Monster Altar

Chapter 212

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Fang Ping made a sound, the giant ape monster’s body melted under the scarlet flame, and the scarlet rays of light skyrocketed, reaching a height of ten meters.

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded.

“You can choose to sacrifice the world. Should you choose to sacrifice the world?”

Hearing this voice, Fang Ping seemed to hear the sound of nature.

Although it is still unclear whether the choice of sacrificing the world is random or with a time interval, it does not prevent him from making good use of it. He is more confident about offering to take out Senju Hashirama.

“I choose Hokage world.”

Fang Ping is selected immediately.


The stars in the sky suddenly reduced to a few 100. One of the green stars lit up with bright rays of light, and then a green beam of light descended and turned into a man.

The man has long black hair, is wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform, is covered with red laminated armor, and is wearing a Konoha forehead guard.

Name: Senju Hashirama

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent :very excellent

Ninjutsu innate talent :very excellent

Taijutsu innate talent :very excellent


Wood release Kekkei Genkai: The powerful Wood Element ability has formidable power far exceeding the general Wood Element ability.

“Really took out Senju Hashirama!”

Fang Ping was excited. Using the sacrificial rules, he sacrificed accurately for the first time and took out the target anime character.

The significance of this is extraordinary, which indicates that the sacrificial rules are used well, and such things are not impossible to copy.

In the future, he will still be able to sacrifice accurately, take out the target anime character, and take out the anime character he needs most.

“Currently anime characters have Growth innate talent, Ninjutsu innate talent, Taijutsu innate talent, and ability Wood release Kekkei Genkai. Do you choose one kind of acquisition?”

The majestic voice sounded, letting Fang Ping make a choice.

What to choose between ninjutsu innate talent and Wood release Kekkei Genkai was decided at the beginning, and Fang Ping chose immediately.

“I choose ninjutsu innate talent.”

As Fang Ping made his choice, a green ray of light crashed into Fang Ping within the body. Fang Ping had a lot of ninjutsu-related memories, but it was not at all specific ninjutsu cultivation method.

With Monster Altar’s urinary nature, if it is not surprising, if you want to practice the ninjutsu possessed by Senju Hashirama, you may have to activate it through sacrifice value.

He looked towards the Ninjutsu innate talent column of the attribute panel.

【Ninjutsu innate talent :very excellent】

Flying Thunder God Jutsu: activated

Sage Mode (Mount Myōboku): activated


Sage Mode (Shikkotsu Forest): Inactive, 10000 sacrifice value is required to activate.

Spirit Art: 5th Layer Rashoumon: Not activated, activation requires 10000 sacrifice value.

Sage art .Gracious Deity Gates: Not activated, activation requires 10000 sacrifice value.


After acquiring Senju Hashirama’s ninjutsu innate talent, he added a lot of inactive ninjutsu. One of them is the Sage Mode that Fang Ping once activated, but it does have a slight difference.

The previously activated Sage Mode was from Mount Myōboku Sect, and the newly inactive Sage Mode was from Shikkotsu Forest Sect.

Although the two Sage Modes are also the use of natural energy, the details should be somewhat different.

“Do you want to activate Sage Mode of Shikkotsu Forest Sect?”

With Lu Yu’s help to hunt and kill, now the number of sacrifices has reached 16. The sacrifice value for activating Shikkotsu Forest Sect Sage Mode is enough. Whether to activate it or not requires careful consideration. After all, the sacrifice value is not a gale. Scratched.

“The two Sage Modes must be different, and activation is definitely better than inactivation.”

In the end, Fang Ping decided to activate Sage Mode of Shikkotsu Forest Sect.


As Fang Ping activates the Sage Mode of Shikkotsu Forest Sect, the Ninjutsu innate talent column, the Sage Mode changes.

Both the original Mount Myōboku Sect Sage Mode and Shikkotsu Forest Sect Sage Mode have disappeared, replaced by such a ninjutsu.

Sage Mode: Sage Mode is a fusion of Mount Myōboku Sect and Shikkotsu Forest Sect. Both have the superior perception ability of Mount Myōboku Sect and the powerful recovery ability of Shikkotsu Forest Sect.


When the Sage Mode changed, Fang Ping also got a new Sage Mode cultivation method in his mind.

This method is similar to the previous Mount Myōboku Sect Sage Mode, but it is not exactly the same. It is obviously a new Sage Mode practice method formed by the fusion of 2 Sects.

“The value of this 10000 sacrifice value!”

After getting the information in his brain, Fang Ping couldn’t help but smile, and he was able to form a Sage Mode with both Mount Myōboku Sect and Shikkotsu Forest Sect, and obtained the characteristics of 2 Sect Sage Modes, forming a stronger Sage Mode.

This 10000 sacrifice value is not an ordinary value, and there are already some effects that are expected after the new Sage Mode is repaired.

Suppressing the urge to leave the sacrifice space to cultivation the new Sage Mode, he continued to check the ninjutsu innate talent column.

Check the newly acquired ninjutsu activation options that incorporate Senju Hashirama ninjutsu innate talent, and see if there is any ninjutsu worthy of activation.

“Well, there isn’t even a Wood Element Ninjutsu!”

After reading all the new ninjutsu, Fang Ping couldn’t help but be surprised. Among these new ninjutsu, he didn’t see a Wood Element ninjutsu.

“Is Wood Element Ninjutsu classified as Wood release Kekkei Genkai?”

He soon had speculation in his mind.

Wood release ninjutsu should be in conjunction with Wood release Kekkei Genkai. If he chooses to obtain Wood release Kekkei Genkai, he should be able to find various Wood release ninjutsu activation options in Wood release Kekkei Genkai.

Unfortunately, he did not choose Wood release Kekkei Genkai, so he did not get the activation option of Wood release Ninjutsu.

Of course, even if he is asked to do it again, he will still choose ninjutsu innate talent. Compared with Wood release Kekkei Genkai, Sage Mode is undoubtedly more valuable.

In the wilderness, Hei Ni black windbreaker was tattered, and he rested on a boulder with his back slightly embarrassed. He escaped from the pursuit of Blood Moon powerhouse Wei You.

Although he had made sufficient preparations, he was a little worse after all, and was finally defeated by Wei You.

“Who, come out?”

Suddenly, his eyes were cold, and his right hand Huadao swung down at a boulder more than ten meters high.

The violent wind howled, and the strong wind caused by the body alone caused this huge rock to be split into two halves.

The boulder collapsed to the second side. After the boulder, the silhouette of a scarlet-haired woman appeared. It was the red-haired woman who had fought against Lu Yun.

“Your Excellency, please forgive me for bothering me. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Chi Ji. I represent Yingchuan Demonic Human race. I sincerely invite you to join Yingchuan Demonic Human race.”

Although Demonic Human race has the same origin, it is divided into many factions. Among them, the Fiend faction near Yinchuan Base City is Yingchuan Demonic Human Race.

After learning that Yinchuan base city was attacked by a powerful Demonic Human race, it was almost successful. Yingchuan Demonic Human race was excited and immediately sent clansman to invite.

“I’m not interested.”

Hei Ni directly refused.

“Your Excellency, we have seen your strength. We admit that your strength is indeed extremely strong. However, it is undeniable that your strength is not enough to destroy the Yinchuan base city.”

“Yinchuan base city is also the enemy of our Yingchuan Demonic Human race, and the enemy’s enemy is our friend. Why not join us and join us to destroy Yinchuan base city.”

Chi Ji, a red-haired woman, tried his best to persuade, such a great expert, if it can pull into the Yingchuan Demonic Human race, the strength of the Yingchuan Demonic Human race will surely increase.

“Noisy, get out of here.”

Hei Ni coldly snorted, a black light threw away, sweeping on Chi Ji before Chi Ji can react.

Chi Ji flew upside down, smashing more than ten boulders in succession, and flew out several hundred meters, with blood on the corners of his mouth and embarrassment.

“I don’t care where you are from. If you don’t go away, you will stay forever.”

Hei Ni’s voice was cold and killing intent.

“Since your Excellency does not want to be disturbed, I will leave now!”

Chi Ji glanced at Hei Ni with a jealous face, didn’t dare to say more, and left quickly.

Continue to stay, she has no doubt that the other party will kill her.


“Sage Mode.”

After exiting the sacrificial space, Fang Ping impatient tested and obtained Senju Hashirama’s ninjutsu innate talent and used the changes in Sage Mode.

In order to obtain Senju Hashirama’s innate talent in Sage art, he even gave up Wood release Kekkei Genkai. This kind of peak order ability, if the Sage Mode not at all changes, you will lose out.

Because the new Sage Mode has not had time for cultivation, he still uses the previous Mount Myōboku Sect Sage Mode.


Absorbing natural energy and fusing into a Sage art chakra, more than ten seconds later, Fang Ping’s body changed.

His breath soared, soaring several times in an instant, red eyeshadow appeared around his eyes, he entered Sage Mode.

In just over ten seconds, he entered Sage Mode. This is the shortest time he has entered Sage Mode since he learned Sage Mode.

Calculate the time with the mobile phone stopwatch, after about one minute.

Fang Ping’s breath dropped and returned to his normal state, the eyeshadow on both eyes disappeared, and he exited from Sage Mode.

“The preparation time has become shorter and the maintenance time has become longer. My judgment is correct.”

Fang Ping’s face showed satisfaction.

In the past, he wanted to use Sage Mode with a preparation time of at least half a minute, but now, the preparation time has been doubled, and it only takes ten seconds to start.

The maintenance time has increased dramatically, from the previous 5 seconds to the current one minute, a full increase of more than ten times.

“This is definitely not the limit that my current innate talent can reach. With the deepening of Sage Mode, I should also be able to enter Sage Mode instantly like Senju Hashirama, and maintain it for an extremely long time.”

Fang Ping has expectations in his heart. By that time, Sage Mode, which has amplifying effects on Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and even abilities, will become his killing move.

A few hours later, Chi Ji walked into an unremarkable cave.

After walking through the winding caves for a long time, a place full of flowers, plants and trees, during which one can see one majestic building after another, appeared. This is the residence of Yingchuan Demonic Human race.

She came to the largest and most majestic building, knocked on the door and walked in.

An old man with half-white hair sat on a bone chair made of human skeletons. The old man looked at her and asked.

“how about it?”

“He refused.”

Chi Ji replied.


The half-white old man wrinkled his eyebrows indistinctly, then stretched out quickly, and said.

“Forget it, don’t worry about him.”

“Lord Zong Ling, he was a human after all, if left alone, will it threaten us?”

Thinking of the killing intent that Hei Ni had circulated before, Chi Ji hesitated and asked.

“As long as he doesn’t provoke him, he won’t threaten us.”

The half-white old man Zong Ling shook his head.

“He joins us or not. In fact, there is no big difference. As long as he exists, he can contain a lot of energy in Yinchuan Base City for us.”

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