Monster Altar

Chapter 231

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“100 million? Okay, I’ll let someone call you.”

Without asking more, Hu Ao’er immediately agreed.

In cooperation with Enchanted Artifact pavilion, Fang Ping can earn more than 20,000,000 million in income every month. 100 million is just 5 months of income. There is no need to worry that Fang Ping is not up. She naturally has no reason to refuse.

Soon, there were 100 million more in Fang Ping’s account. With this 100 million, he was able to use the Beauty of Fitzgerald at a critical moment to explode the Morning Star battle strength, even if the Morning Star powerhouse was enough to fight.

As for Lu Yu, because of his sensitive identity, he does not intend to let the other party take action.

But it can be used as a last resort to hide it in the dark.

If it is lost and the support of the Monster Countermeasures Division can’t arrive in time, the opponent can make a move.

When his life was almost gone, he naturally ignored the issue of Lu Yu’s identity.

“It depends on whether you dare to come!”

A sneer appeared at the corner of Fang Ping’s mouth.

If the opponent dares to come, then he can use this to discover the opponent’s face. In this case, it will be difficult for the opponent to sneak into Yinchuan Base City top secretly.

And if the opponent does not come, then he can use this to buy time for himself and improve his strength.

“This is a trap!”

It is learned that Fang Ping has taken over the task of garrisoning No. 2 grain base, Wu Shi coldly snorted.

Without guessing, he can be sure that this must be a trap against him.

Only when his ability is hidden in the crowd can he maximize his formidable power and prevent himself from being discovered.

But the other party, after being assassinated by him, immediately found a sparsely populated place to do the task, which was obviously a trap specifically aimed at him.

If he goes, not only his face may be exposed, he may even fall into the siege of the digital Morning Star powerhouse.

Although he is quite confident of his own strength, and his confidence is not weaker than that of the average Morning Star, but he has no confidence in protecting himself under the siege of several Morning Stars.

A few days later, Fang Ping moved into the No. 2 grain base and served as the Awakener of the No. 2 grain base.

After staying in the No. 2 grain base for a week, Fang Ping is basically certain that the attack is not at all coming.

“Still not coming!”

Leaving Shadow Clone in town, Fang Ping quietly left the No. 2 grain base and went out to search for and hunt monsters.

In the wilderness, a team of 5 pushed aside the messy growing shrubs, and tried to move forward without making too much noise.

There are 5 people, 3 males and 2 females. The leader is a middle-aged woman.

The woman is wearing red soft armor and black trousers, with a black giant sword on her back. She is a Tier 5 Awakener.

The five of them belonged to an Awakener family in Yinchuan base city.

Like He’an Base City, the Awakener family in Yinchuan Base City, although they can enjoy many privileges, will also have targets for hunting monsters every year.

A certain number of monsters must be hunted every year. If the target cannot be completed for 3 consecutive years, not only will the preferential treatment be cancelled, but the Awakener family will be deprived of qualifications.


While walking, suddenly, a thick green beam passed through the bush and hit this side.


The man walking on the far left did not react, and was swept by the green beam.

Hair, skin, blood, flesh and blood, bones, everything evaporates under the green light beam, not even a trace of existence can be left.

“Wei Ye…”

The remaining 4 people cried out in surprise, looking at the place where their companions disappeared in shock. The companions who were still alive not long ago actually evaporated entirely.

“Ya Yan, what’s the matter?”

Although shocked and sorrowful, the middle-aged woman still adjusted quickly. This is not the first time she has seen her companion die in front of her.

She stared at a beautiful woman who had the perception ability in their team and was responsible for searching and finding monsters.

“I didn’t perceive monsters, monsters can shield my perception!”

The delicate and pretty woman complexion pale said.


At this moment, another green beam appeared, and it was the delicate and pretty woman.

At this brief moment, there is already a middle-aged woman who is on guard for moving.

Draw the sword, the bright cyan ray glows on the sword, and it slashes towards the green light beam.


The green beam collided with the giant sword with the cyan ray glow, and there was a dull sound.

The air shock wave swelled, the surrounding bushes were pulled up by the roots under the strong wind, and the rocks were blown away.

The delicate and pretty woman and the remaining two men flew upside down under the strong wind.


The middle-aged woman was hit by a huge force, flew out a few ten meters, crashed on a high boulder of several meters, smashed the boulder, and stopped.

The back hurts fiercely, but the middle-aged woman does not care about the back injury, her eyes solemnly look forward.

There, a huge monster with the appearance of a scorpion and wearing a black carapace with green lines on the carapace appeared.

On the giant tail of the monster, there is a green halo, and it is this location that hit the green ray just now.

“Tier 5 Peak Monster!”

The monsters in front of them are either Tier 5 peak monsters or battle strength comparable to Tier 5 peak monsters. Either way, it will be extremely dangerous for them.

Such a monster requires at least 4 Tier 5 Awakener to join forces to be killed, but now she is the only one Tier 5 Awakener.

“It’s the Tier 5 peak monster!”

The delicate and pretty woman and two men got up in embarrassment, their faces were all pale.

They also fully understood what it was like to encounter a Tier 5 peak monster with their staffing.

“Ya Yan, Zhi Qiang, Wen Fu, the three of you will withdraw first and meet at the predetermined place. If half an hour later…I haven’t arrived, you will immediately return to the base city.”

The middle-aged woman solemnly ordered.


The delicate and pretty woman was worried, as did the two men.

If she would say “If she didn’t come in half an hour”, it was obvious that the middle-aged woman was not at all to escape.

“Come on!”

The middle-aged woman’s voice became severely reprimanded, and then she slammed her sword abruptly, and immediately blocked an incoming green rays of light again, but she was hit by a huge force again.

“Zhi Qiang, Wen Fu, take Yayan away, you are distracting me!”

Slightly embarrassed to get up, the middle-aged woman said loudly with her sword.

2 men clenched the teeth, pulled up the delicate and pretty woman and prepared to escape.

As the middle-aged woman said, if they stay, not only will they not be of much help, but will be delayed.

There are tears in the delicate and pretty woman’s eyes. She knows that maybe she will never see this aunt.

Although the other party is very harsh to her and always unsmiling, he is very good to her.

After thinking that she might never see it again, she couldn’t help but feel sad.

“That one……”

At this time of life and death, a voice rang out of time, and I saw a middle-aged man not far away who did not know when to appear there.

“If you can’t deal with it, can you give me this monster?”

The visitor was Fang Ping who used the Body-Transformation Technique. After searching for more than ten days, he finally found a Tier 5 monster, but he did not expect to be caught by the early bird the worm.

I was planning to give up, but found that the other party seemed a bit unable to cope, so he hurried over happily.

“Your Excellency, this monster is a Tier 5 peak monster, not equal to me, we two teamed up!”

Seeing Fang Ping appeared, the middle-aged woman sighed in relief.

When encountering a Tier 5 monster and preparing to hunt, the opponent should be a Tier 5 Awakener, and the strength is probably not weak.

If she can join forces with the other party, she should be able to escape successfully even if she can’t fight back. As for hunting, she has never thought about it.

“No, if you think you can deal with it, you can deal with it, if you feel you can’t deal with it, just let me.”

Fang Ping shook his head.

If you join forces with the opponent, you must share a share with the opponent after the hunt.

Just a corpse of a monster, should it be given to each other half?

He has never tried to make sacrifices with half of the monsters to be successful. Even if it succeeds, the ability or innate talent of the cartoon characters taken out may not be too good. After all, the sacrifices are only half.

“I can’t deal with this monster. If you are sure, then please.”

A sword flew, cut out the cyan ray, temporarily blocked the Scorpion Demon, the middle-aged woman retreated decisively.

Since the other party is sure to hunt, she is naturally willing to give it to the other party, after all, such a monster is simply not something she can handle.

“That’s good.”

Fang Ping nodded, left the place, and quickly rushed towards the Scorpion Demon.

Sage Mode used it, red eyeshadow appeared in his eyes, the horror of his body was enhanced, and his astonishing spirit revealed from him.

“Amazing breath.”

The backing middle-aged woman looked at Fang Ping in surprise.

With such an amazing imposing manner, the opponent’s strength must not be weak, maybe the opponent is really likely to kill this Tier 5 peak monster.

The Scorpion Demon also discovered the astonishing breath on Fang Ping, perceiving the threat, it gave up the middle-aged woman and locked Fang Ping on.


The end of the giant tail locks Fang Ping, and the next green rays of light, like an unrolled bolt of white silk, sweeps towards Fang Ping.


Fang Ping burned with golden flames all over his body. With him as the center, within a few ten meters, everything was shrouded in golden flames.

Facing the incoming green light beam, a huge golden flame giant appeared and pinched one to the green light beam.

Ka-cha !

The green light beam that made the middle-aged woman unbearable was easily crushed under the golden flame giant hand, just like crushing a piece of dead wood.

After merging into Pure Yang Flame, Mutated Mera Mera no Mi has a strong ability to counteract monsters.

A blow of ten-layer formidable power, facing him, can only play 70%.


The attack was blocked, and the Scorpion Demon felt a serious threat. The green rays of light on the giant tail flickered, and a green beam with stronger formidable power was gestating.


But at this moment, Fang Ping, who was still far away, appeared beside Scorpion Demon in a flash.

This is the divine speed ability, he burst out at a speed exceeding the speed of sound in an instant.


The golden flame giant fist hammered the Scorpion Demon’s body, and the Scorpion Demon’s body was burning with golden flames flying backwards.

Counting trees and rocks were knocked into the air, and a mountain bag was knocked down. The surrounding trees were lit by golden flames and burned.

“The strength of really strong!”

The middle-aged woman and the three delicate and pretty women stepped back to the distance and stared at this side.

Seeing Fang Ping easily blocked the Scorpion Demon’s attack and blasted the Scorpion Demon into the air, his eyes were shocked.

No wonder it refused to join hands, it turned out that the other party was sure to hunt this Tier 5 peak monster alone.

“Aunt, you shouldn’t be anonymous with such strength, why have you never heard of it before?”

The delicate and pretty woman Ya Yan asked suspiciously.

“I don’t know, I have never seen this person before. This person should not be from Yinchuan Base City.”

Middle-aged woman speculated.

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