Monster Altar

Chapter 206

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Through the category space, Fang Ping appeared behind Wu Bao, opened the door in the void, and jumped out at the same time, Susanoo’s spiral sword, wearing a spiral wind, stabs Wu Bao’s back.

Feeling the danger coming from his back, Wu Bao burst into cold sweat, turned around, made an air bomb, and detonated it.


The black light permeated Fang Ping, but Fang Ping retreated and retreated into the door space.

The black light swept through, but because he had already escaped from the space inside the door, it didn’t hurt him at all.


He appeared from Wu Bao’s side again and attacked Wu Bao.

This time, Wu Bao was too late to make an air bomb to resist, so he could only evade with speed.

Although he avoided the straight piercing of the spiral sword, he was rubbed by the strong spiral wind rolled up by the spiral sword, and scratches suddenly appeared on his body.

And the balance of the body is even more affected, and one can’t help but stagger.

The spiral sword swept across, Wu Bao finally couldn’t evade, was swept up front by the spiral sword, and flew out like dried shrimps.

“pu ——”

spit a mouthful of blood, Wu Bao’s injury was serious.

Before he turned over and climbed up, a flying knife remotely controlled by Fang Ping appeared in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Ping teleported out, with the huge spiral sword on top of him, making him afraid to move.

Even if it doesn’t pierce the vital point, if such a huge spiral sword is pierced, it will be enough to kill him.

“I surrender.”

Wu Bao had an ugly face and voluntarily gave in.

As the tenth on the list, he was challenged by the sixth on the list and lost.

To be ashamed is to be a big loss.

“Wu Bao, the tenth on the list, was actually defeated?!”

“That Fang Ping actually has the tenth strength on the list?!”

The audience stage was silent for a while before there was a sound.

I challenged again only 3 months apart, and it crossed 6 ranking challenges and won.

This result is really beyond their expectations.

If it weren’t for judging from the horrible destructive power at the scene, Wu Bao, who is ranked tenth on the list, has no reservations. They might think that there is insider information. This is a counterfeit match.

“By the way, who just said that the other party is the overestimate one’s capabilities? How about it, was it beaten?”

Some people joked.

They are also not optimistic about Fang Ping, but they did not maliciously belittle Fang Ping.

Even if the opponent is not the tenth opponent on the list, he is also on the tenth list at any rate. He is the genius of the Morning Star.

Now that Fang Ping has beaten the tenth on the list, it not only gives them a sense of Divine Vision knowing the hero, they are immediately proud.

Hearing what they said, the face of the person who originally watched Fang Ping’s joke turned red.

They were slapped in the face, and it was so painful, how much they looked down on Fang Ping before the game, and how painful they were after the game.

At the same time, they couldn’t help but give birth to a resentment qi. The tenth on the list is too watery. Facing the challenge of the tenth and 6th, they are not opponents.

“Wu Bao should already have the ability to challenge No. 9 on the list, but unfortunately, I met Fang Ping.”

Looking at the silhouette of Wu Bao leaving, Hu Ao’er is looking thoughtful.

In her view, Wu Bao’s strength is definitely not weak, and even has the strength to challenge the 9th on the list.

Unfortunately, I met Fang Ping.

He didn’t even put out his full strength, at least the method of soaring his strength several times in an instant has not been used, and the battle has ended.

Yan Xue was called, Fang Ping quickly left the duel, not at all to feel the pleasure of this so-called face fight.

Although he won, he was not at all too forgetful. The victory was not easy.

Except for the sound speed of divine speed and the Sage Mode 2 hole cards are not used, basically everything that can be used is used.

The top ten on the list, sure enough, there is no simple one.

In an empty wilderness, densely packed is full of silhouette.

There are big and small, the big ones are more than 7 meters in length, and the small ones are more than 3 meters in length. They are monsters one after another.

Monsters rarely live in groups. Monsters that will fight each other when they gather together, to live together in harmony.

In the center where the monsters gather, there is a boulder with a diameter of more than ten meters. On the boulder, a man wearing a black windbreaker stands.

The bearless white face of the man in a black windbreaker has his hair neatly combed and greasy, and his eyes are black and green, showing a bone-coldness.

On his left face, there is a “173” golden number.

“Yinchuan base city, it’s been a long time.”

His voice was hoarse, like a piece of metal rubbing out.


Following his words, the monster that had been lying quietly stood up, dispersed, and went in different directions.

In the same place, there are 8 monsters left, which are 8 monsters ranging in length from 7 meters to ten meters.

In each body, there is a horrible breath that is trembling.

One of them is the kind of strange bird that Fang Ping has seen before, without feathers and covered with disgusting meat bumps.

This is a total of 8 Morning Star monsters.

Fang Ping is fulfilling his promise to invite Yan Xue to have a big meal.

“How far can your space ability teleport, and can you teleport back to He’an Base City?”

Yan Xue asked.

“Yes, why do you want to go back?”

“Well, it’s been almost a year since we were away from home. We all want to go home. When you are free, send us back, right?”

Yan Xue said.

Unlike Fang Ping, who is alone and widowed, Yan Xue and the others both have their own family and family. After being away for nearly a year, there is really some homesickness.

“no problem.”

No effort at all, Fang Ping will naturally not refuse.

Wu wu wu ——

Suddenly, a rapid whining sound rang across the street, through the house, and echoed inside the Monster Countermeasures Division.

“Not good, something went wrong, go to the mission hall.”

Fang Ping and Yan Xue are both face changed.

They didn’t encounter such a situation, but they had heard of it when they joined the Monster Countermeasures Division.

Knowing that this is an emergency, summon the Awakener in an emergency.

Two people quickly rushed to the mission hall, not just them, along the way, Awakener continuously joined them, rushing to the mission hall just like them.

When I came to the mission hall, the inner Qi atmosphere of the mission hall was solemn, and all my eyes were on the huge LCD screen where missions were released.

Fang Ping and Yan Xue looked at them, and suddenly they saw the huge red text written on the huge LCD screen.

The No. 3 grain base was attacked by 3 Tier 5 monsters and many Tier 3 and Tier 4 monsters.

No. 5 aquatic product base was attacked by 2 Tier 5 monsters and many Tier 3 and Tier 4 monsters.

The edible salt base was attacked by 3 Tier 5 monsters and many Tier 3 and Tier 4 monsters.

The oil base was attacked by 4 Tier 5 monsters and many Tier 3 and Tier 4 monsters.

Four production bases were attacked by monsters at the same time. This is indeed an Extremely Dangerous situation. No wonder the monster countermeasures section will issue an alarm.

Suddenly, Yan Xue cried out in surprise, his face became anxious.

“Not good, the task that Fan Xuan took this time is to garrison the edible salt base.”

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