Monster Altar

Chapter 208

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“Really strong, the Tier 4 monster killed it in one blow, Tier 5 Awakener, he is Tier 5 Awakener!”

“Reinforcement, it’s reinforcement, it’s rescued!”

The Awakener who are still alive are all looking excited, even the middle-aged Tier 5 Awakener cannot help being secretly relieved.

“I will send reinforcements over now!”

Turning to Fan Xuan slightly nodded, Fang Ping disappeared in an instant.

When it appeared again, it had already appeared in the mission hall.

He quickly rushed to the two Tier 2 Awakener players in the rescue edible salt base team, and put two hands on the shoulders of the two people.


In an instant, the two Tier 2 Awakener disappeared and appeared in the salt base where he disappeared.

Instead, he grabbed the 2 people next to him and used Flying Thunder God Jutsu again.

Huh, huh, Shua!

Fang Ping used Flying Thunder God Jutsu one after another to continuously send the rescued Awakener to the salt base. After more than a dozen breaths, all the Awakener who participated in the rescue of the salt base appeared in the salt base.

“The No. 3 grain base is already in place.”

“The No. 5 production base is already in place.”

“The oil base is in place.”

Soon, the other three production bases have feedback that personnel are in place.

Fang Ping is fast, and the other three Tier 3 Awakener speed types are also not slow, which is slightly slower than Fang Ping’s current fastest speed.

They all reach the speed of sound, and one of them is Wu Bao, who was defeated by Fang Ping not long ago.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Fang Ping quickly used Flying Thunder God Jutsu to send rescuers from the three production bases.

Then, he was going to teleport to the edible salt base to see if he could pick up some soup to drink.

Hong long!

Suddenly, a loud bang resembling thunder suddenly sounded, and the entire Yinchuan base city was shaking slightly.

“what happened?”

His complexion slightly changed. Such a huge movement is definitely not something that Morning Star can do. This is the movement caused by Morning Star.

He left the mission hall and went outside.


The terrifying sonic boom sounded, and many houses windows broke and exploded.

He stared at the sky dumbfounded, with shock in his eyes.

It was a huge weird bird that caused all this. The huge weird bird had no feathers and had disgusting meat bumps. It was the Morning Star monster he had seen.

Hong long!

The huge monster hovered above the monster countermeasures department, and then suddenly swooped down, and the giant wings flapped against a tall building.

This tall building collapsed with a rumbling sound under the flap of the wings of a huge strange bird.

Hey, hey, sou!

Among the tall buildings, each and everyone Awakener ran out with panic.

Fortunately, here is the monster countermeasures department. Basically, the people who live are Awakener, and most of them are quite strong. Otherwise, more than 100 people will die.

Even so, there were still casualties. The Awakener who was located in the upper part of the tall building received too strong an impact and was killed on the spot.

“Morning Star monster, it’s Morning Star monster!”

Around, panic sounds sounded, and many people looked at the huge strange bird in the sky astonished like Fang Ping.


An angry roar was like a thunder.

On a tall building in the Monster Countermeasures Division, there is a huge wind blade that seems to split the sky in half, and a huge strange bird that smashes into the sky.

The huge strange bird in the sky screamed, dodged quickly, and avoided the huge wind blade.

The huge wind blade shot into the sky, and actually split a white cloud in the sky into two halves.

The huge strange bird swooped down from the sky and rushed towards that building as if it had found its prey.

The disgusting fleshy bumps on his body suddenly turned into holes one after another. From the holes, black light sprayed out, densely packed.

A huge tornado appeared from the top of the building, entangled all the black light in it, rose up into the sky, and hit the huge strange bird.

The huge strange bird couldn’t dodge and was hit, and its huge body slid out.

A pair of azure wings stretched out from behind the people on the top of the building, chasing after the huge strange bird that flew out. This is a middle-aged man, exactly Qin Lan.

Qin Lan chased behind the huge strange bird, and shot the huge strange bird one after another, drove the huge strange bird out of the city, when he was near the edge of the city.



Along with the roar of a wild beast, a lightning shot up into the sky and attacked him from the ground.

His huge azure wind blade cut down, blocking this lightning.

Two people exploded violently, and the surrounding buildings and glass were all broken.

“And the Morning Star monster?!”

Fang Ping’s face was actually horrified. Although the city side was not visible due to the occlusion of the building, the howl of the wild beast already showed that the identity of the person who attacked Qin Lan with Thunder and Lightning must be another one. Only Morning Star monster.

“Four production bases were attacked at the same time, and now there are multiple Morning Star monsters invading the base city of Yinchuan. Is there really a powerful monster with high IQ behind them manipulating these monsters?”

He thought of the words of Sang Hua, the head of the task department in the task hall before.

The current situation is by no means a coincidence that can be explained clearly. Behind these monsters, there must be some existence manipulating.

What only shocked him was that this existence could even operate other monsters in Morning Star, and there were more than one, which was a little scary.

Fortunately, the Monster Countermeasures Division noticed something wrong, not at all sent the Morning Star powerhouse to the 4 production bases, otherwise the Yinchuan base city would be in danger.

The other party was obviously here for the base city of Yinchuan.


Opening the door in the void, Fang Ping escaped from the space inside the entrance, rushing to the direction where the roar of the beast came from.

Morning Star other battles, destructive power is too serious, even if Tier 5 Awakener is affected, it will be extremely dangerous.

And staying in the space inside the door is much safer. Unless you encounter a space-type monster, impossible can hurt him.

Using the divine speed ability, he moved fast in the door space at the speed of sound, and soon came to the edge of the base city.

I saw the metal city wall as high as fifty-sixty meters, and several hundred meters disappeared.

The damaged area is incomplete, and the surrounding area is full of large pieces of broken metal. This should be forcibly destroyed by some powerful ability.

This reminded him of the loud noise he heard at the beginning, which was probably destroying the city wall.

“One, two, three…”

Fang Ping counted the number of suspected Morning Star monsters. The more he counted, the more frightened he became. There were actually 8 Morning Star monsters.

At this time, facing these 8 Morning Star monsters, one after another Morning Star powerhouse.

In it, Fang Ping saw Lu Yun, Qin Lan, and Tao Lianghan.

Apart from this, there are some Morning Star powerhouses who have heard of and seen photos, and some Morning Star powerhouses are not at all. They should be the hidden Morning Star powerhouses in the Monster Strategy Division.

“That is……?”

After looking at the 8 Morning Star monsters, Fang Ping pupil suddenly shrinks.

There, there was a man wearing a black windbreaker. The man had a pair of black and green eyes with a bone-coldness.

On the man’s left face, there was a “170” number.

“In human form, how can numbers appear, can it be…?”

Seeing this man, Fang Ping had a terrifying guess in his heart.

Normally, Demonic Human race can only see this number when transformed into a monster form, because the monster form is their true form.

Now, this black trench coat man can actually see numbers in human form. Doesn’t it mean that human form is the true form of the other party?

The opponent is a human, but was transformed into Demonic Human race by the rumored Immemorial Devil?

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