Monster Altar

Chapter 224

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“what happened?”

Fang Ping asked.

“I just received a request from the He’an Base City Monster Countermeasures Division for help, saying that someone invaded the He’an Base City Monster Countermeasures Division. The opposite is the top hacker Dark Emperor. Quickly help, I can’t hold it anymore.”

Yan Xue said with fragrant sweat hanging on his forehead.

“Top hacker Dark Emperor?”

As Fang Ping who is also proficient in hacking technology, he is naturally no stranger to this code name.

Take out the notebook from the sacrifice space, sit down in a comfortable position on Yan Xue’s bed, and quickly join the “battle”.

It took more than 4 hours, even if Fang Ping joined, it took more than 4 hours to beat the top hacker codenamed Dark Emperor back, which shows the other party’s difficulties.

As for following the traces of the opponent to find the opponent, it is impossible. In the face of such an opponent, even Fang Ping can’t do it without advance preparation.

“What the hell is going on, how could the Monster Countermeasures Division of He’an Base City be targeted by such a guy?”

After taking a long breath, Fang Ping asked Yan Xue suspiciously.

“I don’t know, there was a sudden invasion. Before that, there was no sign at all.”

Wiping the fine sweat from his forehead, Yan Xue shook his head.

“Then you told me to come over?”

“This morning, the Monster Countermeasures Division of He’an Base City contacted and said that an outside force was secretly investigating you.”

Yan Xue said seriously in her voice.

“A foreign force is secretly investigating me?”

Fang Ping’s face was serious, and various thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, and soon a silhouette flashed through his mind.

It was a woman with blond hair. It was the Demonic Human race that “killed” Lu Yu and made Lu Yu a blessing in disguise.

Lu Yu, who is a Demonic Human race, is related to him. It is entirely possible that the Demonic Human race will investigate him and even take action against him.

“Have you provoked any forces recently? Are there any suspects?”

Yan Xue asked.

“It should be Demonic Human race.”

Fang Ping didn’t hide it.

“Demonic Human race?”

Yan Xue complexion slightly changed. She knows that Fang Ping and Demonic Human race once clashed, and she knows the power of Demonic Human race.

“If there is no accident, it should be the Demonic Human race. You tell the He’an Base City Monster Countermeasures Division not to conflict with this force. I will handle this by myself.”

Fang Ping said solemnly.

Today’s He’an base city has been precarious because of the short lifespan of the Morning Star powerhouse.

If it is targeted by the Demonic Human race again, it will not be far from destruction.

“Is it sure?”

Yan Xue is worried about looking at Fang Ping.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure, and isn’t there a tall man in Yinchuan Base City who is wearing it?”

Fang Ping said with a smile.

In fact, cooperating with Enchanted Artifact pavilion to make money to restore the beauty of Fitzgerald trump card is the fear of being targeted by the Demonic Human race.

If the Demonic Human race shoots him because of Lu Yu, then the Demonic Human race that shoots, even if it is not the Morning Star, will inevitably be like a blonde woman, and the battle strength is comparable to the Morning Star.

Although space ability gives him a strong ability to protect himself, space ability is not impossible to crack.

When the spatial ability is cracked, he needs a means to counter the Morning Star.

Because of this, he desperately wants to make money, and desperately wants to gather the Beauty of Fitzgerald battle strength to meet the conditions of the Morning Star.

In a dim room with a computer in Yuyang Base City, a tall man wiped the sweat from his forehead and closed the computer.

This is a man with short black hair. Apart from being slightly shorter, he looks very ordinary, but his identity is not ordinary.

He has two identities, one is the dark Emperor, the top hacker in the hacker world, and the other is the Demonic Human race.

“I didn’t expect that a small He’an Base City Monster Countermeasures Division would have Peak hackers no weaker than mine.”

“Hmph, if it is impossible to investigate Teke from monsters, then investigate from the Awakener family in He’an Base City.”

Pulling the curtains, opening the windows, breathing the fresh air outside, the tall man’s thinking became clear, and he soon re-planned his plan.

However, the confrontation just now took a lot of effort. He didn’t start planning immediately, but took a rest for a day, 2nd day, before starting the plan.

“Which family do you choose? Well, Xiang Family, as the strongest Awakener family in He’an Base City, has a great probability of having Fang Ping data.”

He quickly hacked into the Xiang Family internal network, unusually smooth, and he easily hacked into the Xiang Family internal network.

Although there are hackers in Xiang Family, the level of this hacker is obviously average, and he has not even discovered his intrusion, so his top secret has already invaded.

“20 years old Awakener, became a Tier 2 Awakener in half a year, less than a year to become a Tier 3 Awakener… After returning from Yinchuan Base City a year later, he already has the Tier 5 peak battle strength, which is a great growth rate.”

He flipped through Xiang Family’s investigations on Fang Ping. Even with his eyes, he couldn’t help but sigh that Fang Ping is indeed a genius, and his growth rate is not slower than the top genius in the Demonic Human race.

“Well… this file actually has multiple passwords. It seems extremely important, but it doesn’t trouble me.”

After spending more than ten minutes, he successfully cracked the password and saw the contents of the file.


Seeing the contents of the file, he almost exclaimed that it was impossible to bear.

“It turns out that his name is Lu Yu, and he was once the leader of an Assassin Organization called Hellfire, but how could he take refuge in humans? His strength has also degraded to the peak of Tier 5?”

“According to the above, after Lu Yu was killed by the Morning Star powerhouse in He’an base city, the body fell into Fang Ping’s hands.”

“But in fact, Lu Yu didn’t die at all at that time. It should be controlled by Fang Ping with some ability. Damn, he dare to enslave me Demonic Human race.”

The tall man’s face was blue and clear of the intrusion. He turned off the computer and was about to leave immediately and return to the secret residence of the Demonic Human race.

He dared to enslave the Demonic Human race, he must inform the middle and high level of the race as soon as possible.

The most important thing is that the opponent’s ability is extremely dangerous, and the threat to the Demonic Human race is not much worse than the top 3 on the list.

Must pay more attention to the other party, it is best to list as the key hunting target.

Just walked to the door, suddenly.


In front of him, a door opened, and from behind the door, a giant green hand appeared and grabbed him.

“Not good !”

Aware of the crisis, the tall man’s complexion greatly changed. While retreating and avoiding, his body became elemental and turned into a shadow to avoid attacks.

He has the ability to transform into a shadow, immune to physical attacks.

But even if it turned into a shadow, he still couldn’t escape Green’s giant hand. Green’s giant hand caught his entity transformed into a shadow, took him, and retracted into the door.

Green giant hand is composed of a kind of energy, not a pure physical attack, so he turned into a shadow, and could not escape green giant hand.

In One Piece world, the elementalization of natural fruits is very unsolvable. The most important reason is that there are not many people who are good at energy attacks among One Piece.

But in this World, almost every Awakener possesses multiple abilities, and there are also Enchanted weapons. In fact, there are very few Awakener without energy attacks.


The door closed, and the door in the air disappeared, leaving only the house that had been ravaged by the wind.

This is caused by the violent air movement caused by the appearance of the giant green hand.


Caught by Green’s giant hand, a large amount of black shadows immediately spread out from the tall man’s within the body, causing him to expand rapidly and forcibly propping up a gap.

Taking this opportunity, he turned into a shadow and drilled out of the gap.

Extending the distance, taking a look at the surrounding space, the tall man looked at the person who attacked him just now.

It was a green giant wearing armor and reaching a height of more than ten meters, and within the body of the giant, there was a black hair youngster.

“How will you be here?”

He looked at the black hair youngster among the green giants in amazement, and his eyes were full of surprise.

“I have to ask you, why did the Demonic Human race want you to investigate me?”

The black hair youngster among the green giants is naturally Fang Ping. He stared at the tall man coldly and said.

After leaving Yan Xue’s residence, he immediately connected the He’an Base City Monster Countermeasures Division encountered a top-level hacker intrusion, and connected with the investigation of him by foreign forces in He’an Base City.

It is guessed that the hacker Dark Emperor is probably directed at him, and the next step is likely to invade the Awakener family.

Therefore, he set up traps in the internal networks of several Awakener families, and once the other party invades, he can use this to trace the other party’s IP address.

Through this method, without disturbing the opponent, he found the opponent and found that the opponent was in Yuyang Base City.

“Do you know that my Demonic Human race is investigating you? Xiang Family is…a trap.”

The tall man reacted immediately and understood why it was exposed.

“Yes, Xiang Family is a trap. To be precise, all Awakener families in He’an Base City are traps. I have traps in the internal network of all Awakener families.”

Fang Ping nodded and said.

“You are the top hacker who played against me?”

The tall man looked at Fang Ping in shock. Fang Ping was a top hacker just like him.

“No, how come you come so quickly? Even if I am understood, you are impossible to come so soon?”

“That has to thank you Demonic Human race.”

Fang Ping mocked said with a smile.

Yuyang Base City is a base city about 500 miles away from Yinchuan Base City. It is the base city where the Demonic Human race set up traps. Although he did not reach Yuyang Base City in the end, he left behind on the road. Flying Lei divine technique style.

Coupled with the Flying Thunder God Jutsu, whose fastest speed is now over 2 times the speed of sound, he arrived in Yuyang Base City in less than ten minutes and found the opponent’s residence.

The tall man’s voice was full of shock, but at the next moment, he suddenly shot, and a large number of shadows suddenly attacked Fang Ping.

The shock is real, but the cunning he is taking this to eliminate Fang Ping’s vigilance.

Huh, Huh, Huh!!

A large number of shadow tentacles attacked Fang Ping, but Fang Ping’s complexion did not panic. He controlled Susanoo to raise the spiral sword, and densely packed green arrows shot out.

All the shadow tentacles were shattered under the green arrow, and the green arrow attacked the tall man.

The tall man is cunning, but Fang Ping is not stupid, so naturally he won’t hit the opponent’s plot against.

The reason why he didn’t do it as soon as he came up, but talked to the tall man, was because he wanted to confirm whether the Demonic Human race wanted to deal with him by talking to the tall man.

If it is captured and questioned, the other party may not say that as for the identity of the body to be confirmed, this is not safe.

The opponent is not necessarily the Demonic Human race, after all, there are Demonic Human race minions among humans.

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