Monster Altar

Chapter 211

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Lu Yu was about to step forward to check, but was stopped by Fang Ping.

For ordinary monsters, he can indeed judge whether it is dead by sound, but Morning Star monsters are different. The disappearance of sound cannot be used as a basis for death.

“Shadow Clone Jutsu !”

Both hands forming seals, a Shadow Clone appeared, Fang Ping asked Shadow Clone to go to see if the giant ape monster had really died.

When Fang Ping Shadow Clone walked to the corpse of the giant ape monster, the “dead giant ape monster” suddenly opened his eyes, and the giant palm patted the Fang Ping Shadow Clone.


Fang Ping’s Shadow Clone was blown up without any accident under this palm.

The giant ape monster that exploded Fang Ping Shadow Clone struggled to stand up, but in the end he couldn’t stand up, and fell down with a bang.

“Continue to attack!”

Fang Ping was awe-inspiring, but fortunately he was cautious, otherwise it would be dangerous.


Lu Yu responded, and one after another white beams hit the giant ape monster.

When Lu Yu was gasping for exhaustion, the giant ape monster had many more wounds, densely packed, and there was almost no complete place.

Fang Ping tried again with Shadow Clone, this time, the giant ape monster did not come back to life.

Fang Ping hurried forward and brought the giant ape monster into the sacrifice space.

For Monster Altar’s mysterious, Fang Ping has a deep understanding of the invisible characteristics, which shocked him even more. Such characteristics are simply incredible.

Whether it is dead or alive, as long as you enter the sacrifice space, life and death will be controlled by him.

“hu, call…”

After doing all this, Fang Ping sighed in relief, breathing heavily.

Chasing down all the way, Lu Yu was tired, he was also tired, both mentally and physically tired.

After all, this is chasing and killing the Morning Star monster. It is completely walking a tightrope. If you are not careful, you may be killed.

“If it weren’t for the Morning Star powerhouse to be severely damaged and lose strength, even if I joined forces with Lu Yu, it would be impossible to kill him.”

Although he killed the Morning Star monster, Fang Ping had a deeper understanding of the power of the Morning Star monster in his heart.

With his current strength, even with Lu Yu, it is not enough to compete with the Morning Star monster.

For him now, it is too early to contend with the Morning Star monster.

Without immediately considering the sacrifice, Fang Ping teleported back to the base city of Yinchuan, walked in the monster countermeasures department, listened to the conversations of people around, and inquired about the current situation.

Soon he learned the latest situation.

With reinforcements, the four production bases eliminated the incoming monsters and the crisis was resolved.

On the Yinchuan base city side, Blood Moon powerhouse Wei You has returned, but it is not known whether Hei Ni has been killed.

The damage caused by this battle was extremely serious. The city wall collapsed and a large number of buildings were destroyed. What’s more serious is that a full 1000 people were affected and killed. This is the result of avoiding ordinary persons as much as possible.

Morning Star and Blood Moon powerhouses are like humans to ants compared to ordinary person. Even if you are careful, ants will inevitably be trampled to death.

As long as fighting occurs in the base city, inevitably, an ordinary person will be affected and die.

Teleported, Fang Ping appeared in the salt base.

The corpses of the monsters were piled up together, exuding a strong and stench of blood.

Not far away, there were corpses covered by white cloth, many of which were mutilated, and some even had clothes left.

After being attacked by a monster, it is too difficult to preserve the body intact.

“Are you OK?”

Seeing Fang Ping’s arrival, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan both greeted them. They had already heard the news that the base city of Yinchuan was attacked by the Morning Star monster.

“I am fine.”

Fang Ping shook the head and signaled that he was not at all injured.

“What the hell is going on? Someone is really manipulating these monsters?”

Yan Xue asked solemnly.

“Yes, the monster that attacked the production base and the Morning Star monster that attacked the base city of Yinchuan were both manipulated. This person was originally supposed to be from the base city of Yinchuan, but later took refuge in the Demonic Human race…”

Fang Ping informed two people of the news they heard. Both of them knew about the humanoid monsters because they were from He’an Base City.

Therefore, Fang Ping not at all concealed the two people, and by the way, also told the two people about the existence of Demonic Human race.

“There is such a terrifying force.”

Hearing this secret, both of them were all sucked in a cold breath, and their hearts were greatly impacted. In addition to dangerous monsters, mankind actually has such a great enemy.

“In such a dangerous situation, is there any hope for our Human Race?”

2 people have some worries.

“Although we are in a dangerous situation, our Human Race still survives to this day, which shows that although our situation is dangerous, my Human Race is definitely not without strength to contend.”

Fang Ping sighed and said.

Some people were left to garrison, Fang Ping sent others back to Yinchuan Base City.

As one of the people who originally stationed at the experimental base, Fan Xuan naturally wanted to stay and station when his injuries were not serious.

“You keep these throwing knives. Whatever happens, I can arrive immediately.”

Fang Ping handed the flying knife recovered just now to Fan Xuan and said.

“Thank you.”

Fan Xuan carefully put away the flying knife.

After going to three other production bases one after another to recover the flying knives and transport the redundant personnel back to Yinchuan Base City, Fang Ping returned to his residence.

Back at the residence, some tired Fang Ping lay on the sofa, discarding a large group of things on the coffee table next to them. It was a flying knife after another that was bent or even broken.

These flying knives were destroyed by the giant ape monster in the process of hunting down the giant ape monster.

“It must be recast again, no, a set of flying knives must be cast with a harder material.”

Fang Ping gave up re-casting.

Now he has begun to come into contact with Morning Star, and facts have proved that the current flying knife material is not enough to withstand the attack of the Morning Star powerhouse.

This is very dangerous in battle.

Imagine, facing the attack of the Morning Star powerhouse, I originally wanted to teleport and evade, but suddenly discovered that the throwing knife that I wanted to use as a teleport coordinate has been damaged. How deadly it would be.

A momentary delay, it is likely to kill him.

“You have to build at least ten handles, preferably 20. I’m afraid it will cost a lot of points.”

“By the way, this time I rescued 4 production bases. I contributed a lot. I don’t know how many points I can get.”

Throwing the flying knife aside, Fang Ping closed his eyes, and his consciousness entered the sacrifice space.

On the scarlet altar, there is a giant ape monster corpse more than 7 meters high, bound by scarlet chains.

“According to the rules of the first sacrifice, for the first time to sacrifice with Morning Star monsters, there is a high probability that you can sacrifice good innate talents and abilities that took out.”

“This Morning Star monster has plant abilities. If it is sacrificed, it is possible to gain powerful plant abilities. Would you like to sacrifice with this monster corpse?”

Fang Ping fell into consideration, considering whether to use the giant ape monster body as the first Morning Star monster body to be sacrificed.

“Plant ability, among the anime, the most famous is Senju Hashirama’s Wood release Kekkei Genkai. If you take out an anime character with Wood Element ability, the probability of offering to take out Senju Hashirama is very high.”

“Senju Hashirama’s Wood release Kekkei Genkai should be a peak order ability. It’s not a loss to get it. The most attractive is Senju Hashirama’s ninjutsu innate talent. After obtaining it, Sage Mode can be opened instantly and maintained. Time can also be longer.”

In terms of value, Sage Mode is undoubtedly higher than Wood release Kekkei Genkai. After all, Sage Mode can increase other abilities with an effect that one plus one is greater than two.

Thinking of this, Fang Ping made a decision in his mind.

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