Monster Altar

Chapter 203

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Returning to Food Base No. 6, Fang Ping notified the 3 patrol teams to lift the alert, leaving Shadow Clone to sit in, and he left Food Base No. 6 again.

He returned to his residence in the Monster Countermeasures Division, and then entered the sacrifice space.


The altar was lit up with a blood light of 7 meters high, and the stars above it were shining.


A yellow beam of light appeared, fell to the altar, exploded and turned into an anime character.

“Well, did not choose the step of sacrificing the world?”

Fang Ping’s face showed a trace of astonishment. He was ready to say the world he wanted to sacrifice, but he didn’t want to. Monster Altar skipped this step and has already offered take out anime characters.

“Not every sacrifice can choose to sacrifice the world?”

Fang Ping frowned, and such a situation appeared, indicating that not every sacrifice can choose to sacrifice the world.

Choosing to sacrifice the world may be a random event, or it may happen every so often.

This couldn’t help but disappoint him. The monster to be sacrificed at this time had the ability in terms of speed, and when it came to speed, he couldn’t help but think of Kizaru who could attack at the speed of light among One Piece.

If he chooses the sacrificial world as One Piece, and then just triggers the third sacrificial rule, offering anime characters with take out speed, wouldn’t it be possible to take out Kizaru?

Unexpectedly, not every sacrifice can choose to sacrifice the world.

He looked at the cartoon character who offered to take out, next moment, with a smile on his face.

“It’s not Kizaru, but it’s not bad.”

This is an anime character wearing Court Academecian suit, yellow skin, round head, two hands with two tentacles, and feet with many tentacles.

Name: Koro-Sensei

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent


divine speed: unusual movement speed and reaction speed.

Overspeed regeneration: extraordinary recovery speed.

Complete defense: transform into a sphere to obtain extraordinary defense.

Liquefaction: The body turns into a liquid that can pass through any gap.

Koro-Sensei, an anime character in the third grade E class, can be called a bug-like existence.

It is able to move at 20 times the speed of sound, and can defend against nuclear bomb attacks. It also has a super-speed regeneration and almost unsolvable anime character.

Although its movement speed is not as good as Kizaru, which has the speed of light, it is absolutely terrifying, which is why Fang Ping thinks it is not bad.

“Currently anime characters have Growth innate talent, the ability to divine speed, overspeed regeneration, complete defense, and liquefaction. Do you choose one to obtain?”

The majestic voice sounded, let Fang Ping make a choice, Fang Ping looked at the four abilities of Koro-Sensei.

The ability to liquefy is useless to him. With the ability of Nuke Nuke no Mi, as long as it is inorganic, there is no place he can’t wear.

This ability of speeding regeneration is of some use to him, but this ability has some rejuvenation with Please don’t die.

As long as he is ruthless, relying on Please don’t die, he can also achieve speeding regeneration.

After removing these 2 abilities, divine speed and complete defense are left.

The divine speed can make it have extraordinary movement and reaction speed, and the complete defense can make it have extraordinary defense.

Of course, according to his estimation, even if these two abilities are obtained, it is impossible to immediately have a movement speed of 2 times the speed of sound, which can defend against the powerful defense of nuclear bombs.

This still depends on your realm.

However, even if it is not as exaggerated as Koro-Sensei, it is bound to be extremely powerful.

In his estimation, the ability levels of these two abilities should be able to reach the peak order.

After a moment of hesitation, Fang Ping made a choice.

“I choose divine speed.”

The reason for choosing divine speed instead of complete defense is because complete defense does not always have this kind of defense, but when it turns into a sphere.

If the Morning Star powerhouse is attacked, he may not have this time.

But divine speed is different. It allows him to have an extraordinary speed of movement and reaction. The reaction speed is increased, even in the face of Morning Star powerhouse’s surprise attack.

If you can react, you will have a way to deal with certain death situation.

You can rely on divine speed to dodge, you can rely on Flying Thunder God Jutsu to dodge, or you can use Nuke Nuke no Mi to dodge underground.

Compared to complete defense, divine speed is the ability he needs most.


A yellow rays of light penetrated into Fang Ping within the body, Fang Ping suddenly felt the difference.

The first feeling is that he feels that his reaction speed has become extremely fast.

Although sharingan can also increase the speed of response, it is completely incomparable with the present.

The strongest aspect of Sharingan is that kind of powerful pupil technique. The enhancement of the reaction speed is only the auxiliary ability, which can not be compared with the increase effect of divine speed.

Secondly, he felt that as long as he wanted to, he could fly and move at an extremely fast speed.

Exiting the sacrifice space, Fang Ping appears in the wilderness with Flying Thunder God Jutsu teleport.


With a move in his heart, Fang Ping flew up.

Although it does not have wings, it can fly easily. This is also a feature of divine speed. Koro-Sensei also has no wings, but he can also fly.


Fang Ping tried to explode at the fastest speed, and with a roar, he flew forward at a terrifying speed.

There were ripples of air around him, and the strong wind slammed against him.

The surrounding trees and weeds were only photographed by the strong wind generated by his movement, and the fallen leaves were flying, and the broken leaves and branches splashed everywhere.

When Fang Ping stopped, he was already outside 3more then 300 meters, and the time he spent waving it was only a second.

“It’s definitely the speed of sound.”

Wang Ping was very sure that the speed he exploded in just an instant had definitely reached the speed of sound.

Although it is not comparable to the 20 times the speed of sound of Koro-Sensei, it is already comparable to the speed of Morning Star powerhouse.

“Let me in Tier 4 realm burst out of sound speed comparable to Morning Star powerhouse, coupled with flying ability and super reaction ability, divine speed is definitely a peak order ability.”

Fang Ping has already affirmed in his mind that divine speed is definitely a peak order ability. He adds another peak order ability, and it is a very practical peak order ability.

With this peak order ability, even in the face of the morning star powerhouse’s sneak attack, he also has the confidence to avoid and escape.

After more than ten days, the garrison mission of the No. 6 food base ended, Fang Ping returned to the base city and returned to the Monster Countermeasures Division.

Of course, in fact, during this time, relying on Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he has come back many times, but he has come back secretly.

Either come back to sleep, or come back to kill the restaurant to relieve the greed.

“The ranking of the list should also be mentioned up!”

Back to the monster countermeasures department, Fang Ping immediately challenged the tenth on the list.

He doesn’t care about rankings alone, but it is different if there are points. No one will have trouble with points, even more so.

In fact, this is also the brilliant feature of the Monster Countermeasures Division. It uses points to motivate the younger generation of Awakener, and encourages the younger generation of Awakener to progress and strive forever.

It is the best proof that people like him who do not like to show up have to fight for the rankings.

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