Monster Altar

Chapter 223

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“If you don’t mind, please test it here.”

Fang Ping opened the door in the air, inviting Hu Ao’er and Hu Shi to enter. The two people looked at the space inside the door in a little surprise, and then started the test.

Hu Shi propped up the blue barrier and Hu Ao’er attacked.


Hu Ao’er appeared beside the blue barrier, controlling the destructive power at Tier 3, and his white fist hammered on the blue barrier.


With a dull sound and the blue barrier rippling slightly, the Tier 3 destructive power has been blocked.

Hey, hey, bang!

Hu Ao’er punched one after another, blasting dozens of punches in a row, the blue barrier swayed one after another, but the blue barrier showed no signs of damage.

Taking a few steps back, Hu Ao’er’s face showed a slight surprise.

Tier 3 defensive item, although it can block Tier 3 attacks, but under normal circumstances, each defensive barrier can only block 2 3 strikes.

Just now, after dozens of consecutive bombardments, the blue defensive barrier was still not broken, indicating that the quality of this Tier 3 defensive item has indeed been greatly improved.


She punched out again, this time, destructive power is controlled at Tier 4 level.


With a loud noise, the air shot under the strong wind pressure.

The defensive barrier could no longer remain intact and cracks began to appear on the surface. However, the formidable power that was still blocked reached Tier 4’s blow.


2nd Strike.


3rd Strike.

Bang, ka-cha!

It wasn’t until 4th Strike was blocked that the defensive barrier was completely broken.

However, this does not mean that this Enchanted weapon is useless in Tier 4 battles. If it is broken, it can be regenerated. As long as the physical energy is sufficient, it can again condense the blue barrier.

“Up to a full level.”

Hu Ao’er and Hu Shi couldn’t help showing surprises on their faces.

This is already the attribute of Tier 4 defense item, that is to say, the bracelet at this time is already Tier 4 defense item.

From Tier 3 defensive item to Tier 4 defensive item, the grade has been increased by one level, this increase is simply exaggerated.

The price of Tier 3 defensive items is about 3,000,000, and the price of Tier 4 defensive items is about 10,000,000. That is to say, Fang Ping has increased the price of an enchanted artifact by about 3 times in just a dozen minutes.

“I don’t know if your husband is interested in working in our shop? The annual salary will be discussed. Our shop will definitely give you the chief Artifact Refining Grandmaster treatment.”

Hu Shi has some fiery eyes looking at Fang Ping. It is unclear whether this ability of Fang Ping is effective for Tier 4 and above enchanted artifacts.

But even if it is only effective for Tier 3 and even below enchanted artifacts, it will be extremely popular. After all, only ten minutes is enough to make the value of an enchanted artifact soar about 3 times.

“I only cooperate with your store and don’t join in. I think Senior Hu Ao’er can understand this.”

Fang Ping shook his head. He found the Enchanted Artifact pavilion just to make money in his free time. Naturally, it is impossible to join the Enchanted Artifact pavilion, which will improve the quality of Enchanted weapon as a profession.

“I understand.”

Hu Ao’er nodded. Hu Shi didn’t know Fang Ping’s ranking in the monster countermeasures department and the potential it represented. How could she not know.

With the potential of Fang Ping, the Morning Star powerhouse is inevitable, and the Blood Moon powerhouse is not impossible. Such an opponent is naturally impossible to use energy on enchanted artifacts, which is a waste of innate talent.

“How do you want to cooperate?”

“I will re-harden and improve the quality of the enchanted artifacts of your store. Of the additional benefits, we will each have 50%.”

Fang Ping said.

Originally, he wanted to open his own shop, but after thinking about it, he wanted to give up.

If you open a store by yourself, the supply is not easy to solve, but if you find an Enchanted weapon store to cooperate, you can not only solve the supply, but also have a stable sales channel.


Hu Ao’er and Hu Shi quickly discussed, and agreed.

With Fang Ping’s ability, just looking for an enchanted artifact shop is enough to get such conditions. If they don’t agree, there will definitely be other enchanted artifact shops that will agree.

“What level of enchanted artifact can this ability strengthen?”

Hu Ao’er asked.

“I haven’t tried it yet, but there should be a limit. After all, any ability has its limit.”

Fang Ping thought for a while and said.

“Here, all Enchanted weapons under Morning Star are available, so let’s take a test.”

“it is good.”

Under the high-level enchanted artifacts provided by the Enchanted Artifact pavilion, Fang Ping tested the effect of the current Mutated Mera Mera no Mi’s ability to re-enhance the quality of magic weapons.

Finally reached a conclusion.

Tier 4 enchanted artifact, the grade is enough to raise a level to Tier 5.

Tier 5 enchanted artifacts can also be improved in grade, but they cannot reach Tier 5 and can only reach the top level among Tier 5.

As for the Morning Star enchanted artifact, even the Enchanted Artifact pavilion cannot produce such a precious enchanted artifact to test, but based on the Tier 5 enchanted artifact, it is likely that it will not be effective or has little effect.

This is not difficult to understand. Among the little matchmakers of the fox fairy, Pure Yang Flame is useless to the High Rank magic weapon of the King Power Sword, and the mutation slightly fruiting ability of Pure Yang Flame should be the same.

“Then we will leave the quality improvement of Tier 3, Tier 4, and Tier 5 enchanted artifacts to you.”

Re-hardening all enchanted artifacts is naturally impossible, Fang Ping not at all takes as much time.

After negotiation, the two parties decided that Fang Ping would re-harden the Tier 3, Tier 4, and Tier 5 items of the Enchanted Artifact pavilion.

In this way, Fang Ping will not waste a lot of time on re-hardening enchanted artifacts, and it will also be able to obtain the greatest profit.

“I don’t know how much income can be brought to me per month. There should be 100010000 per month, right?”

After Hu Shi and Hu Ao’er bid farewell, Fang Ping left the Enchanted Artifact pavilion.

Don’t look at Fang Ping. Enchanted artifacts are rarely used when fighting, but in fact, enchanted artifacts are still very marketable among Awakener.

The reason why Fang Ping is not used is that on the one hand, he has too many abilities in his body and the demand is not high, on the other hand, he is poor and cannot afford it.

But there are naturally many people who have money and can afford it. For example, those Awakener families run production bases, but they are very profitable.

“Unfortunately, the effect of re-quenching Tier 5 enchanted artifacts will be greatly reduced. It can only reach the peak of Tier 5 and cannot reach the Morning Star. Otherwise, it will make more money.”

Fang Ping thought regretfully in his heart.

The higher the level of enchanted artifacts, the more expensive they are. Morning Star enchanted artifacts can be sold for several hundred million.

With this level of enchanted artifact, if you sell one piece at random, the income you will get will be 100000000 million units, which is the real huge profit.

As for the enchanted artifacts of this level will not be sold, this is absolutely nothing to worry about.

Enchanted artifacts of this level are cherished and difficult to refine. It can be said to be extremely rare. Once they appear, they will be immediately bought by the Morning Star powerhouse and the wealthy Awakener family. There is no need to worry about selling them.

“Now the highest level of enchanted artifact can be raised to Tier 5 peak, but this should only be temporary.”

“The highest level of the retempered magic item should be related to my realm. After my realm becomes higher, the highest level of the retempered enchanted artifact should be able to be improved.”

The hidden residence of the Demonic Human race in Yingchuan, the blonde woman returned here and immediately reported the traitor to the Demonic Human race.

“The Demonic Human race who violated the forbidden appeared again and killed Li Pengling.”

Hearing the report of the blonde woman, the half-white old man Zong Ling had cold eyes in her eyes, and looked at the blonde woman and asked.

“Are you sure you have killed this betrayed Demonic Human race?”

“I’m sure, if I was able to pass through my chest, I was dead on the spot.”

The blonde woman said.

“The corpse fell into the hands of Fang Ping, who is ranked tenth in Yinchuan Base City?”

“Yes, and Li Pengling went to assassinate Fang Ping, but he died in the hands of this Demonic Human race. I suspect that this Demonic Human race is related to Fang Ping.”

Blond woman replied.

“Okay, I understood, go down.”

After waving the blond woman back, Zong Ling turned his head to the side shadow and said.

“Although he is dead, I still need to investigate thoroughly. Use this Fang Ping as a clue to find out the identity of this Demonic Human race among humans, and to confirm whether there are other traitors.”

“Yes, Lord Zong Ling.”

The shadow wriggled for a while, turning into a short middle-aged man, bowed and gave a salute, then turned into a shadow again and disappeared.

After one month.


When a text message sounded, Fang Ping clicked on the text message, shocked in his eyes.


This is the profit sharing of Mohuage. In the first month, he obtained a full net income of 202310000.

Although the income has been overestimated as much as possible, but I did not expect that the final income will be twice the estimated income, reaching a staggering 2 more than 2.

This speed of making money is like driving a money printing machine to print money.

“According to estimates, 100 million yuan can strengthen me to be comparable to Morning Star. That is to say, at the current rate of making money, 5 months will be enough to give me the strongest hole card that can break out the Morning Star battle strength.”

Fang Ping is happy.

Although he now has Lu Yu, the Morning Star expert, it is impossible for Lu Yu to follow and protect him at any time, and Lu Yu’s identity is also a problem.

If the Monster Countermeasures Division is to be aware of the existence of Lu Yu, it is difficult to say what kind of attitude the Monster Countermeasures Division will take. Therefore, it is necessary to have a hole card that can break out the Morning Star battle strength at a critical moment.

“Yan Xue asked me to come over, don’t know what’s the matter?”

Standing up and changing into casual clothes, Fang Ping disappeared in a teleport, and when he appeared again, he appeared in a bedroom.

This is a 20-square-meter bedroom with a solid wood wardrobe on the wall near the door, and a bed on the left wall.

The walls are covered with blue wallpaper, the sheets are blue, the bedding is blue, and many furnishings are also blue. The owner of the room obviously loves blue.

There is a desk near the window. Yan Xue is tapping on the computer with both hands quickly beside the desk. The interface is the most commonly used programming interface for hackers.

“You came!”

Hearing the movement in the room, Yan Xue knew that Fang Ping was coming, and greeted Fang Ping aloud. Fang Ping has been here many times in this way. She has not been surprised, and only Fang Ping can top secret. Appeared in her room.

But she not at all turned her head, obviously, she was in a certain state of anxiety now, unable to pull herself away.

After walking over, Fang Ping found that the situation of the battle was really anxious, and it was Yan Xue who was in a disadvantaged situation.

Yan Xue’s hacking skills are known to him, and they are definitely not weak. If they can push her into such an embarrassing situation, the opponent must be very strong.

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