Monster Altar

Chapter 225

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Xiū xiū xiū ——

Countless green arrows, densely packed, attacked the tall man.

The tall man’s expression condensed, and the shadow spread out from under his feet like a tide, wrapping him up, forming a huge hemisphere.

Hey, hey, pu!

The hemisphere has a strong defense, the formidable power reaches the peak of Tier 5, a green arrow that can pierce even an alloy of the same shape.

The thorn was on the hemisphere, but only pierced most of it, and then it was weak, and all the green arrows were blocked.

However, at this moment, Fang Ping appeared beside the hemisphere, and the spiral sword was spinning vigorously, bringing the rotating wind, and stabbing it towards the hemisphere.


The rotation makes the spiral sword possess super penetrating power, and the hemisphere, which the green arrow is difficult to shoot through, is being pierced quickly under the rotating spiral sword.

The tall man in the hemisphere changed his face, and a large number of shadow tentacles grew out of the hemisphere, with sharp tips piercing Susanoo.

Ding, Ding, Ding!

All the shadow tentacles hit Susanoo as if hitting hard metal, unable to break Susanoo’s defense at all.

The spiral sword is still piercing quickly.


The hemisphere was pierced, and the short man was forced to escape from the hemisphere.

However, he looked at Fang Ping with a sneer.


The shadow that formed the hemisphere suddenly melted into a liquid state and spread quickly along Susanoo’s feet. In a very short period of time, the package of Susanoo, which was more than ten meters high, was tied up.

But at the next moment, the smile on his face became stiff.

Pu chi!

In Susanoo’s left hand, a two-edged sword appeared.

Extremely sharp, swept around in front of him, all the shadows entwining Susanoo were cut short, Susanoo broke free easily.


Then, Susanoo held this sword and swung it down at him from the air. A green beam of light suddenly slashed at him.

Susanoo’s sword, a weapon shared after Susanoo’s 4th form, is considered a standard weapon.

Although it is a standard weapon, the formidable power is definitely not weak.

Uchiha Madara used this sword to cut a mountain off.

Although Fang Ping is still some distance away from Uchiha Madara, it is not far away. With a few hits, it is enough to cut a mountain.


Green rays of light swiftly hit, unable to avoid it, a large number of shadows gushing out from the feet of the tall man, wrapping up on him, trying to form a hemisphere with strong defense.

“Aaahhhh!!!! “

But the hemisphere had not yet formed, and the green rays of light had already chopped on his body, the shadow protecting him was cut open, and he flew upside down with a painful grunt.


It flew out more than a hundred meters, and hit the edge of the door space before stopping.

The body was in severe pain, and the tall man stood up reluctantly and looked at the body, his face pale.

In front of him, the clothes were torn, and there was a long wound, diagonally from the chest to the abdomen.

The clothes have been blood dyed red, and drops of blood are dripping to the ground.


Don’t give the tall man a chance to breathe, use remote control to control the throwing knife, and fly to the tall man at more than 2 times the speed of sound.

At the next moment, Fang Ping, who covered Susanoo, teleported and appeared beside the tall man.

The sword of Susanoo, which is ten meters long, tears the air from top to bottom, and slashes at the tall man with a violent wind.


The tall man’s body was split into two halves, and the two halves fell to the left and right.

But Fang Ping’s face was on guard.

The tall man was split into two halves, not at all sprayed with blood, but disappeared like mist.

At the same time, ten tall men appeared around them, not Illusion Technique, nor false phantoms refracted by light and shadow.

In Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception, these ten tall men all have voices and are all entities.

Sage Mode’s perception also reached the conclusion that everyone is a tall man.

“Similar ability to Shadow Clone!”

Obviously, this is a similar ability to Shadow Clone, which can separate the clone that owns the entity.

Hey, hey, sou!

Black shadows spread under the ten tall men. They rushed towards Fang Ping from different directions. The tall man on the left was the tall man on the left who approached Fang Ping first.

Susanoo’s sword swept to the left, and the tall man on the left was cut into two cuts.

However, the corpse that the other party turned into two sections disappeared, and the other party was obviously not the person himself, but just a physical clone.


A tall man approached Fang Ping from the right, Fang Ping pierced out with a spiral sword, and immediately pierced the tall man.

But the tall man who was pierced also disappeared into mist.

And it is at this time.

A tall man behind Fang Ping, but a large amount of shadow spread under his feet, the shadow turned into a huge fist, hammering at Susanoo from behind.


Just when Susanoo was about to be attacked, Susanoo and Fang Ping in it disappeared suddenly, evading the huge fist made by the shadow.

When they appeared again, Fang Ping and Susanoo had already appeared beside the tall man who had attacked the huge shadow fist.

Susanoo’s sword was cut fiercely at the tall man.

At the moment of being attacked, Fang Ping used remote control to make a flying knife appear next to the tall man, and then used Flying Thunder God Jutsu to teleport to appear next to the tall man.


Although I was wary of Fang Ping’s Flying Thunder God Jutsu, today’s Flying Thunder God Jutsu is too fast.

Before the tall man had time to evade, he was cut into 2 pieces diagonally by Susanoo’s sword.

But the tall man who was split into two pieces once again turned into a mist and disappeared, and was another entity clone.

“Just a avatar?”

Doubts arose in Fang Ping’s mind. Based on the situation of Shadow Clone, it was speculated that the battle strength of the entity clone should not be comparable to the main body.

In the attack just now, the formidable power has definitely reached the peak of Tier 5. It stands to reason that only the main body can have such battle strength.

Unexpectedly, the opponent with such attack power is just an entity clone.

Huh, huh, Shua!

A large number of shadows spread under the feet of another tall man, and the shadows turned into thick tentacles one after another, attacking Fang Ping.

This is still the formidable power attack to reach the peak of Tier 5.

Fang Ping teleported again to avoid the attack, and appeared beside the tall man. The spiral sword swept across, causing the tall man to fly out like a rag bag.

But the tall man once again turned into a mist and disappeared.

At the same time, the three that disappeared were replenished again, and the number was restored to ten.

“Each clone has the strength comparable to the main body? No, it shouldn’t be. If they all have the strength comparable to the main body, just swarm them. I’m absolutely impossible to be an opponent.”

Fang Ping secretly speculated about the opponent’s ability.

The opponent’s clone should not be as strong as the main body, which is similar to Shadow Clone.

The only difference is that he who is separated from Shadow Clone will weaken the strength of the main body, but the strength of the opponent’s main body is not at all weakened.

In addition, under certain circumstances, the opponent’s clone can also exert the same battle strength as the main body. It is very likely that at that moment the opponent’s clone and main body are swapped.

“Want to find out my main body? It’s useless, every one here is my main body.”

Looking at Fang Ping, who was surrounded and guarded, the tall man was proud.

But this is just the appearance. He seems to be arrogant, but in fact he wants to hit Fang Ping in this way and disrupt Fang Ping’s concentration.

Fang Ping remain unmoved, his eyes are always calm.

“Is each one of the main body? Then it is completely destroyed.”

No longer looking for the main body of the tall man, Fang Ping relieved Susanoo, pulled out Zanpakuto, and sank it underground.

Counting 100 huge blades rose from the ground and turned into several millions blue sharp blades, spreading around Fang Ping as the center.

“Not good !”

Seeing the spread of several millions of blue sharp blades, the tall man changed color, his scalp was numb, and the main body and the clones retreated to avoid.

But there are too many blue knives, and the space within the door is limited. Where can I hide?

Soon, the space inside the door was covered by the blue sharp blade, and the tall man could not hide.

Puff puff!

One after another, the avatars died turned into smoke and disappeared. Although they died at the same time, they were also produced, but they were not as fast as death.





In the end, all the clones of the tall man disappeared, leaving only the main body.

The shadow turned into a huge hemisphere, protecting his main body in it, but the hemisphere was rapidly shrinking under the endless blue sharp blade.

Soon, all the shadows protecting the tall man were destroyed, and he was exposed to several millions blue sharp blades.

But at this moment of crisis, the tall man made an unexpected move.

Ka-cha ——

He took out a piece of silver metal, quickly put it into his mouth, chewed and swallowed it.

“what happened?”

Suddenly, in the spherical space formed by the blue sharp blade, there was a sound of densely packed metal collision.

Fang Ping clearly felt that the attack of the blue blade was blocked.

At the next moment, a silhouette burst out of the huge spherical space formed by the blue sharp blade, and it was a tall man.

I saw the other party at this time, his clothes all over his body, and his skin was exposed in large areas, but the exposed skin had a silver metal texture, and the other party’s whole person was like metal watering.

And the other side’s metallic skin is obviously not just as simple as metal.

Needless to say that the blue blade is sharp, but such a sharp blue blade cuts on the opponent’s body, but only sparks of debut, and the opponent’s body is not damaged.

The opponent’s body is no different from real metal.

And the strength is far beyond that of ordinary metals, which is probably comparable to Enchanted weapon metal materials.

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