Monster Altar

Chapter 218

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“In order to practice Sage Mode, I haven’t received a mission in the past few months. It’s time to receive a mission!”

Fang Ping walked to the mission hall and built a flying knife to exhaust all his points. Fortunately, he has the rankings and points are credited every month. Otherwise, even the monthly nutrient solution cannot be guaranteed.

“Senior Fang Ping, are you going to take the task? We just took the garrison task of a production base. I wonder if Senior Fang Ping is interested?”

“Senior Fang Ping, are you interested in taking patrol missions?”

Arriving in the mission hall, Fang Ping was not surprised by the “Attention Ceremony”, ranking tenth on the list, so that no matter where he goes, he will become very eye-catching.

Many of them even sent out team invitations to Fang Ping.

Fang Ping’s current battle strength is also extremely strong in Tier 5. If you can team up with him, the risk of the mission will naturally decrease, so many people want to team up with Fang Ping.

After refusing several waves of enthusiastic team invitations, Fang Ping came to the huge LCD screen where the task was released and browsed to the task.

Patrol on East Street, time for one month, strength requirement: Tier 3, required number: 2 people, task reward: 1010000 + 1000 points per person.

The seventh waste area patrol, one month, the required number of 7 people, strength requirements: a Tier 4 + 4 Tier 3, task reward: Tier 3 4 +3010000 points, Tier 3000 3 +1510000 points.

Tier 5 monster Wind Fire Demonic Fox search and hunt, the initial discovery location: ten 3 barren area, strength requirement: Tier 5, task number: one person, task reward: 5000 points + 5010000.


Fang Ping scanned one mission after another, and finally he decided to accept the mission of hunting and hunting Wind Fire Demonic Fox.

Today, he has as many as 9 abilities, and if innate talent is included, there are more than ten.

Unless it is some particularly powerful abilities, the improvement that can be obtained by simply increasing the number of abilities is already very limited. On the contrary, increasing the ability level of the existing abilities can improve his strength more effectively.

Wind Fire Demonic Fox is a monster with Wind Element and fire abilities. The fire abilities in it are exactly what he possesses.

If you can hunt down this Wind Fire Demonic Fox as a sacrifice and take out anime characters with fire abilities, it will undoubtedly increase the ability level of the existing fire abilities.

Rushing to the place where Wind Fire Demonic Fox was first found outside the city, Fang Ping began to search.

Through the traces left on the scene, he quickly locked the departure direction of Wind Fire Demonic Fox and quickly followed it away.

Long-term hunting of monsters has made him an experienced hunter, who can easily judge the direction of the monster’s departure from his footprints and broken branches.

“After spending so long in the base city, I finally came out. I’m already impatient and want to kill you.”

Soon after Fang Ping left the base city, the news that he had left the base city was passed on to Li Pengling after several passes.

Upon hearing the news, Li Pengling sneered.

Fang Ping did not accept the mission for several months for the cultivation Sage Mode. In his opinion, Fang Ping was afraid of being targeted by the Demonic Human race, so he dared not accept the mission.

Now that several months have passed, the other party may think that the limelight is over, and dare to take the task again.

The other party didn’t know it, he had been paying attention to the other party and was looking for the opportunity to kill him.

Five days later, in a jungle, Fang Ping stood by a broken tree, looking at the broken traces of the tree.

“The traces are very new, and the time left is no more than a day. It should not be far away.”

Seeing the broken marks, Fang Ping had a judgment in his mind, and quickly searched forward.

A few hours later, after several fresh broken trees were found along the way, Fang Ping finally found the monster he wanted to hunt down.

This is a monster with a body length of only more than 3 meters. Among Tier 5 monsters, this size can only be regarded as small.

It looks like a huge Fox, but it has 2 Fairy Tails, one Fairy Tail is azure, and the other Fairy Tail is red.

Apart from this, compared with the spirituality that Fox gives, Wind Fire Demonic Fox seems very tyrannical.

Long fangs, unable to hide, came out of the mouth, looking ferocious and hideous.

The sharp claw, tens of centimeters long, can easily cut off the trees blocking the front.

The broken woods Fang Ping saw along the way were cut by the opponent’s sharp claw.


Using the Doa Doa no Mi ability, Fang Ping lurked in the past, lurked next to Wind Fire Demonic Fox, and then jumped out of the door.

It does not appear behind Wind Fire Demonic Fox, but in front of Wind Fire Demonic Fox.

Generally speaking, this kind of unexpected sneak attack is best to appear behind you, but Fang Ping is different from others. It is the best choice to appear in the front.

“Sharingan Illusion Technique.”

As soon as Fang Ping appeared, Fang Ping turned on Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, and used the Illusion Technique on Wind Fire Demonic Fox through eye contact.

Performing the Illusion Technique requires eye contact, which is why he chose to appear in the front.


Perceiving Fang Ping’s appearance, Wind Fire Demonic Fox, who was about to grab Fang Ping’s claws, stiffened in place for an instant.

Although they are not other gods, the formidable power used by these Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan is also comparable to the general Illusion Technique type peak order ability. Even Tier 5 monsters cannot help but fall into the Illusion Technique.

“Scatter: Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.”

Fang Ping pulled out Zanpakuto and plunged it into the ground.

Counting 100 huge blades appeared, shattered into several millions blue sharp blades, and surrounded Wind Fire Demonic Fox in a huge sphere.


The pain caused Wind Fire Demonic Fox to break free from the Illusion Technique. The hot flame and the violent wind used together to form a violent attack. He wanted to break free, but it was too late.

Zanpakuto’s offensive has been completely formed, and it is not easy to break free.

As soon as he blasted the blue blade in front of him, the blue blade immediately surrounded him, and he couldn’t break through the huge sphere formed by the blue blade.

In the end, accompanied by a screaming scream, Wind Fire Demonic Fox fell to the ground with no sound, completely killed.

A Tier 5 monster can be killed so easily, this is the strength of Fang Ping today.

Unconsciously, Fang Ping already had the ability to easily kill Tier 5 monsters.

Walking towards the corpse of Wind Fire Demonic Fox, Fang Ping prepares to put the corpse of Wind Fire Demonic Fox into the sacrifice space.


The ground under Fang Ping’s feet turned into a huge, hideous mouth with several meters, and it snapped and bit towards Fang Ping.


The huge mouths bitten together heavily, and there was a dull sound.

The surrounding plants, just under the strong wind caused by the bite, have already toppled.

Such formidable power, even the hard metal column poured by alloy, will inevitably be bitten off.

However, Fang Ping not at all was bitten off, and just as he was about to be bitten, he disappeared with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Without biting Fang Ping’s huge mouth, head and body, it broke through the ground and turned into a huge rock python.

The body length reaches an exaggerated 30 meters, and the long body is extremely impactful, just like a train.


A few beyond ten meters, Fang Ping teleported to avoid the crisis.

Although he was only hunting down Tier 5 monsters such as Wind Fire Demonic Fox, he didn’t care about it. When he started his hands, he already distributed the flying knives with the flying thunder divine technique around.

The divine speed gives him an unusual reaction speed. Because of this, he can teleport and escape in time when the raid comes.

“Rock python, this ability is…”

He stared at the rock python that appeared where he was originally.

Naturally, he is not unfamiliar with this ability. It is the ability of Li Pengling who once lurked in Yinchuan Base City, so Li Pengling is undoubtedly the one who sneak attacked him.

The timing chosen by the opposing team was excellent. It was when he killed Wind Fire Demonic Fox and put his guard down.

The opponent must have been lurking around very early, and has been waiting for the best time for this sneak attack.

The only thing the other party did not calculate was that his reaction would be so fast that he could escape under such a sneak attack.

Fortunately, I have divine speed now. If I hadn’t obtained divine speed a few months ago, this time sneak attack might have been successful.


Li Pengling did not appear, and Fang Ping’s Kenbunshoku Haki could not perceive the opponent, but the rock python had attacked Fang Ping again.

The thick giant tail flicked, with a terrifying speed exceeding the speed of sound, slamming towards Fang Ping.

The trees, mountains and rocks encountered along the way were all crushed under this terrifying blow.

With such a blow, formidable power definitely reached the peak of Tier 5.

“Sage Mode !”

Fang Ping didn’t dare to be careless, turned on Sage Mode instantly, and then used Susanoo.

Susanoo in the fourth form appeared, transformed into a green giant more than ten meters high, and wrapped Fang Ping in all directions, even on the ground.


The spiral sword spins violently, bringing a terrifying spiral hurricane to the giant tail of the rock python.


The two collided, and the shock wave of terror spread.

A huge crack of more than 100 meters long appeared on the ground at the collision.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

A huge silhouette glided out, a large number of trees were broken and rocks were knocked off.

Not Susanoo, but rock python, where the rock python Fairy Tail was hit by the spiral sword, it was almost penetrated.

A few months ago, when Fang Ping used Sage Mode, the strongest battle strength was comparable to rock python.

Now that several months have passed, Fang Ping is naturally impossible to stay in place, realm has improved to a certain extent, and battle strength has also been improved to a certain extent.

This was not a significant improvement originally, but after Sage Mode’s multiple increase, it suddenly became obvious.

Li Pengling has also increased during this period, but the increase is obviously not as large as Fang Ping after the increase in Sage Mode.

So the abilities of the two collide, Fang Ping gained the upper hand.


A throwing knives flew beside the rock python under the control of Fang Ping, and immediately, the Fang Ping that enveloped Susanoo appeared teleported.

The spiral sword spins vigorously and stabs the rock python’s head.


The head of the rock python was hit hard and, like Fairy Tail, it was almost penetrated.

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