Monster Altar

Chapter 213

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1 month later, the space inside the door.

“Sage Mode.”

Fang Ping both hands forming seals, the breath on his body soared, and the red lines that are unique to Sage Mode appeared on his face, but they were different from before.

In the past, there were only 2 eyeshadows on 2 eyes, but now, on 2 sides of the left and right eyes, there are slender reds extending to the face, like extending branches.

Not only that, on his forehead, there appeared a red circle with a solid dot in the middle.

The appearance is quite similar to when Senju Hashirama used Sage Mode. This is the change when the new Sage Mode enters Sage Mode.

For a month, Fang Ping has been practicing the new Sage Mode, because he already has cultivation experience, and his learning speed is fast.

Soon it reached the Mount Myōboku Sect Sage Mode progress and made progress on this basis.

Now, from absorbing natural energy to starting Sage Mode, the whole process can be completed in just a few seconds, and the time is shortened again.

Boom, bang, bang!

In Sage Mode, Fang Ping kicked out quickly.

The air was blown up, ripples were visible, and the formidable power of each foot reached Tier 5.

Physical ability has always been Fang Ping’s weakness, but under the increase of Sage Mode, even the weak physical ability is enough to reach Tier 5 level, even more how is other ability.

It took a full 5 minutes before Fang Ping exited from Sage Mode and returned to its normal state.

Today’s Sage Mode only takes a few seconds to start, but it can be maintained for 5 minutes.

What surprised Fang Ping even more was that he could almost perceive the improvement every day.

Continue to do this, turn on Sage Mode instantaneously, and maintain the duration of Sage Mode at more than half an hour, supporting a battle is definitely not a fantasy.

“They should be here soon.”

Leaving the space inside the door, Fang Ping took a shower and changed his clothes for travel.

This suit was made by him at the material exchange office.

Woven with the hair of Tier 5 monsters, it has extremely strong durability, and Tier 3 and even Awakener below are not even enough to damage it.

Of course, the price is also extremely expensive, and it cost a full 1000 points.

The cost of buying such a set of clothes is because, if he is moving at full speed today, ordinary clothes simply cannot withstand the wind pressure generated by the movement, and it will soon be tattered.

Soon after, Yan Xue, Fan Xuan, Yao Jun, all the same people from He’an Base City as Fang Ping, arrived one after another.

Today is the time they agreed to return to He’an Base City with the help of Fang Ping’s space capabilities.

Three people will never come, and three people died in the accident of the mission. The Monster Countermeasures Section of Yinchuan Base City is by no means a greenhouse. The mission given is absolutely impossible with zero casualties.

Xiang Qiu was the last to come. After he arrived, his gaze at Fang Ping was quite complicated.

Until now, he was the Number One Person of He’an Base City, but now, Fang Ping’s ranking is already above him.

In other words, Fang Ping’s strength is already above him.

“It’s coming soon, at most one week, you should be able to break through Tier 5.”

He took a deep breath and suppressed the different emotions in his heart. The opponent was only in the lead temporarily, and it was too early to admit defeat.

In his estimation, he will be able to break through Tier 5 in another week, and when the time comes, his strength will skyrocket. After all, he has the peak order ability.

Although he cannot have the Morning Star battle strength, the gap between Tier 5 and Morning Star is too huge, so huge that the peak order ability cannot cross realm, but it is enough for him to have the fifth-order peak battle strength. Overtake each other in one fell swoop.

Using Flying Thunder God Jutsu, Fang Ping sent a group of people back to He’an Base City, and the group quickly dispersed. They haven’t returned home for a long time, and all have some impatients.

Even if Fan Xuan is the same, of course, she is not going to visit her father and elder brother, but to the mental hospital to visit her big sister.

“Then where shall I go?”

Fang Ping found a serious problem. He found out that he didn’t know where to go and passed the time.

The previous owner of the body is not at all relatives, of course, even if there are relatives, he will not visit.

The previous owner is the previous owner, he is him, and the relatives of the previous owner are just strangers to him.

“By the way, go and see Xu Qing and Xu Wei.”

Hiring a taxi, Fang Ping went to the residence of Xu Wei and Xu Qing, and for half an hour, the taxi stopped in front of a 2-story villa.

“Well, both of them are here.”

Standing in front of the villa, Kenbunshoku Haki of Fang Ping had sensed the sound of Xu Wei and Xu Qing in the villa, and he pressed the doorbell.

“Fang Ping?”

Soon after, Xu Qing came to open the door, wearing tight jeans and a slim T-shirt, showing a beautiful figure.

Seeing Fang Ping, her face was surprised and greeted Fang Ping in.

Fang Ping handed over the prepared gift, which was the edible monster meat exchanged for points from the monster countermeasures department of Yinchuan base city.

Joining the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City, for him before, the treasured monster meat that was almost impossible to buy has been easily obtained.

I bought some before. They were originally prepared to cook in the wilderness, but now they can be given to Xu Wei and Xu Qing 2 siblings as gifts.

“Fang Ping.”

In a room, Fang Ping met Xu Wei. The other party was sitting on the sofa in the room. He was also happy to see Fang Ping, but he didn’t stand up at all because the other party’s legs were all fixed by plaster.

“You are hurt?”

Fang Ping took out a bottle of healing potion from the sacrifice space, stepped forward, and handed it to the opponent.

“No, you don’t know my ability to recover. You can recover in a few days. This thing is too wasteful for me.”

Xu Wei waved his hand, not at all, reached out to pick it up.

Seeing that the other party refused, Fang Ping put the medicine on the coffee table nearby and asked.

“How hurt?”

“Injured when hunting monsters.”

Xu Qing next to her hesitated to speak, but Xu Wei stopped her with her eyes, and said with a smile relaxedly.

“Injuries from hunting monsters? The injuries were all on the legs. Do you think I would believe this?”

2 People’s eye contact is very cryptic, but how can they hide the insight of Fang Ping, who is now a Tier 4 Awakener.

Moreover, the other party’s injuries were also very strange. Obviously, both legs were seriously injured, but there were no wounds on other parts of the body. This obviously did not conform to the fighting habits of monsters. Such injuries were definitely not caused by monsters.

“Xu Qing, what is going on with his injury?”

Fang Ping looked at Xu Qing.

“Ke family, it was interrupted by a member of the Ke family of the Awakener family.”

Xu Qing said after hesitating a little.

“Ke family?!”

Fang Ping is no stranger to the Ke family of Awakener family.

On the one hand, because there are only a few Awakener families in He’an Base City, on the other hand, because of Enchanted weapon Death God, he and Ke family almost broke out.

This weapon is still lying in the sacrifice space, but it has been useless for a long time because it is no longer needed.

“For what reason?”

“Some time ago, my brother had a girlfriend named Ke Yunyun, who was a kid of the Ke family.”

“Ke family understood what happened to the two people, and Ke family sent someone to warn my brother, forbidding the two to meet again, and breaking his two legs.”

Xu Qing said.

“It’s all forbidding two people to meet, but by breaking Xu Wei’s leg, this Ke family is a bit overbearing.”

Fang Ping frowned. He knew that the children of the Awakener family, especially women, could not be married.

At the beginning, Fan Xuan almost became a victim of Fan Family in order to consolidate his position.

Later, after showing the amazing innate talent of Awakener, he escaped from this fate and possessed great autonomy, but people like Fan Xuan are in the minority after all.

He did not despise the Awakener family as a means of marriage to consolidate their position.

The children of the Awakener family enjoy superior material conditions as soon as they are born. It is understandable that they can contribute to the family by their marriage.

What makes him dissatisfied is that it’s all to prevent two people from interacting, but interrupting Xu Wei’s legs is obviously too much.

“The Ke family obviously has done too much, don’t worry, I will seek justice from the Ke family for you.”

Looking at Xu Wei, Fang Ping said.

If it is an unrelated stranger, even if he hears of such an encounter, he will not interfere, but Xu Wei is obviously not an unrelated stranger.

“No, this matter is over. The Ke family is an Awakener family. It is not good for you to be caught in the middle.”

Xu Wei quickly refused.

His impression of Fang Ping still remained a year ago. The Tier 3 Awakener had a battle strength comparable to the Tier 4 Awakener.

Fang Ping’s strength is very strong, but Ke family’s strength is stronger. Its Patriarch is a veteran Tier 4 Awakener, already not far from Tier 5.

If Fang Ping conflicts with such Awakener family, he may not be able to reap the benefits, so he quickly refused.

“Don’t worry, I haven’t paid attention to a Ke family.”

Fang Ping waved his hand, an Awakener family with only one Tier 4 Awakener sitting in the town, to him now is really nothing.

Ke family.

“I asked you to warn that Xu Wei, why did you break his legs?”

Ke family Patriarch, an old man with white hair but full of energy.

At this moment, he was like an angry lion, shouting at a majestic and upright man whose eyes were sunken.

This man is Ke Jing, the top of the Ke family who broke Xu Wei’s legs, a Tier 3 Awakener.

“If you don’t teach him some lessons, I’m afraid he will never forget Yunyun.”

The man calmly explained that he was not too in awe of Ke family Patriarch.

As the top Awakener of Tier 3, he may break through and become a Tier 4 Awakener at any time, so for the Ke family Patriarch of Tier 4 Awakener, he is not too in awe.

“Idiot, do you know you are in big trouble.”

“That Xu Wei siblings is indeed just an ordinary Tier 2 Fiend Hunter, but they also have an identity, they are Fang Ping’s close friends.”

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