Monster Altar

Chapter 202

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Hey, hey, dong!

Tier 5 The monster with 4 feet ran wildly on the ground, and the one-meter-long horn on its head pierced forward. In front of it, a young man avoided complexion palely.

But the one horn got closer and closer to him, and he was about to pierce his within the body, leaving a deadly hole in his body.

Not long ago, one of his companions was killed in this way.


A throwing knives appeared in front of him, followed by Fang Ping and Susanoo in the third form.

Susanoo’s left hand grabbed the sharp horn of the Tier 5 monster, suddenly lifted it up, and suddenly threw the Tier 5 monster out, raising a lot of dust.

Looking at Fang Ping, who stopped the Tier 5 monster, the young man who had survived the catastrophe loosened his whole body and looked at Fang Ping.

“The 6th 6th on the list, he is Fang Ping on the 1th 1th!”

“There is salvation, we are saved.”

He immediately recognized Fang Ping. It has been several months since Fang Ping entered the top 20 list, and the ranking of the list has gradually spread.

The top 20 on the list, regardless of whether it is Tier 5 Awakener or not, is recognized as having Tier 5 battle strength.

With the opponent there, it is absolutely not a problem to contend with Tier 5 monsters, at least you can persist until other Tier 5 Awakener arrive.

“All back!”

Staring at the Tier 5 monster, Fang Ping said.


The Awakener, such as the amnesty, sighed in relief, who originally had more than a dozen people and only 7 left, raised up their companions, carried their corpses, and retreated.

Fang Ping looked at the Tier 5 monster, which was a monster with blood-colored hair and a horse-like appearance.

But compared to a normal horse, it is much larger, with a body length of more than 4 meters and a height of 3 meters, which is bigger than a cow.

Moreover, on its head, there is a single horn that is more than one meter long, which is also not a horse.

This is a unicorn horse, a Tier 5 monster that looks like a horse but never eats grass and only eats meat.


The unicorn horse turned over and climbed up, not at all immediately pounced on Fang Ping, but the huge hoof trampled on the ground, watching Fang Ping vigilantly.

It keenly perceives the human beings in front of it, and it is not simple, and it is not as easily tortured as those humans just now.


Just when it looked towards Fang Ping, Fang Ping Sharingan Illusion Technique was activated.

Fang Ping has not used Sharingan Illusion Technique for a long time, because all his opponents have collected information in advance and know how to circumvent this Illusion Technique.

For this reason, he doesn’t bother to wear cosmetic contact lenses now.

But a monster is obviously unknown, and now it is finally useful.

Being dragged into the Illusion Technique, the unicorn horse’s eyes became dull, as if it had been hit by the fixation technique, and suddenly stopped all activities.

With such an opportunity, Fang Ping will naturally not miss it.

The spiral sword spins violently, stabs the unicorn horse with the spinning wind.


The spiral sword pierced the body of the unicorn horse, and was stimulated by pain. The unicorn horse woke up, raised its two hooves, and kicked it towards Susanoo.


A huge blood hole was opened in the unicorn horse, and Susanoo and Fang Ping among Susanoo were kicked back again and again.


Blood flowed from the huge blood hole of the unicorn horse, and the eyes of the unicorn horse were blood red, and their eyes were full of anger.

The red hair on the body, glowing rays of light, next moment, turned into a touch of blood light.

First, he walked around behind Fang Ping, and then stabs Fang Ping with a single horn from behind Fang Ping. The speed is so fast that it has even reached the speed of sound.

This is the extreme speed of the unicorn magic horse, which allows him to have an incomparable speed, and the speed is fast enough to be comparable to Morning Star.


Just when the unicorn horse’s unicorn was about to stab Fang Ping, Fang Ping disappeared.

Earlier, he had already used remote control, manipulating 5 throwing knives, distributed around.

The unicorn horse is fast, but with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he is not slow.

“It didn’t hit the heart.”

The teleportation appeared, and Fang Ping fixed his eyes on the unicorn horse.

He pierced the horse’s heart with the sword just now, but unfortunately, apart from the horse-like appearance, the unicorn horse had nothing in common with the real horse.

So although this sword inflicted heavy damage on the unicorn horse, it was not fatal.

Huh, huh, huh—

The unicorn horse continues to rely on speed to approach Fang Ping, and Fang Ping continuously teleports to evade.

“In the face of speed-type monsters, it’s better to use a knives.”

Pull out Zanpakuto, Fang Ping sings in his heart, quickly blending it into the soil.

The top 100 giant blades emerged from the ground and turned into several millions blue sharp blades, enveloping them from all around to the unicorn horse.

puff puff puff ——

Although the unicorn horse is fast enough to reach the speed of sound, it is still difficult to escape in the face of this endless blue sharp edge.

It was immediately surrounded by the blue knives, and the entire dim-blue knives were surrounded by a huge sphere.

There was a densely packed injury on his body, and in just a few moments, there was no complete place on his body.

I want to break free and escape, but unfortunately it seems to be stuck in a quagmire, unable to break free.


The unicorn horse was rolling on the ground, screaming in pain, and the ground was stained with blood under its tumbling.

After a few minutes, the painful howling stopped, and the unicorn horse lay quietly on the ground, with a pool of blood under him.

“Killed so soon… a Tier 5 monster?”

The 7 Awakener who survived retreated to a distance, bandaged their companions’ wounds, and took healing potions.

Seeing Fang Ping, he had already beheaded the unicorn horse in less than ten minutes, all with awe-inspiring expressions and awe in their hearts.

“This kind of strength is definitely not limited to the top ten on the list. I am afraid it is enough to make the top ten on the list.

Said a middle-aged man with a wounded face sucked in a cold breath.

Even if it is a Tier 5 Awakener, it is absolutely impossible to behead a Tier 5 monster so quickly.

The opponent can kill a Tier 5 monster so quickly, the opponent’s strength is no longer at the ordinary Tier 5 level, and it is likely to be enough to rank in the top ten.

Stepping forward, Fang Ping unceremoniously put the body of the unicorn horse into the sacrifice space.

Although he was not the only one who fought with the unicorn horse, there were Awakener who fought against the unicorn horse before him.

But obviously, he was the only one who caused substantial damage to the unicorn horse, so the corpse of the unicorn horse should belong to him.

Putting away the corpse of the unicorn horse, he looked to the other side of the battlefield, where a middle-aged woman was fighting a monster with 6 legs.

After observing a bit, he not at all stepped forward to help.

Although the battle has not yet ended, it is clear that the middle-aged woman has the upper hand, and the middle-aged woman will eventually win.

If he rushed forward to help, it would cause dissatisfaction with the other party.

The corpse of a monster can be exchanged for points, and because Yinchuan base city has the nutrient solution extraction technology, the exchange price is still very generous, and it has been as high as 5000 points.

In the case of being able to hunt alone, naturally he would not be willing to let others take part.

More than ten minutes later, the middle-aged woman finally beheaded the Tier 5 monster. She walked towards Fang Ping and said in gratitude.

“Many thanks.”

If Fang Ping did not provide timely support at this time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The production base is likely to fall and cause huge losses, and she is also in danger, because in the end, as other Awakener die, she will face the siege of two monsters.

“No, I’m not at a disadvantage if I can hunt a Tier 5 monster.”

Fang Ping shook his head.

He did not stay in the No. 4 breeding base for a long time, so he soon left and returned to the No. 6 grain base.

Not at all proposed to buy a monster corpse killed by a middle-aged woman, and with 5000 points to buy a Tier 5 monster corpse that cannot be sacrificed or innate talent, and can only get sacrifice value. From Fang Ping’s point of view, it is really not worthwhile.

The most important thing is that he does not lack sacrifice value now. Lu Yu has long hunted monsters to provide sacrifice value, and his sacrifice value is enough.

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