Monster Altar

Chapter 205

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In the constant avoidance and frontal collision, Wu Bao insisted on holding the several millions blue sharp blades, and narrowing the distance with Fang Ping.

Although he is also good at speed, although it has also reached the speed of sound, it is obvious that he is stronger than the unicorn horse, and he has a stronger attack power than the unicorn horse.

Under the siege of several millions of blue knives, the unicorn horse has no ability to resist.

But he is holding the several millions blue sharp blades and approaching Fang Ping. This is the power gap.

Of course, although he was able to withstand it, and it seemed to have gained the upper hand, he was also not relaxed. If you look closely, you can find that his forehead has been slightly sweaty.

“This kind of strength is only 6th on the list?”

After all, it is the tenth on the list, and the corresponding vision is naturally there. On the first day of the game, he found that Fang Ping’s strength was seriously inconsistent with the ranking of the list.

Fang Ping’s strength far exceeds the tenth 6th ranking of the list.

He immediately reduced the contempt in his heart, knowing that he had encountered an opponent this time, and if he was not careful, he might overturn the ship.

Peng –

Another claw shot the incoming blue blade as fast as possible. The distance between him and Fang Ping was less than 20 meters, and victory was already in sight.

A smug smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. The opponent’s strength is indeed very strong, which can be called a dark horse, but he is obviously stronger.

At this moment, he suddenly saw that Fang Ping’s face, not far away, didn’t panic at all, but was extremely calm.

Suddenly there was a bad hunch in my heart, and next moment, the bad hunch came true.

Hey, hey, hey!

I saw Fang Ping’s hands waving with the trajectory of the blue blade, as if he was the conductor of a large band, directing a large band.

With Fang Ping’s action, the speed of the blue blade suddenly skyrocketed.

Not double, not 2 times, not 3 times, but 4 times.

The speed skyrocketed 4 times.

“Not good ……”

His scalp was numb, and Wu Bao who was about to approach Fang Ping immediately retreated back.

Under the siege of these blue blades, it was already extremely reluctant. Now the speed of the blue blade has soared four times, and he can still be impossible to stop it.

puff puff puff!

And the result is just as he guessed.

After just stepping back more than 20 meters, he was already surrounded by the blue sharp blade that was soaring in speed.

With his two claws swinging, he just shot these blue sharp blades flying, but more blue sharp blades have already surrounded him, and he was surrounded by a huge blue sphere.

This is a dangerous situation, even if he has a moving speed comparable to the speed of sound, it is difficult to escape from the enclosed spherical space.

Hong long!

Suddenly, there was a violent explosion in the huge blue sphere.

Then, all the blue sharp blades were scattered under the terrifying black shock wave.

Only Wu Bao stood in place. Although his clothes made of Tier 4 monster fur were torn, he did not suffer any injuries.

Just a moment ago, in the blue spherical space, the air was compressed into a black sphere in a moment.

The black sphere seemed to be filled with explosives dozens of times more violent than TNT explosives. When it exploded, a large amount of black light was diffused. The resulting shock wave knocked all the blue sharp blades away.

Air bomb, this is the name of this ability, where there is air, he can create this kind of formidable power bomb.

The only drawback is that although his body is immune to this kind of attack, his clothes are not. It is very likely that he will be unclothed when fighting, which is really unsightly.

Therefore, ranking battles on the list, he will hardly use this ability.

However, under the current circumstances, I can’t care about that many.

It’s embarrassing to be naked, but what’s even more embarrassing is losing the rankings.

“I admit, I underestimated you, but it should be over.”


Wu Bao leaped forward and rushed towards Fang Ping.

A large number of blue sharp blades surrounded him, and immediately compressed air to form a black bomb.

The black bomb exploded, and all the blue sharp blades were swept away, and he continued to pounce on Fang Ping.

“Sure enough, none of those who can make the top ten on the list are easy.”

Fang Ping’s face was solemn.

The bomb attack is directed towards all around, which is very effective in dealing with group attacks.

Zanpakuto has been completely restrained by this bomb ability, facing this kind of attack, Zanpakuto is useless.

He took Zanpakuto back, turned on Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and used Susanoo in the third form.

When he did this, Wu Bao was already close to him, and a black air bomb condensed in front of him.

Although this air bomb is condensed from air, its composition has undergone reorganization and change. It is no longer air, but an inexplicable energy dozens of times more violent than TNT bombs.

The exploded formidable power far exceeds the average Tier 5.

Hong long!

The air bomb exploded and the terrifying black shock wave spread. Inevitably, the black shock wave hit Fang Ping who was near him.

Fang Ping manipulated the spiral sword to stab forward, stabbing at the black shock wave.

Under the violent rotation of the spiral sword, a terrifying spiral wind appeared in the air.

Peng –

The black shock wave was blocked and torn like cloth, and huge potholes appeared on the surrounding ground.

In terms of formidable power, the air bomb is even above Susanoo’s spiral sword, which is even comparable to the top 5 on the list.

However, this is a range attack. The formidable power is distributed to six directions, front, back, left, and right, and the formidable power in a single direction will undoubtedly be weakened.

Because of this, the spiral sword was able to block the black shock wave.

However, blocking the shock wave from one direction is already the limit of the spiral sword. Not at all, the remaining power continues to stab and attack Wu Bao behind the air bomb.

“Is it blocked?”

The formidable power of the air bomb was blocked, Wu Bao was slightly surprised, but he didn’t stop at all.

The speed of sound erupted, a dodge appeared behind Susanoo, and another air bomb appeared.

Peng –

Fang Ping controlled Susanoo to turn around quickly, and the spiral sword swept across, blocking the black shock wave of the air bomb again.

If it is before obtaining the divine speed ability, he may not be able to react, too late to stop.

But with the divine speed, he already has extraordinary reaction speed and movement speed, and he can handle this speed.

Peng, Peng, peng!

Wu Bao kept appearing around Fang Ping, creating air bombs one after another, and Fang Ping used a spiral sword to block the black shock waves that exploded continuously.

On the square, are there huge craters one after another, just like craters smashed on the moon.

The two sides quickly played against each other, and the audience was dazzled. The audience stage, some of the weaker people, only saw two afterimages of one big and one small.

At this moment, the person who just said Fang Ping overestimate one’s capabilities has closed his mouth.

If you can fight Wu Bao who is 1th on the list to such an extent, if you are not enough to challenge the 1th on the list, what kind of battle strength is qualified to challenge the 1th on the list?


In another collision, Fang Ping manipulated Susanoo to block the black shock wave from the side.

“Susanoo alone cannot beat him!”

Doa Doa no Mi’s ability is used, Fang Ping opens the door in the void, and together with Susanoo, enters the space inside the door.

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