Monster Altar

Chapter 215

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Two days later, a car stopped outside the villas of Xu Wei and Xu Qing, from which a woman with shoulder-length short hair walked out.

“who are you looking for……?”

Xu Qing looked at the woman in front of her in doubt, she was sure that neither she nor her brother knew this person.

“I’m here to find Fang Ping.”

The woman took a look at Xu Qing and then spoke.

“Oh… please inside.”

Suddenly, Xu Qing introduced the woman into the villa, and the eyebrows were indistinguishable, what was the relationship between the other party and Fang Ping.

“How did you come?”

Looking at the coming person, Fang Ping looked surprised.

The person who came was Yan Xue, but it was not yet the time to return as agreed, how did the other party find it and came here.

“The base city is in trouble. I am here to ask you for help on behalf of the Monster Countermeasures Division.”

Yan Xue said solemnly on his face.

“What’s the trouble?”

Feeling Yan Xue’s solemnity, Fang Ping frowned slightly and asked.

The monster countermeasures department that the opponent said was obviously the monster countermeasures department of He’an Base City.

Although he joined the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City, the identity of the opponent in the Monster Countermeasures Division of He’an Base City was not at all eliminated.

“A very powerful monster appeared near the base city and was about to be transformed into Morning Star. The Monster Countermeasures Division organized several encirclement and suppression campaigns, but they all failed.”

Yan Xue said.

“About to transform into Morning Star monster?”

Fang Ping’s complexion couldn’t help condensing slightly. Such a monster can be said to be extremely dangerous.

Once this monster breakthrough becomes a Morning Star monster, it will be an absolute disaster for He’an Base City.

One year ago Lu Yu was an example. In order to kill Lu Yu, the old director even paid the price of lifespan reduction before finally beheading him.

Of course, in fact, Lu Yu not at all was beheaded, survived by virtue of his ability, and was controlled by other gods.

To be precise, 2 people suffer from both sides, one has a shortened lifespan, and the other returns to Tier 5.

“Can’t the old chief take action?”

“Once it takes action, it will reduce the life of the old director again, so we hope that it is best to avoid the old director.”

“I learned that you already have Tier 5 battle strength, so I asked you to participate in this siege. The revenge is 20010000.”

“Okay, I will participate.”

Fang Ping agreed, but the money is of secondary importance, the more important thing is the owed favor.

He undoubtedly owed a lot of favor to the Monster Countermeasures Division of He’an Base City for joining the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City, and now is the time to return the favor.

“By the way, when the time comes, how do you plan to deal with this monster’s corpse?”

“The corpse of the monster has been pre-ordered by Xiang Qiu. According to him, his abilities require the corpse of this monster. For this reason, Xiang Family has given some compensation. Part of your 20010000 remuneration is the Xiang Family. paid.”

Yan Xue apologized.

After such a long time of contact, although Fang Ping didn’t say anything, she also roughly guessed that Fang Ping’s abilities should be similar to Xiang Qiu’s abilities, and monster corpses are also needed.

“That’s it.”

Fang Ping nodded, gave up the corpse of this monster.

Since Xiang Qiu had already booked in advance, there was no way, but Xiang Qiu’s ability surprised him a bit.

It turns out that there are some Awakener’s abilities that also require monster corpses. In this case, it can be used as a cover for Monster Altar.

Riding in Yan Xue’s car, Fang Ping came to He’an Base City’s Monster Countermeasures Division and was introduced to a Conference Hall. In the Conference Hall, he met the 3 deputy directors of He’an Base City’s Monster Countermeasures Division and Xiang Qiu, Xiang Family Patriarch.

Counting him, this should be the current He’an base city, all Tier 5 battle strength.

“Fang Ping, sit down.”

When he saw Fang Ping, Ye Zhen, the deputy director who had dealt with Fang Ping several times, greeted him warmly, and his eyes were full of sigh.

The kid who saw him carefully and politely can now sit on an equal footing with him. If two people play against each other, he may not be able to win.

“Since everything is here, let’s start the combat meeting now.”

Ye Zhen lightly coughed, start the projection instrument, and a hideous monster appears on the projection instrument.

The monster has dozens of pairs of gastric feet, and its body and feet are composed of many arthropods.

There is an iron-colored carapace attached to the surface of the body, and on the back, densely packed with spikes, and on some of the spikes, you can see dried minced meat.

On the head, there is a one-eyed, and a hideous chewing mouthpart.

The green liquid constantly flows out of the chewing mouthparts, and the ground is under the green liquid, and the sound of “chi chi” is constantly corroded.

“This is the Tier 5 monster poison Demon King bug that has been raging near He’an Base City in recent times.”

“The body surface has a more rigid carapace than metal, and the mouthparts can spit out highly corrosive venom.”

“The spikes on the back are also poisonous, and can be shot as a range attack method, apart from this, it also has the Earth Element ability, can stealth underground and attack with the Earth Element ability…”

Ye Zhen gave an audible introduction, mainly for Fang Ping and Xiang Qiu to explain that other people have already fought against this poisonous Demon King bug, and they naturally understand what they should know.

“According to our assessment, the battle strength of this poisonous Demon King bug is comparable to Tier 5 peak, and even stronger than Tier 5 peak. It is already at the critical point of transformation and may be transformed into the Morning Star monster at any time.”

Ye Zhen glanced at Fang Ping and Xiang Qiu and asked.

“Do you have anything else to ask?”

“How far is the attack distance between the venom and the spikes?”

Xiang Qiu asked.

Staring at the monster on the projection cloth, his eyes were full of heartbeat.

Although his peak order ability can simulate various monsters for use in battle, he must swallow the corresponding monsters in order to simulate it.

Such a Tier 5 peak monster is definitely his first choice for devouring now.

That’s right, now he has broken bottleneck and became a Tier 5 Awakener.

“The venom is about 50 meters, and the spikes are more than 100 meters less than two hundred meters.”

Ye Zhen said, and then he looked at Fang Ping.

“I have nothing to ask.”

Fang Ping shook his head. Deputy Director Ye Zhen’s introduction is sufficiently detailed, and Xiang Qiu has already asked what he wants to know, so he not at all wants to ask additionally.

“Okay, then we will discuss how to cooperate during the battle…”

After half an hour, the combat meeting ended, Fang Ping 6 people boarded an armored vehicle and headed out of He’an Base City.

The monster is always under surveillance, and someone will report its location every once in a while, and marks will be left along the way so that they can easily find where the monster is.

“It’s there!”

In a wasteland full of weathered rocks, 6 people discovered the poisonous Demon King bug, and the other party was crawling in the wasteland, leaving densely packed footprints and corrosion marks.


Ye Zhen said softly, and the 6 people started to act immediately.

Fang Ping escaped into the door space and disappeared without a trace.

Of the remaining 5 people, 2 of them lurked from the front, and the other 3 went to the side of the poisonous Demon King insect 2 and behind them.

Oh, pā, pā!

The poisonous Demon King worm turned its body a little nervously, watching its surroundings.

With the formation of an encirclement of 5 people except Fang Ping, the poisonous Demon King insect gradually felt bad.

Although he is not good at perceiving, not at all aware of the approaching enemy, his instinct of danger reminds him that the danger is coming soon.


Suddenly, in the empty void, a huge door opened, and Fang Ping, who was wrapped in Susanoo, rushed out from behind the door.

Rotating the spiral sword that made a harsh sound, fiercely stabbed the poisonous Demon King worm head.

The poisonous Demon King bug evades quickly. If it is a sneak attack by a normal Tier 5 Awakener, it may even escape.

However, Fang Ping is not an ordinary Tier 5 Awakener. Although the realm has not yet reached Tier 5, with the divine speed, his movement speed and reaction speed are almost comparable to Morning Star.

Dang, puff——

The spiral sword seemed to pierce the metal. Fang Ping felt great resistance. Although it eventually pierced the hard carapace, the injury caused was lighter than expected.

The spiral sword only pierced a small part, and it had been stuck by the strong muscles of the poisonous Demon King insect.


The huge body of the poisonous Demon King worm suddenly exerted force, Susanoo and Fang Ping among Susanoo were pushed back by brute force.

And the head of the poisonous Demon King insect has turned to look at Fang Ping, and the huge one-eyed one reveals an angry mood.


Green’s venom spit out, spraying towards Fang Ping.

Just when the green venom was about to hit Susanoo, Susanoo and Fang Ping among Susanoo teleported and disappeared.

When he jumped out of the door space, he had already scattered the flying knives with flying thunder divine technique around the poisonous Demon King insect.

The color of these flying knives is black, and he re-ordered them with points. The cost of each handle is as high as 1000 points, which is a full 20 points. For this reason, the points can be described as exhausted.

Pu chi ——

The green venom sprayed all the way forward, hitting a huge rock.

The huge rock melted in an instant, and eventually disappeared completely, and even the ground was melted into a huge pothole.

Just when the Demon King worm was poisoned, all attention was focused on Fang Ping.

Huge azure tornado.

The blazing dragon’s breath.

Densely packed arrows condensed by light.

Dense burning meteorites.

A high-frequency shock wave.

5 kinds of attacks, from 5 directions at the same time, attack the poisonous Demon King bug.

Boom, bang, bang!

Due to the fact that all attention is devoted to Fang Ping, the poisonous Demon King bug is too late to detect the attack and want to avoid it.

All of the 5 attacks fell on the poisonous Demon King insects. Even if the poisonous Demon King insects have a strong defense, facing this Tier 5 attack, it is impossible to carry them without injury.

There are many wounds everywhere on the poisonous Demon King bug, but they are not serious. After all, the strong defense of the poisonous Demon King bug lies there.

Hey, hey, hey!

After being attacked one after another, the poisonous Demon King bug became even more angry.

The long spikes on the back seem to have rockets as thrust, flying at a speed exceeding the speed of sound to all around, and the air ripples one after another.

On the back of the poisonous Demon King Insect Empress, long spikes grew immediately after losing those positions of the spikes.

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