Monster Altar

Chapter 207

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Fang Ping face changed, I couldn’t help but feel anxious.

Generally speaking, the standard configuration of a production base is one Tier 5 plus 3 Tier 4 and 9 Tier 3. Now the salt base is being attacked by 3 Tier 5 monsters and many Tier 3 and Tier 4 monsters. The degree of danger can be imagined. know.

“Not good, my friend Li Wei is in the No. 5 aquatic product base.”

“My girlfriend is in the oil base, what should I do? What should I do?”

Anxious voices sounded in the mission hall. Several of them, like Fang Ping and Yan Xue, had friends who happened to be in the 4 production bases that were attacked.

“Don’t worry, only 4 production bases were attacked. The number of Morning Star powerhouses in the Monster Countermeasures Division is enough to cope with it. Now there should be a deputy director rushing to these 4 production bases.”

A middle-aged Awakener said calmly.

It has been so much, so that when they encounter this situation, they are more calm than the young Awakener.

Hearing the words of these middle-aged people, several anxious youngsters’ complexions eased a little. Indeed, at the speed of Morning Star powerhouse, it only takes a few minutes to reach these 4 production bases, and the companions have great hopes of being rescued.

However, at this moment, a solemn voice sounded.

“It’s a pity that the crisis at this time needs to be solved by us here, and the Morning Star powerhouse will not be dispatched.”

With this voice, three middle-aged men and a middle-aged woman walked into the mission hall.

The speaker was a middle-aged man, he was Sang Hua, the head of the mission department, a powerhouse whose Tier 5 peak was only one step away from Morning Star.

“What? Why? Why can’t the deputy director be dispatched?”

The anxious voice sounded again. This time not only the youngster, but even the middle-aged people became anxious. They also have companions in these 4 production bases.

“It is no coincidence that four production bases were attacked at the same time. It is very possible that a powerful monster with a high IQ was spying on Yinchuan base city, so several directors must not leave Yinchuan base city now.”

“The situation is urgent. We are now starting to release the mission. I am responsible for the No. 3 food base rescue. We need 5 Tier 3 Awakener, 4 Tier 3 Awakener, and 20 Tier 1 Awakener.”

“I am responsible for the rescue of the No. 5 aquatic product base. 5 Tier 2 Awakener people, 4 Tier 7 Awakener people, and 3 Tier 5 Awakener people are needed.”


Yan Xue decisively signed up for rescue at the edible salt base, while Fang Ping was entrusted with the Space Teleportation mission by the head of the mission department because of his space ability.

Four Awakeners with speed capabilities quickly brought the flying knives with flying thunder divine technique to the four production bases, and then Fang Ping used space capabilities to transport the Awakener who went to support to the four production bases.


Fang Ping quickly rushed to the salt base with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

With divine speed and means such as Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he is naturally a speed-type capable person.

Huh, huh, huh!

He keeps disappearing, keeps appearing, and every time he appears, he appears more than a hundred meters away.

The speed reaches the speed of sound impressively, even more than a lot, faster than the average Morning Star powerhouse.

The Flying Thunder God Jutsu is also on the way. In the past, it was far superior to the average Tier 5 Awakener but could not reach the speed of sound, but now it not only reaches the speed of sound but also exceeds the speed of sound. The reason is the newly acquired ability divine speed.

The divine speed gives him, in addition to the terrifying movement speed, there is also a terrifying reaction speed.

Under this terrifying reaction speed, the time required for him to remotely control the flying knife became shorter, and the time required to activate Flying Thunder God Jutsu became shorter, and the overall movement speed suddenly became a block, gaining a movement speed exceeding the speed of sound.

“Hold on, rescue will arrive soon.”

In the edible salt base, an injured man in his 40s struggled with three Tier 3 monsters while cheering on his companion not far away.

Not far away, the five Awakener were besieged by monsters several times larger than them.

Faced with monsters that are several times larger than them, all they can do now is to hold on to the rescue.

As for abandoning the production base and fleeing, it is impossible.

It’s not that they are pedantic and still want to guard the production base, but because they, as Awakener, are like the most delicious food for these monsters.

These monsters surrounded them and didn’t give them a chance to escape. Several times they broke through and tried to escape, but they all failed.


A goblin with a height of more than 3 meters roared, and a huge wooden stick in his hand smashed a leaping monster into the air.

哧 ——

A huge slime vomited in its mouth, vomiting a large group of acid, and a monster that was about to pounce was caught upright, screaming and rolling on the ground.


A huge white bone skeleton with a height of more than 3 meters, holding a white bone bow and arrow, shoots a huge white bone arrow, hitting a leaping monster, and the terrifying force takes the monster back to fly.

The 3 monsters are all Fan Xuan’s summon.

As a summon type Awakener, every time her realm increases by a level, a summon object can be added, and each summon object has the same strength as her realm.

This is a very powerful ability, the ability level is enough to reach the pinnacle of high order ability, the same realm fights, few people will be her opponent.

However, it is a pity that now it is not the same realm fighting, and the opponents facing her are monsters with more summons than her.

Bang, bang, bang!

Suddenly, a Tier 4 monster came towards her, and the giant claws with terrifying power slapped continuously, and the 3 summons were suddenly severely injured and shot flying.

However, the Tier 4 monster showed its hideous mouth and pounced on her.

“Be careful.”

The exclamation of companions came from around.

For this beautiful companion, they couldn’t bear to let each other die like this. If they could, they hoped to save each other.

Unfortunately, they are also in a dire situation, and there is no energy left to save each other.

“Not good !”

Looking at the Tier 4 monster coming, Fan Xuan’s face turned pale, and he backed away sharply.

But at her speed, how could it be possible to surpass the Tier 4 monster, seeing that the Tier 4 monster is getting closer and closer to her.


Suddenly, a blue throwing knife flew in and inserted between her and the Tier 4 monster.

Seeing this throwing knives, she was sighed in relief and was saved.

She naturally knows Fang Ping’s flying knives, and she knows where Fang Ping can appear as long as the flying knives appear.

Sure enough, at the next moment, Fang Ping’s silhouette appeared and stood in front of her.

Ka ka ka ——

The cold air was surging out by Fang Ping, and the Tier 4 monster that rushed was frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant, frozen to death, and died on the spot.

Even if the Mutated Hie Hie no Mi ability is a general level of peak order ability, it is enough to raise his fighting intent to Tier 5.

With Tier 5’s destructive power, killing a Tier 4 monster is naturally very easy.

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