Monster Altar

Chapter 220

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In just an instant, the silhouette enveloped in the golden light has appeared more than a hundred meters away.

The golden light dissipated, and the silhouette enveloped in the golden light came out. This was a blonde woman with a tall figure and a blonde hair tied into a pony tail.

She has fair skin and a typical western face.

This person is the blonde woman who fought with Hu Ao’er when Fang Ping and the others were ambushed by the Demonic Human race.

The blond woman swept her eyes and quickly saw Li Pengling’s body. Her pupils suddenly became cold and she looked at Lu Yu with cold eyes.

“You killed him?”

Her voice was very cold, and Lu Yu had the illusion of being stared at by higher predators.


A touch of golden light with only a thick bowl mouth but extremely dangerous feeling to Lu Yu suddenly appeared, swiftly attacking Lu Yu.

Lu Yu hurriedly placed layers of thought barriers in front of him, and evaded to the side.


Layer after layer of thought power barriers were pierced like paper, and the golden light rubbed Lu Yu’s waist.

The clothes on Lu Yu burned, and Lu Yu’s waist was charred, and part of his flesh and blood was actually carbonized.

After breaking through the layer after layer of thought power barrier, there is still such a formidable power, one can imagine how powerful this blow was.

The blonde woman’s strength is obviously stronger than him. This is a Demonic Human race comparable to Morning Star.

Although it was not transformed into a monster form, he was angry when he saw Li Pengling being killed, and outrageously shot at him, without thinking or guessing, the opponent must be Demonic Human race.

“By no means an opponent!”

A cold sweat slipped on Lu Yu’s forehead. The realm at the peak of Tier 5, coupled with the Attack Type peak order ability, made Fang Zhan comparable to Morning Star.

If he was still the Morning Star, he would be able to fight the opponent. As for now, he is absolutely impossible to be the opponent.


Mind power envelops his body, his body rises into the air, and under the invisible traction, he quickly backs away.

This is not an opponent that can be defeated at all, and all that can be done is to escape.

“hmph -“

The blonde woman issued a coldly snorted, staring coldly at the escaped Lu Yu.


A golden light condensed and attacked in front of her, causing the air to rippling towards Lu Yu along the way.

Lu Yu’s scalp was numb, and under the control of Mind Power, his body quickly dodged to the right.

The golden light passed by his left side in a thrilling manner. He escaped the dangerous blow, but his complexion changed drastically.

Immediately after the first golden light, the 2nd golden light swiftly struck, and it was already very close to him.

He hurriedly avoided again, but it was difficult to avoid again.


The golden light hit his chest, the skin, muscles, and ribs of his chest disappeared, and the entire chest was penetrated.

A huge hole with transparent front and back appeared, and the heart disappeared entirely.


The power of his body was pulled away in an instant, and his body couldn’t use any power. A thing called life force was disappearing from him.

It was unable to fall from the sky, and when it landed, it had already turned into a monster shape as long as five meters.

“It’s actually…Demonic Human race?”

The blond woman’s eyebrows trembled slightly, and she looked at Lu Yu’s body unexpectedly.

She didn’t expect Lu Yu to be a Demonic Human race just like her.

But as the opponent of the Demonic Human race, why do you want to shoot Li Pengling, who is also the Demonic Human race?

2 What are the grievances between people?

What is certain is that the other party is definitely not a member of Yingchuan Demonic Human race. After all, Yingchuan Demonic Human race is so few people, and she knows everyone.

She walked towards Lu Yu’s body, just then.


A silhouette teleport appeared beside Lu Yu, it was Fang Ping.

After the rock python was broken, he not at all rushed to Lu Yu’s side immediately, but went to recover the body of Wind Fire Demonic Fox.

If the corpse of Wind Fire Demonic Fox is taken away by others, it will be a big loss. Not only will the mission be unfinished, the mission reward will not be obtained, and the sacrifices will be lost.

Putting the corpse of Wind Fire Demonic Fox into the sacrifice space, he used the space coordinates of Lu Yu to teleport here.


Seeing Lu Yu transforming into a corpse in the form of a monster, Fang Ping was shocked and could hardly believe it.

Then, a sense of hair stands on end appeared.

He saw Li Pengling’s body turned into a monster not far away, and he also saw a blonde woman not far away.

He looked at the blond woman who shouldn’t exist in amazement, and instantly understood the reason.

The blond woman must have been attracted by the fighting here and rushed over. After coming over, she found that Li Pengling was killed by Lu Yu, so she shot Lu Yu and killed Lu Yu.

“It’s you!”

For Fang Ping, the blonde woman naturally has an impression, knowing that Fang Ping is a human Awakener, so she does not hesitate.


A golden rays of light fired at Fang Ping at several times the speed of sound. Fang Ping immediately felt that he had one’s hair stand on end. The feeling of crisis made his whole body stand on end.

The formidable power of this blow is definitely not weaker than the Morning Star powerhouse. If he can’t hide, he will undoubtedly die.


When he was about to be struck by the golden beam, and even his clothes were burned by the blazing high temperature carried by the golden beam, Fang Ping teleported and disappeared.

Vanished with him, and Lu Yu’s body.

The speed of golden rays of light is extremely fast, but the speed of Fang Ping is also not slow.

The powerful reaction speed of divine speed gives him the other powerful responses of Morning Star, and Flying Thunder God Jutsu has given full play to his powerful response.

It was with these two abilities that he was able to escape before being hit by the golden beam.


The golden light beam pierced the ground where Fang Ping had disappeared, and slanted into the ground, leaving a hole that melted mud and rocks at the edge of 1000 meters.


The blonde woman is frowned, slightly surprised.

Her attack speed is enough to reach several times the speed of sound, single-handedly speed, and even above the average Morning Star powerhouse.

At such a close distance, he can actually escape. The opponent is not only strong in teleportation, but also in that powerful reaction speed.

“Li Pengling came to assassinate this Fang Ping, but he died in the hands of a Demonic Human race.”

“This Demonic Human race must be related to this Fang Ping. In other words, this Demonic Human race betrayed the human race.”

The blonde woman’s eyes showed coldness.

Although the Demonic Human race has the same origin, it is not just monolithic, but has formed one force after another.

Among the various forces, some have friendly relations, some have bad relations, and those with bad relations even fight for many years like human beings and Demonic Human race.

Because of this, the human beings who are obviously not as strong as the Demonic Human race have a chance to breathe without being destroyed.

However, in any case, betrayal to humans is absolutely forbidden. Once discovered, it will be immediately besieged by all the Demonic Human race forces, and this Demonic Human race has violated this forbidden.

“Although this Demonic Human race is dead, there is a Demonic Human race in Yinchuan base city who betrayed the humans. You must notify the tribe immediately and investigate this thoroughly!”

With golden light shrouded in her body, the blonde woman quickly left, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Knowing that Fang Ping has teleporting ability, she is naturally impossible to stay here for a long time, otherwise if she is surrounded by multiple Morning Star powerhouses, even she will be in danger.

More than ten kilometers away, in a jungle, Fang Ping teleported out with Lu Yu’s body.

He not at all immediately returned to the monster countermeasures department and notified the monster countermeasures department of the appearance of the blond woman.

On the one hand, Lu Yu’s matter is not easy to explain.

On the other hand, the blonde woman impossible will stay where she is, and when he returns with the Morning Star powerhouse of the Monster Countermeasures Division, the opponent must have already left.

“I hope I didn’t guess wrong!”

Looking at Lu Yu’s body in the form of a monster, Fang Ping frowned.

Although he killed Li Pengling and avoided subsequent successive assassinations, it led to the killing of Lu Yu. In his opinion, there is really something that is not worthwhile.

In such a dangerous situation as before, there is a reason why Lu Yu’s body is still taken away at the risk, and the reason is that Lu Yu probably not at all died.

No, to be precise, Lu Yu is indeed dead, but it is likely to be resurrected.

Naturally, he will not forget the scene of Lu Yu resurrected again after being killed.

Lu Yu should have the ability to “reverse time”. After death, this ability should be activated to make Lu Yu’s body return to a certain point in the past and resurrect.

Because of this, he would still risk taking Lu Yu’s body away in such a dangerous situation just now.

There was some nervous waiting, more than ten minutes later.



Lu Yu’s corpse, which had been silent, appeared a weird trembling, and the corpse seemed to be alive, shaking slightly, and then a strange change appeared.

At the location of Lu Yu’s chest, a huge heart suddenly appeared, slowly beating, and every sound was loud like a thunder drum.

Then, ribs grew out, protecting the heart within the ribs.

Then, muscles, blood vessels, and skin are growing out.

In the end, the huge wound disappeared completely, and Lu Yu became intact.

“it is as expected!”

Fang Ping was delighted, he was right, and Lu Yu was indeed resurrected again with that ability.

“Um … this is?”

Suddenly, his face changed, astonished as he watched Lu Yu transform into a monster body.

A kind of terrifying pressure is revealed from Lu Yu’s body transformed into a monster form. This kind of pressure is clearly the unique pressure on Morning Star powerhouse.

But how can such coercion be revealed from Lu Yu, a Tier 5?

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