Monster Altar

Chapter 232

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The flames on the Scorpion Demon object stopped due to lack of Fang Ping energy supply, revealing the place where it was hit by the flame giant fist.

There, there is a huge fist mark.

The hard carapace became scorched black, not only the outermost carapace, but even the innermost flesh and blood was destroyed, turned black, and large chunks of carbonized flesh fell.

After a loss, Scorpion Demon became irritable.

The giant tail, which is harder than the alloy, stood up high, and then made an unexpected move, actually piercing the ground.

But soon, the other party’s intentions were known.

From the feet of Fang Ping, a huge tail broke out of the earth and stab at Fang Ping.

The giant tail of the opponent that pierced into the soil actually extended a full more than a hundred meters long and attacked Fang Ping, which was more than a hundred meters away.


Using divine speed, Fang Ping quickly dodged aside, avoiding the attack of the giant tail.

But at this moment, the giant tail lights up green rays of light.

Then, around Fang Ping, there were green beams bursting out of the earth, intertwined into a huge cage, and Fang Ping was locked in the cage.

Hey, hey, pu!

The cage is shrinking rapidly, but everything that is touched by the green beam, whether it is a plant or a rock, everything is cut under the green beam.

I am afraid that even the same volume of alloy will be easily cut.

Ka-cha !

The green cage is shrunk to its limit, and the green beam cuts on Fang Ping from all directions.

But unexpectedly, even the green light beam that can be easily cut by the alloy, cut on Fang Ping’s body, not only did not leave any wounds, but also collapsed and shattered by itself.

I saw Fang Ping’s body surface, attached to a layer of black, only a thin layer, but it had an extraordinary defensive power. Even if the alloy could easily cut off the green light beam, it was nothing.

“Sure enough, with my current defense, even the Tier 5 peak is hard to hurt!”

Fang Ping looked at his Tier 5 peak attack with satisfaction, but his body was not damaged.

The very excellent Taijutsu innate talent’s strong physical defense plus Busoshoku Haki makes his defense extremely strong, even if Zanpakuto attacks with all his strength.

After using Sage Mode, this defense was strengthened again, even at the peak of Tier 5.


With one step, Fang Ping is a few ten meters away, and after two steps, Fang Ping has appeared beside Scorpion Demon more than a hundred meters away.

The right leg was raised high, wrapped around black Busoshoku Haki’s foot, and kicked to the side of Scorpion Demon’s head.


After Scorpion Demon’s huge body receded slightly and his carapace was slightly sunken, he blocked the blow, and a huge pliers clamped towards Fang Ping.

Fang Ping relied on the speed to reach the speed of sound, and appeared on the other side of the Scorpion Demon’s object, and punched the Scorpion Demon’s head on the other side of the object.

“Fang Ping, he is the tenth Fang Ping on the list!”

In the distance, among the 4 middle-aged women who were watching from a distance, the delicate and pretty woman suddenly covered her red lips and exclaimed.

Although the cutting of the green beam was blocked without any damage, it was inevitable that the change of the Body-Transformation Technique was broken.

As a youngster, the delicate and pretty woman Ya Yan is naturally very concerned about the most eye-catching list of Yinchuan Base City, and the top ten of the list is the focus of attention.

So when Fang Ping’s face was exposed, she immediately recognized it.

“You said he was tenth on the list? Are you sure you didn’t admit your mistake?”

The middle-aged woman unexpectedly looked at Ya Yan, the delicate and pretty woman.

“Of course I’m sure.”

The delicate and pretty woman Ya Yan said somewhat upset.

To ask such a question, does it mean that she questioned her “professional level”, even her own aunt would never be allowed to question her “professional level”.

“The tenth on the list has such strength. Yinchuan base city is so strong this time?”

The middle-aged woman slightly surprised.

“How is it possible? Although this year is called the golden one, the impossible list tenth has such strength.”

“Senior Fang Ping’s strength is definitely enough to squeeze into the top 5. I didn’t expect Senior Fang Ping to hide such strength.”

The delicate and pretty woman Ya Yan said as if she found a huge secret.

Boom, bang, bang!

Fang Ping appeared on the Scorpion Demon for 4 weeks, either with fists or feet, constantly attacking the Scorpion Demon.

Although the Scorpion Demon’s body was injured by a hard object, it was not too serious.

“The attack power is still weaker, even after the Sage Mode increase, it only reaches the Tier 5 general level.”

After a flash, Fang Ping retreated, and distanced himself from the Scorpion Demon.

Compared with the strong defense, the physical strength plus Busoshoku Haki dwarfs the destructive power.

Even after the increase in Sage Mode, the formidable power is only at Tier 5 level, which is extremely ordinary.

“If only you can take out the anime characters who own Eight Inner Gates.”

Fang Ping couldn’t help thinking of the Eight Inner Gates, which is enough to strengthen Taijutsu dozens of times. Although it has the huge drawback of having to pay the price of life after opening Eight Sects, it is undeniable that this Taijutsu is powerful.

Even if the Eight Sects cannot be opened, but the Seven Sects can only be opened, it will be extremely terrifying Taijutsu.

“It’s over!”

Fang Ping right hand collapsed upwards, the golden flame appeared in the palm of his hand.

It quickly grew bigger and turned into a golden Fireball that was bigger than him, and he threw it at the Scorpion Demon.

Scorpion Demon felt a life-and-death crisis, and the giant tail shot a thick green beam, hitting the huge golden Fireball, and then retreated again and again.

Ka-cha !

The green light beam hits the huge golden Fireball, as if the wood meets a raging fire, the burning collapses and disappears, and the huge golden Fireball continues to attack the Scorpion Demon object.


With a loud noise, a huge pothole with a diameter of more than two hundred meters appeared, and the Scorpion Demon was lying in the huge pothole scorched, unable to find a good place.

And there are 2 legs and a pair of tongs that have been carbonized and shattered in the previous attack.

“Only dealing with monsters, even Susanoo and Zanpakuto are not as good as today’s Muted Mera Mera no Mi.”

Fang Ping walked towards Scorpion Demon step by step.


Feeling Fang Ping coming, Scorpion Demon got up with difficulty.

After all, it is the peak monster of Tier 5. The tenacity of life force is beyond imagination. Even with such a serious injury, it is still not at all dead.


Suddenly, an inexplicable fluctuation came from the Scorpion Demon with its charred body, and then the Scorpion Demon with its charred body disappeared.

Not only is it disappearing visually, Kenbunshoku Haki is also imperceptible to the Scorpion Demon, and the opponent has the ability to shield Kenbunshoku Haki.

“Have you escaped?”

In this regard, Fang Ping did not panic at all.


His right hand index finger stretched out, and above his index finger, a huge golden flame column condensed and shot out, hitting the place where there was nothing.

Next moment With a loud noise, a huge scorched body fluttered out.

It was the scorpion model that disappeared invisibly just now, but at this time his head was torn, a part was missing, and there was no more movement.

The other party did disappear from Fang Ping’s eyes and Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception, but he did not disappear from Sage Mode’s perception.

In Sage Mode’s perception, the opponent’s location is clearly identifiable.

Fang Ping stepped forward and collected the Scorpion Demon into the sacrifice space.

Originally wanted to leave, but took a look at the Body-Transformation Technique that had failed, took out a windbreaker from the sacrifice space and put it on to avoid being unclothed, and then walked over to the four people.

“Senior Fang Ping.”

Seeing Fang Ping coming, the delicate and pretty woman Ya Yan greeted Fang Ping enthusiastically.


Fang Ping nodded in response, and then said.

“Four people, for some reasons, it is not convenient for me to be seen in the wilderness. Please don’t tell me what happened today.”

“It’s no wonder that Senior Fang Ping wants to become a middle-aged person with a disguise. Don’t worry, Senior Fang Ping, I will never say it.”

The delicate and pretty woman Ya Yan immediately promised.

“Don’t worry, the four of us will not tell you what happened today.”

The middle-aged woman also solemnly promised.

“many thanks.”

Thanks, Fang Ping teleported and disappeared.

Looking at the place where Fang Ping left, the four of them all felt fortunate. Fortunately, they met each other today, otherwise they might all die here today.

When he reappeared, Fang Ping had already appeared at his residence in the Monster Countermeasures Division of Yinchuan Base City.

“With the ability of Mutated Mera Mera no Mi to restrain monsters, I wonder if I can compete with Morning Star monsters?”

After taking a shower and lying on the sofa, Fang Ping couldn’t help but recall the previous battle in his mind.

Killing a Tier 5 peak monster was easier than he thought.

Almost crushingly, he killed a Tier 5 peak monster, which could not help but make him have some expectations for the current battle strength.

“It should be unlikely.”

For a moment of comparison, Fang Ping shook his head slightly.

Between Tier 5 peak monster and Morning Star monster, in realm, although the gap is extremely small, the gap in battle strength is extremely large.

There is a gulf from Tier 3 to Tier 4. After crossing, the strength will be greatly improved.

From Tier 5 to Morning Star, there is a gap. If it can be crossed, the increase rate that can be obtained is greater than Tier 3 to Tier 4.

Although the restraint of monsters with the ability of Muted Mera Mera no Mi is enough to easily defeat Tier 5 peak monsters, there is still a gap from Morning Star.

“It would be great if I could offer the ability to take out to find Wu Shi.”

Fang Ping enters the sacrifice space to sacrifice.


A pink rays of light came down and turned into an extremely strong man.

The man is tall, with short red hair, strong muscles, and a patched scar on each cheek.

There are pink tattoos on his left arm and upper left body, and he wears a white scarf like a flower. The costume is full of strong black metal style.

Name: Charlotte Katakuri

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent: very excellent

Haoshoku Haki talent: Excellent

Busoshoku Haki: very excellent

Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent: very excellent

Taijutsu innate talent: excellent


Mochi Mochi fruit: Special superhuman fruit, like natural fruit, can be “elementalized” to avoid physical attacks.

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