Monster Altar

Chapter 219

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Although the head was severely injured, the rock python was not at all broken and turned into stones.

The Battle Puppet, created as an ability, is not a real life, and will not die because of severe head injuries. Its life force is stronger than monsters, and there is no pain.

The head was hit hard, but the Fairy Tail did not hesitate to pull up its reserves like a bow, threw away, and slammed Susanoo’s back. Along the way, all the trees and rocks that were swept were shattered.


But just when the giant tail hit Susanoo, Susanoo disappeared.

The teleport appeared on the other side of the rock python, and the spiral sword hit the rock python’s head again.

Ka-cha !

The head was hit hard again, and the head of the rock python shattered and turned into rocks and fell.

However, the rock python is still not destroyed because of this. A new head is growing at the head position, and the loss of the head will affect it only to make it lose sight that’s all.


Without giving the rock python a chance to recover, Fang Ping took advantage of the rock python’s head shattered and lost his eyesight. The spiral sword stabbed the rock python one after another.

Taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Fang Ping naturally understands this truth.

Boom, bang, bang!

On the huge body of the rock python, huge holes appeared one after another, and most of the body was destroyed.

Rock python can no longer bear the burden, crash-bang into gravel.

“In just a few months, the strength has become so much stronger, and the means that can enhance the battle strength have been extended dozens of times.”

Hiding the sound, hiding in the ground, Li Pengling complexion ashen.

In just a few months, the opponent’s battle strength has surpassed him, and the method that can enhance the battle strength has extended the time more than a few times.

From his sneak attack to the destruction of the rock python, it lasted 5-60% of the time, but the opponent still did not withdraw from the increased state.

“There is no chance of winning!”

Suppressing his unwillingness, he decisively chose to retreat.

Although he wanted to kill the opponent, it was obvious that if he continued to fight, he would not at all win.

With his strength, it is impossible to kill the opponent.

However, although he is not an opponent, it does not mean that in the Demonic Human race, no one is an opponent of the other party. As long as he pays a sufficient price, he can completely invite those abnormal shots.

“Want to go?!”

Shouldn’t be able to perceive Li Pengling’s Fang Ping, he suddenly turned to look at the place where Li Pengling was underground. Susanoo’s huge spiral sword pierced towards that location.


A huge pothole with a diameter of 100 meters and a depth of several ten meters was pierced from the ground.

“Impossible, how can you possibly find me?”

Embarrassed and escaped the attack of the spiral sword, but was still affected by the spiral sword. Bloodstains appeared on his body. He fell to Li Pengling a few beyond ten meters and looked at Fang Ping in amazement.

The opponent is absolutely impossible to be able to perceive him, otherwise, the opponent will not be sneak attacked by him before then.

But looking at the other party like this, it is obvious that he can already be perceived.

“There is no absolute insolvency in this world.”

Fang Ping manipulates Susanoo, the spiral sword brings a terrifying hurricane and stabs Li Pengling again.

His Kenbunshoku Haki is indeed unable to perceive each other, but now he is more than Kenbunshoku Haki a means of perception.

The current Sage Mode combines the advantages of Mount Myōboku and Shikkotsu Forest’s two Sage Modes. It has both super perception ability and super recovery ability.

And the power of this perception ability is obvious. Among Hokage ninjas, even Baijue who is good at camouflage cannot escape the perception of this perception ability.


A huge rock python broke out of the soil, blocking Susanoo’s spiral sword, and Li Pengling took this opportunity to dive into the soil and quickly escape to the distance.

Obviously I want to use rock python to block Fang Ping and buy time for myself to escape.


One blow knocked the rock python back, and flew out several hundred meters.

Without entanglement with the rock python, using Nuke Nuke no Mi ability, Fang Ping dived into the soil quickly, chasing Li Pengling.

Underground, although Flying Thunder God Jutsu cannot be used, he still has divine speed.

Just chasing out several hundred meters, he has already caught up with Li Pengling, and the spiral sword spins quickly through the soil and attacks Li Pengling.

Pu chi ——

The ground was broken under the terrifying attack power, and a silhouette flew out from the broken ground, flying high, and then hitting it heavily.

This silhouette is not Li Pengling, but rock python.

At the moment Li Pengling was attacked, Li Pengling disappeared and replaced by rock python.

“It’s really troublesome ability.”

Coming out of the ground, Fang Ping frowned as he watched the broken rock python that was injured but not at all under his attack.

One of Li Pengling’s abilities can swap positions with the rock python he is manipulating when under attack, that is, as long as the rock python is not completely destroyed, he cannot kill Li Pengling.

With the battle strength and defensive power of rock python, even his current battle strength cannot destroy rock python in a short time.

What’s more troublesome is that even if the rock python is destroyed, it can be remanufactured. As long as the body has enough energy, it can be continuously manufactured.


Perceiving where Li Pengling was, Fang Ping chased him quickly. After 2 kilometers, Fang Ping was able to catch up with Li Pengling again.

Ka-cha ——

With one blow, a huge crack of several hundred meters long was struck, and Fang Ping blocked Li Pengling’s way.

“I admit, you are indeed stronger than me now, but you can’t kill me.”

Seeing Fang Ping blocking the way, Li Pengling’s face was not at all panicked, with a smug sneer.

Huh, huh, Shua!

Fang Ping didn’t say a word, his eyes were cold murderous intention.

After assassinating him twice in a row, he was obviously targeted by the opponent. If the opponent cannot be killed here, there will be a third assassination.

The spiral sword rotates violently, and a large number of green arrows are ejected from the spiral sword, densely packed to cover Li Pengling.

“It seems that your brain is not working well.”

Looking at the green arrow coming, Li Pengling’s face showed a scornful smile.

Knowing that as soon as he is attacked, he will switch positions with the rock python, and still attack him, this guy’s brain is not normal.


Sure enough, at the next moment, his silhouette disappeared, and the rock python just replaced him again.

“It’s so far away, I don’t believe I will be able to find me this time.”

A few kilometers away, looking at the direction of the rock python, Li Pengling immediately prepared to use the Earth escape to drill into the soil.

at this time.

He was suddenly taken aback, and looked not far away in astonishment. A white-faced man appeared there, staring at him with cold eyes.

“who are you?”

He looked at the man secretly and guardedly, faintly feeling that this man’s strength might not be weak.

“The one who came to kill you.”

The fair-skinned man said, at the same time that he made a sound, a thick white radiance suddenly descended from the sky.

It is the convergence of rays of light shot by mirror after mirror.

The fair-skinned man was Lu Yu. Facing Li Pengling, who was able to swap positions between himself and rock python, Fang Ping decided to find Lu Yu after he knew that he was not strong enough to kill him.

Shadow Clone was separated by Shadow Clone Jutsu, let Shadow Clone teleport to bring Lu Yu, and then let Lu Yu hang the rock python, waiting for Li Pengling and rock python to switch positions.

This is why he dared to attack without the slightest hesitation, Li Pengling.


Faced with such a sudden and swift attack, Li Pengling was attacked before he could escape.

Just when he thought that he would swap the positions of rock python again.

Suddenly, severe pain came from him, and there was a burning smell, and he was injured.

“how come?”

Li Pengling stared at the serious injury on his body in amazement. The “Substitute Swap” ability that was supposed to be passively activated actually failed.

“what did you do to me?”

Li Pengling looked at Lu Yu in horror, thinking that the ability to rely on was actually broken by the opponent.

“Don’t get me wrong, I did nothing but attack you.”

Hearing the ambiguous words, Lu Yu frowned slightly.

“Not you? It’s Fang Ping!”

Li Pengling heart startled, thinking of Fang Ping.

Since it was not the person in front of him, it must have been Fang Ping’s doing that prevented the activation of the ability to swap the substitute.

The fact is also true. On the other side, Fang Ping dragged the rock python into the space inside the door, shutting the rock python in the different space formed by Doa Doa no Mi.

This was just an attempt, but the effect was good, and it really restrained Li Pengling’s “stand-in swap” ability.

Of course, it doesn’t matter if there is no restraint, if Li Pengling swaps positions with Rock Python, it is just another opponent, and it is equally impossible to escape.


The ability was cracked, cold sweat slipped on his forehead, Li Pengling sank to the ground, wanting to escape from Earth.


Suddenly, an invisible attack hit him. He was hit by an invisible giant palm, and he was hit into the air suddenly, suddenly spits out mouthful of blood.

Not at all I fell to the ground, but when I was about to fall to the ground, I was bound by an invisible power of thought and was tied up in the air.

Not only can’t use the Earth escape ability, but even re-create the rock python and replace the original rock python.

Because of the use of rock python, the body must be in contact with the soil.

Ka-cha !

Suddenly struggling, the invisible power of thought bound to him was broken, but at this moment, a sharp beast claw stabbed him.


The beast claws were extremely sharp, passing through his chest and out of his back.

This beast claw is exactly the sharp claw that Lu Yu transformed into a monster.

“Are you…Demonic Human race?”

Li Pengling looked at Lu Yu incredulously.

After Lu Yu’s hand beast turned into a monster sharp claw, he perceives a familiar aura, which is of the same kind, and the other party is the same as him, and is also a Demonic Human race.

“Cough cough cough, why, why, as a…Demonic Human race, would you cooperate with a human…?”

Constantly coughing up blood, Li Pengling said angrily.

“you do not need to know.”

Withdraw his arm from Li Pengling within the body, Lu Yu coldly said.

The powerful control of the other gods made him unconditionally obey Fang Ping, even if he is now irritated by the same kind, he has not been affected at all.

“Traitor, you…traitor, no, I still…can’t…die.”

Li Pengling fell weakly, his eyes glaring at Lu Yu with anger and unwillingness.

Angrily at Lu Yu’s betrayal of the Demonic Human race, he actually joined the human race, not content with his companions’ revenge has not yet been reported, Fang Ping, the enemy who killed his two friends, is not dead yet.

But he never thought that his two friends all died because of the initiative to attack Fang Ping.

No matter how angry and unbearable, Li Pengling couldn’t go against life and death. After shaking his body for a few times, Li Pengling died completely.

His body turned into a monster form.

It was a python with an earth-yellow skin over 20 meters long.

The only difference is that there is a sharp horn on the top of the head and the golden number on the body, which is a “193” number.

Be careful, after confirming that Li Pengling was indeed dead, Lu Yu relaxed, and suddenly, his complexion slightly changed and looked in one direction.


In the direction he looked towards, a silhouette shrouded in the golden light flew quickly.

The speed is much faster than the speed of sound, and it is likely to have reached twice the speed of sound.

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