Monster Altar

Chapter 204

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Because of the importance attached to the rankings and the challenges to the rankings, especially the challenges that are higher on the rankings, the Monster Countermeasures Division will carry out a certain degree of publicity.

When it comes to the tenth challenge on the list, it is naturally highly valued by the Monster Countermeasures Division, so the publicity is also quite strong.

The challenge was scheduled for 3 days. During this period, news of the challenge spread throughout the Monster Countermeasures Division.

“It has only been more than three months since he challenged the list last time, so soon he has challenged the list again, will it be too soon?”

“Moreover, the challenge is actually the tenth on the list. It has surpassed six rankings. This span is a bit bigger.”

“This Fang Ping should be a smooth journey, with a little swelling.”

Hearing the news that Fang Ping challenged the tenth on the list, both the older generation of Awakener and the younger generation of Awakener couldn’t help shaking their heads.

In their opinion, Fang Ping’s challenge at this time is too rash.

Since joining the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City, no matter whether it is challenging the list or being challenged, he has never failed.

This is likely to make Fang Ping swell, causing him to overestimate his own strength. This time he will definitely fall, and he will fall miserably.

I only hope that when the time comes, the other party will not be crushed, otherwise a Morning Star seed will be destroyed.

“Is it sure?”

Yao Jun and Fan Xuan took the mission and went out, not at all in the monster countermeasures department, but Yan Xue was in the monster countermeasures department. She approached the door immediately and asked.


Fang Ping definitely nodded.

He has a sensible understanding and assessment of his own strength, and yes, he really confirmed that he has the tenth strength on the list before issuing a challenge.

“That’s good.”

Yan Xue carefully observed Fang Ping’s expression, and still had some worries in his heart.

The interval was too short, and she crossed 6 rankings at one time. She was worried that Fang Ping would be hit after failing the challenge.

“Don’t worry, since I dare to challenge, I am naturally sure. If I win, I will treat you to a big meal. If you lose, how about you treat me to a big meal?”

Seeing that Yan Xue not at all is completely relieved, Fang Ping said with a smile.

“Okay, you will be poor when you eat.”

Yan Xue said with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Three days later, in the duel field, a full 3 people appeared in the audience stage, and others came one after another.

This is the tenth challenge on the highly anticipated list, and coupled with the topical reasons, it has attracted many Awakener players.

“What do you think is Fang Ping’s chance of winning?”

Asked a fair-faced youngster.

“Odds, that kind of thing doesn’t exist!”

A youngster wearing blue metal glasses pushed his glasses and shook his head.

“If he challenges the top ten 5, even ten 4, I think he has some chances of winning, after all, his innate talent is there.”

“But the tenth on the list is really impossible.”

“He was too bloated.”

Said a young woman.

“The top 20 on the list is a dividing line, and the top ten on the list is another dividing line. I want to cross a huge dividing line in just over 3 months, which is absolutely impossible.”

“Wait for the joke, he will definitely be a laughing stock this time.”


Many of them are for watching Fang Ping jokes.

Although Fang Ping does not have any conflicts of interest with them, people are like this. There are always some people who do not expect good, but only hope for bad, and always hope that the more miserable the others, the better.

At the front of the audience stage, there is a woman with a delicate face and a faintly extraordinary temperament. It is Hu Ao’er who is No. 3 on the list.

She just stood there, and people around her consciously moved away from her.

“A laughing stock?”

She couldn’t help being amused when she heard that voice that was not optimistic.

It is the laughing stock of these people, who was personally evaluated by Deputy Director Lu Yun two months ago as having the top ten strength of the list, and the ability to break out of the top 2 battle strength in a short time.

I don’t know how these people will feel when they know it.

Unfortunately, because of the need for confidentiality, the news of that battle was not disclosed at all, and only a few of them and the high-level officials of the Monster Countermeasures Division knew.

The dueling arena was paved with mud. Fang Ping stood in the arena. Opposite him, he was a thin but very strong man.

The man’s hair is short shaved, the roots are like spikes, and he has a pair of slightly fierce eyes, which is Wu Bao, the tenth on the current list.

“You want to challenge me?”

Wu Bao frowned, looking at Fang Ping with a bit of dissatisfaction in his voice.

Originally, he was going to take the mission and leave the base city today, but was forced to postpone it because of the challenge.

This could not help but make him a little unhappy.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that the other party had a list of 6-6, and actually crossed the 1th list to challenge him for the 1th list.

The opponent impossible is his opponent, and impossible has a chance of winning. The opponent is completely wasting his time.


Fang Ping nodded, he heard the unpleasantness in the other party’s voice, but he didn’t care at all.

He is ready to grab the tenth place on the other side’s list, should he let the other side laughed and warmly welcome?

The previous laughed was warmly welcomed. He has been wanted for crimes against humanity. It would be better to say that the current reaction is considered a normal reaction.

“It’s almost time, can we start?”

Seeing Fang Ping as if he hadn’t realized his fault at all, Wu Bao became more upset and looked to the side of Referee.


As the Tier 5 Awakener of the referee, after reading the rules of the game, the game is announced.

Then he stepped aside and stared at the two people closely, ready to save him.

Not to save Fang Ping, but to save Wu Bao.

Others don’t know, but as a senior in the monster countermeasures department, how can he not know what happened two months ago and Fang Ping’s strength.

According to Deputy Director Lu Yun, when Fang Ping is the strongest, it can even break out of the top 5 battle strength.

So if there is a life-threatening situation, it is obvious who to save.


Leopard prints appeared on Wu Bao’s face, and his hands turned into sharp leopard claws.

The body bowed slightly and disappeared in place for an instant.

Turned into a series of afterimages, pounced on Fang Ping.

The speed is so fast that it has reached the speed of sound impressively.

As the tenth on the list, he naturally has the corresponding strength, otherwise he would have been challenged to win the rankings.

Tier 5’s realm, coupled with the animalization ability that can increase the speed of movement, his speed is comparable to the Morning Star powerhouse.

This alone is enough to make most Tier 5 Awakener fans uncomfortable.

“Scatter: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.”

Faced with this type of speed opponent, Fang Ping already had some experience in coping, and he decisively pulled out Zanpakuto.

The top 100 huge sharp blades rose from the ground, broken into several millions blue sharp blades, covering the 100 meters centered on him.


Wu Bao had just rushed into the area covered by the blue blade, and suddenly a large number of blue blades attacked him.

The horrible speed of reaching the speed of sound was played vividly and thoroughly. Wu Bao quickly dodged on the left side. Before the blue blade formed an encirclement, he avoided, and then quickly approached Fang Ping.

Peng –

Just evading the blue knives that formed an encirclement, a large number of blue knives came on the face.

Both of his hands sharp claw waved, curling up the violent air, flapping the large number of blue sharp claws that hit him, and continuing to approach Fang Ping.

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