Monster Altar

Chapter 214

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“Fang Ping, is that Fang Ping?”

Ke Jing’s complexion finally changed slightly.

“Who can make me jealous, but also named Fang Ping, who else is there besides him?”

Ke family Patriarch has a sullen face.

“Although Fang Ping has left, he will definitely come back. If he knew when the time comes, he would definitely not give up.”

“Isn’t it, one of the two is just an ordinary Tier 2 Awakener, and the other is a battle strength comparable to Tier 2. Even if there is friendship, the relationship is not too deep, right?”

Ke Jing said with some anxiety.

“On the contrary, after investigation, it was found that the relationship between the two parties is excellent. If they come back, Fang Ping is likely to help each other.”

Ke family Patriarch shook his head and said.

“How can the family provoke Fang Ping?”

Ke Jing still wanted to find a reason to refute. Just then, a youngster walked in and asked some anxiously.

This youngster is Ke Peng, the genius of the Ke family. The other party is also one of the people sent to Yinchuan base city to participate in the training. This time he will return with Fang Ping.

“A’Peng, why are you back?”

Seeing Ke Peng appeared, Ke family Patriarch and Ke Jing were all surprised.

“It’s been almost a year since I left, so I came back temporarily. What is going on? How can the family provoke Fang Ping?”

Ke Peng asked some anxiously.

The Ke family who stayed in He’an Base City didn’t know the strength of Fang Ping today, but he did.

Not only does it have Tier 5 battle strength, it is also quite strong even in Tier 5. If the opponent wants, only one person will be enough to destroy the Ke family.

Now that he learned that the family had provoke Fang Ping, he couldn’t help worrying.

“Things are like this…”

Ke family Patriarch will say it again.

“Uncle Jing, this time you did it too impulsively, why didn’t you do it without investigating clearly.”

After listening to what happened, Ke Peng became anxious. When he thought of Fang Ping, he was now in He’an Base City and couldn’t help but hurriedly said.

“You must apologize as soon as possible, the sooner the better, I hope it’s still too late.”

“A’Peng, what is going on? How do you feel that you are afraid of this Fang Ping?”

From Ke Peng’s attitude, Ke Jing felt bad and couldn’t help asking.

“Can you not be afraid? The opponent’s battle strength is now comparable to Tier 5 Awakener, and there are several Tier 5 Awakener losers in his hands.”

Ke Peng smiled bitterly.

“What, that Fang Ping already has battle strength comparable to Tier 5 Awakener?”

Ke family Patriarch and Ke Jing are both heart startled. Less than a year after they have left, their battle strength is actually comparable to Tier 5.

At this moment, a man in a suit came in to report.

“Patriarch, the person who just monitored Xu Wei siblings reported that he saw a person who looked like Fang Ping who had been away for a year and entered the Xu Wei siblings villa.”

“Not good, it’s too late, get your car ready and go to Xu Wei siblings villa.”

Upon hearing this news, Ke family Patriarch, Ke Jing, and Ke Peng are all complexion greatly changed.

They still underestimated the relationship between Fang Ping and Xu Wei siblings. Upon returning to He’an Base City, they first visited Xu Wei siblings. One can imagine the relationship between Fang Ping and Xu Wei siblings.

When Fang Ping was about to leave Xu Wei siblings residence and head to Ke family, the doorbell rang.

Xu Qing opened the door and saw the Ke family 3 people appearing at the door, she couldn’t help but pale.

“Ke family, don’t you guys be bully intolerably, my brother’s legs have been broken by you, what else do you want to do?”

“Misunderstanding, misunderstanding.”

Ke family Patriarch said quickly.

“The previous thing was that we did too much, this time we are here to apologize.”

“Apologize? Are you here to apologize?”

Xu Qing looked at Ke family Patriarch in astonishment. Ke family took the initiative to come and apologize. This was incredible. She almost thought her ears had misheard.

“Yes, I did too much the previous thing. We are here to apologize.”

Ke Jing also said that while speaking, she couldn’t help but peer into the villa.

He was really shocked by the news that Ke Peng brought back.

With the strength of Fang Ping Tier 5 Awakener, he wanted to kill him or even destroy the Ke family with no difficulty. He really did not expect that the opponent would grow to this point in just one year.

“come in.”

Fang Ping had heard the conversation outside, walked to the door of the villa and motioned for the three people to come in.

Ke family will accept a soft apology, he is not surprised, after all, his strength lies there.

To his surprise, Ke family would come to apologize before he found the door. Ke family’s response was unusually fast.

Three people entered the Ke family. Ke family Patriarch looked at Xu Wei sitting on the sofa and said apologetically.

“I’m sorry for the facts before. I originally only asked him to come and persuade you to cut off contact, but I didn’t expect that he would hurt you by his own initiative. This is my Ke family’s apology, please accept it.”

As Ke family Patriarch spoke, he took out a check with 3010000 written on it.

The Ke family suddenly apologized, leaving Xu Wei somewhat completely unprepared, but he faintly guessed that it must be because of Fang Ping. He turned to Fang Ping for help.

“Fang Ping, is this…?”

“If you accept Ke family’s apology, accept the check. If you don’t accept it, then refuse. Ke family dare not take you.”

Fang Ping said calmly.

After a little hesitation, Xu Wei accepted the check. It wasn’t that he valued the 3010000 so much, but that he didn’t want to trouble Fang Ping any more.

Seeing Xu Wei accepting the check, Ke family Patriarch, Ke Peng, and Ke Jing were all sighed in relief.

From Fang Ping’s words, they heard Fang Ping’s tough attitude for Xu Wei. If Xu Wei is unwilling to accept an apology, Fang Ping will certainly not let it go.

“Thank you for your understanding, then we will leave.”

Ke family Patriarch quickly said goodbye to leave.

When they think that Fang Ping standing in front of them is a Tier 5 Awakener, they can’t help but feel a great deal of pressure, the problem is solved perfectly, and they are ready to leave.


But at this moment, Fang Ping stopped 3 people.

Hearing Fang Ping’s voice, the three of them stiffened and turned a little unnaturally. Ke Jing’s forehead had already slipped down in cold sweat, and finally Ke Peng brace oneself asked.

“Fang Ping, are you dissatisfied with the compensation? If it is, you can tell it. If it can be done, the Ke family will definitely not refuse.”

Among the three, he and Fang Ping have met several times, and they are barely familiar.

“No, this matter is over. I won’t pursue it anymore. I called you guys because I wanted to make a deal with Ke family.”

“Deal? I don’t know what deal Mr. Fang wants to do?”

Ke family Patriarch asked.

Fang Ping single-handed phantom, Enchanted weapon Death God, who once belonged to the Ke family, appeared in his hands.

“As for the marriage of the children of the Awakener family, I do not make any comments. After all, it is an internal matter within the Awakener family.”

“However, the marriage is for profit in the final analysis, so I exchanged the profit with this Enchanted weapon in exchange for the Ke family without interfering with Xu Wei’s relationship with Ke Yunyun.”

Enchanted weapon Death God is no longer useful to him. If he can save Xu Wei’s love with this Enchanted weapon, it will be very worthwhile for him. Of course, the key still depends on whether Ke family is willing.

“Death God in exchange for Ke family’s non-interference with Xu Wei and Ke Yunyun?”

Hearing Fang Ping’s words, Ke family Patriarch couldn’t help thinking seriously.

As Fang Ping said, the marriage of the Awakener family is only for profit. If it is profitable, it is not impossible to allow Xu Wei to associate with Ke Yunyun. The key depends on whether the benefits are sufficient.

And Enchanted weapon Death God is an Enchanted weapon that is regarded as an inheritance weapon by the Ke family, and its value is naturally extremely high. Using this as an exchange of benefits really makes him have some changes.

“Patriarch, since Yunyun and Xu Wei 2 are in love, it’s better to fulfill them.”

Ke Peng hurriedly said that now is the time to relax the relationship with Fang Ping. In his opinion, it is completely worthwhile to relax the relationship with Fang Ping at the price of a family girl.

“That’s all, that’s all, since 2 people and 2 love each other, I won’t be this villain.”

Ke family Patriarch said with a smile on his face.

With Fang Ping’s current potential, it is almost inevitable to become a Morning Star in the future. Although this Xu Wei is a little mediocre, it is not useless to have friends like Fang Ping.

With the help of each other, they can establish a relationship with a future Morning Star powerhouse, which is not a loss from this point of view.

Of course, the other party was able to return Enchanted weapon Death God as a price, which was also his pleasure.

I thought I had lost this Enchanted weapon, but now it has been lost and recovered.

This weapon will be used as the inheritance weapon of the Ke family, which has explained the preciousness of this weapon.

This weapon returns to the hands of the Ke family, and the Ke family’s heritage in the Awakener family will undoubtedly be more profound.

The three Ke family members left with Enchanted weapon Death God, and promised before leaving that they would not block the relationship between the two.

“Fang Ping, thank you.”

Xu Wei said to Fang Ping with gratitude and guilt.

I am grateful to Fang Ping for persuading the Ke family to stop the Ke family from interfering in his relationship with Ke Yunyun, and I am guilty that Fang Ping has paid a precious Enchanted weapon for this.

Although I don’t know much about this Enchanted weapon, it can be guessed from Ke family’s willingness to exchange it. This Enchanted weapon must be extremely precious.

“Fang Ping, I really don’t know how to thank you.”

Xu Qing has tears in the corners of her eyes. These days, although her big brother is talking and laughing as usual, how can she fail to see the silence of her big brother? His smile is just to prevent her from worrying.

She wanted to thank Fang Ping, but found that all the assets of the siblings combined, I am afraid that Enchanted weapon is not as precious.

“Don’t take seriously, that Enchanted weapon is useless to me.”

Fang Ping shook his head, then said with a smile.

“It’s not impossible to thank me. I haven’t tasted Chef Xu Qing’s cooking skills for a long time, and I am a little greedy.”

In the next time, Fang Ping lived in Xu Qing and Xu Wei’s house. This kind of life reminded him of the time when he avoided hunting and killing in Xu Wei and Xu Qing’s house.

It’s just different from that time, there is no crisis hanging over the head all the time, but a relaxed atmosphere.

During the process, Fang Ping also met the woman named Ke Yunyun, she was indeed very sweet, no wonder Xu Wei was fascinated.

I just don’t know if it’s because I heard a lot about him in the Ke family. I was very polite and respectful to him, and it was difficult to get along with him like a friend.

In fact, with Fang Ping’s current strength, it is very stressful for ordinary people to get along with him like a friend.

Xu Wei and Xu Qing are also different. The two met Fang Ping before Fang Ping grew up, and they almost watched Fang Ping grow up step by step.

Because of this, 2 talents can still get along with Fang Ping like a friend.

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