star powerhouse Qin Lan returned with her.

not at all The corpses of the red-haired woman and Li Pengling, two of them successfully escaped. Since the red-haired woman dared to come, she is sure to be able to escape.

Before Morning Star powerhouse Qin Lan arrived, she had already got rid of Lu Yun.

After explaining the result of the battle to Fang Ping, Lu Yun and Qin Lan left at the same time. The space-powered man turned into the body of a monster and was taken away by the two.

For the corpse of a man with space ability turned into a monster, Fang Ping is frankly greedy, this is a rare Demonic Human race corpse, and it also has space ability.

If he can take out anime characters with spatial ability with the opponent’s body, he might be able to acquire a powerful spatial ability.

Unfortunately, Lu Yun felt that this Demonic Human race corpse had great research value, and decided to take it back to the Monster Research Department for research.

Later, Fang Ping continued to stay at the No. 6 grain base.

Although the task of luring the Demonic Human race has been completed, the task of garrisoning the No. 6 food base has not yet been completed, and it must continue to be stationed here.

The danger is naturally there.

Fortunately, there is very little chance that the Demonic Human race will come back, and who can guarantee that this is not another trap in the Monster Countermeasures Division?

Even Fang Ping can’t determine if there is a Morning Star powerhouse nearby, after all, if the Morning Star powerhouse wants to hide its sound, even Kenbunshoku Haki can’t perceive it.

Moreover, he also has the means to save his life.

It is not space ability, not Nuke Nuke no Mi ability, these two abilities, facing the morning star powerhouse’s sneak attack, still cannot guarantee their own safety, space ability men are a lesson for the past.

His life-saving method is Shadow Clone.

In fact, it is only his Shadow Clone who is currently in the No. 6 grain base. After changing his appearance with the Body-Transformation Technique, he has been searching and hunting monsters in the wilderness.

After being manufactured, physical strength will continue to be consumed, and each Shadow Clone can only exist for more than one day.

However, there is Flying Thunder God Jutsu, which is not a problem. It is sent by Flying Thunder God Jutsu every day.

“Luck is not so good!”

In the wilderness, in a forest, Fang Ping stood on the branches of a giant tree and looked into the distance.

He has searched for 5 heavenly demon in the wilderness, but somehow, no high-level monster was found.

Not only high-level monsters, but even low-level monsters are very rare. In 5 days, only 7 monsters were encountered, and they were all low-level monsters.

“Not so right.”

Fang Ping curled his eyebrows, always feeling that there was more than just bad luck.

“Is it because Director Lu chased and killed the red-haired woman?”

The breath of the Morning Star powerhouse has a strong deterrent effect on the monsters under the Morning Star, which is why every base city has at least the Morning Star powerhouse.

With the Morning Star powerhouse, even if you don’t do anything, the breath alone is enough to deter the surrounding monsters.

Lu Yun and the red-haired woman chased and fled. Obviously, it is impossible to suppress the breath, and the breath of two Morning Star powerhouses will inevitably be left along the way.

And this kind of aura is likely to deter the monsters in the surrounding area, triggering a large-scale migration of the monsters.

“It looks like you have to change place.”

Shook the head, Fang Ping felt that if he continued to search for monsters in this area, it might be difficult to find high-level monsters, so he decided to stay away from this area to search for monsters.


Suddenly, a folded letter paper appeared out of thin air and appeared in front of Fang Ping.

Fang Ping has eyesight and quick hands. He stretched out two fingers and clamped the letter paper in his hand.

The letter paper was sent by Shadow Clone from the place of Thunder God. It seems that something important has happened, otherwise Shadow Clone would not pass the message to him in this way.

He opened the letter paper and looked at the contents on the letter paper.


The content on the letter paper is very simple, this is a message for help.

The No. 4 breeding base is being attacked by two Tier 2 monsters and is seeking help from surrounding production bases.

“How far is it?”

Fang Ping took out the map and checked the distance between the No. 6 grain base and the No. 4 breeding base.

“About 20 kilometers.”

Soon, he found the location of No. 4 breeding base on the map, and through the reduced scale of the map, he estimated that it was about 20 kilometers away.

“If Flying Thunder God Jutsu drives at full speed, it should be enough to arrive in two minutes.”

Putting away the map, Fang Ping teleported back to the No. 6 food base, disarming the Shadow Clone.

He is ready to rush.

The production base was destroyed. He who lives in the base city of Yinchuan will definitely be affected. The simple problem is that without the breeding base, there will be no supply of meat, and meat is a very important nutrient.

Of course the most important thing is, isn’t he looking for high-level monsters right now?

The three squads stationed were issued with a walkie-talkie. After he left this time and entered the Level 3 alert order, Fang Ping rushed towards the No. 2 breeding base with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.


Under remote control, the throwing knife shot forward.

When flying out more than 100 meters, reaching the limit of remote control.

Fang Ping teleportation appears, continue to use remote control, control the flying knife to fly forward.

Repeatedly, he immediately obtained the speed far exceeding Tier 5 Awakener, the speed alone, and the speed of sound from the Morning Star powerhouse are already not far.

In more than 30%, he arrived at the No. 4 breeding base.

It was more than a minute longer than expected because he ran off the track.

Without navigation, it is entirely based on feeling, inevitably, there is some deviation in the direction.

Fortunately, I adjusted it through some iconic terrain, and it took more than 30% of the time to reach the No. 4 breeding base.

On the No. 4 breeding base, the rumbling sound and the sound of building collapse continued to sound, and at the same time, it was accompanied by the sound of panic-flighting 4 livestock.

I saw one of the metal walls collapsed under the attack. Two Tier 2 monsters had invaded the No. 5 breeding base and were fighting with the Awakener stationed at the No. 4 breeding base.

There are 2 battlefields in total.

In one of the battlefields, a middle-aged woman is fighting a Tier 5 monster. Where the two are fighting, a large number of buildings are collapsing, and mushroom clouds of dust can be seen from time to time.

On another battlefield, 8 Awakener are fighting a Tier 5 monster.

Among the 8 people who were not at all Tier 5 Awakener, the battle was extremely difficult.

From time to time, I can see the Awakener being swept away by the Tier 5 monsters, bloody, life and death unknown.

There was also an Awakener who could not dodge, and was stepped on the ground by a Tier 5 monster, turning into a pool of minced meat.

The Awakener enjoys more favorable material conditions than the ordinary person, but also bears the burden that the ordinary person cannot afford.

Just like now, the ordinary person is hiding in the corner shiver coldly in horror, while the Awakener is fighting the dangerous Tier 5 monsters to protect them.

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