Monster Altar

Chapter 233

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Charlotte Katakuri, a character in the anime One Piece, a strong anime character.

Before encountering Luffy, he had never failed. The reason why he lost to Luffy was completely irresistible. After all, he encountered the protagonist.

The deepest impression on Fang Ping is the Mochi Mochi fruit’s ability to “naturalize” immunity to physical attacks like natural fruits, and the powerful Kenbunshoku Haki that can see part of the future.

“Currently anime characters have Growth innate talent, Haoshoku Haki talent, Busoshoku Haki, Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent, Taijutsu innate talent, and ability Mochi Mochi fruit. Do you choose one to obtain?

The majestic and majestic voice sounded, allowing Fang Ping to choose among the many abilities and innate talents possessed by the opponent, and Fang Ping seriously considered it.

Charlotte Katakuri’s strongest body should be the Mochi Mochi fruit ability similar to natural fruits and Kenbunshoku Haki, who can predict the future for a short time, so other innate talents can be excluded. If you want to choose, you have to choose between Kenbunshoku Haki and Mochi Mochi fruit ability. .

Mochi Mochi fruit, a kind of superhuman fruit similar to natural fruit, can be transformed into glutinous rice and immune to physical attacks.

Apart from this, the glutinous rice produced by this ability has amazing viscosity and can be used as a means to restrain the enemy. The disadvantage is that the viscosity of water will be greatly reduced.

Also, this ability is extremely compatible with Busoshoku Haki, and can be mixed together to form a powerful attack method.

Kenbunshoku Haki, a perception type method, Fang Ping possesses, but it is only superior.

Kenbunshoku Haki of Charlotte Katakuri is unusual in that he can briefly see the future.

Although the future is only a few seconds later, it is already extremely terrifying. After all, it already involves the future.

Moreover, being able to know the future in a few seconds is also extremely useful. With this ability, when fighting an enemy, you can predict the enemy’s attack and anticipate the enemy’s first opportunity.

In the battle with Luffy, Charlotte Katakuri relied on being able to predict the future and turned into glutinous rice many times to avoid Luffy’s attacks, making Luffy’s attacks completely ineffective.

“Mochi Mochi fruit ability and very excellent Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent, which one should I choose?”

Fang Ping’s gaze, over and above this innate talent, made the final decision.

“Choose Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent!”

Whether Mochi Mochi fruit is strong or not, it is naturally strong. Not only does the attack power is not weak, it also has amazing stickiness, which can be used as a means to restrain the enemy.

But what attracted him the most was the prospect of Kenbunshoku Haki.

Although the time is short, only a few seconds, but it is extremely useful.

With this ability, if you want to sneak attack him, it is almost impossible, a few seconds, even if he is slow, it is enough to avoid a sneak attack.

And what he values ​​most is that this ability can cooperate with elementalization to avoid attacks in advance.

In his body, whether it is the Mutant Mera Mera no Mi ability or the mutant ice ability, it can be elemental immune to physical attacks, but he rarely uses it because there are too few places to use it.

Whether it is an Awakener or a monster, most of them have multiple abilities, and only a few of them have physical abilities.

This makes the “ability” that is almost against the sky among One Piece, extremely tasteless.

But after a short time foreseeing the future, it is different. Before the attack arrives, it can be transformed into an element to avoid the body parts that will be attacked to achieve the effect of immunity. This effect is also applicable to energy attacks.

“The sacrificers already have the same innate talent, and the innate talent is integrated.”


A pink rays of light penetrated into Fang Ping within the body. Fang Ping’s body didn’t feel too much abnormal, but there were many more memories in his mind. That was Charlotte Katakuri’s memory of practicing Kenbunshoku Haki.

“Although I have acquired the Kenbunshoku Haki innate talent of Charlotte Katakuri, it takes time to develop and temper in order to have the ability to predict the future.”

After exiting the sacrifice space, Fang Ping started the development of Kenbunshoku Haki somewhat impatiently. He predicted the future and felt excited even thinking about it.

More than ten days later, the garrison mission of the No. 2 grain base ended, and Fang Ping returned to the Monster Countermeasures Division.

“Finally back to the base city, I am already a little impatient in waiting.”

In a villa, Wu Shi who had no weak spot status was arranged for himself with his suggestive ability, and he cheered up.

This month, he did not do nothing. With the help of hinting ability, he investigated all the high-level Awakener around Fang Ping’s residence and found out a dozen people suitable for assassination.

As soon as Fang Ping returns, he will hint to these people and let them sneak attack to assassinate Fang Ping.

On the 2nd day, when he was about to go out to “hint” the selected target, a text message was sent to his mobile phone.

Seeing the content of the text message, the expression on his face became stiff. With a ka-cha, the mobile phone in his hand was actually crushed by him.

It was written in the text message that Fang Ping had left the base city again not long ago, and was also receiving a one-month garrison mission.

People have left the base city, and wanting to assassinate Fang Ping is naturally impossible. If you want to assassinate, you can only wait for another month.

As for the production base, this kind of walking right into a trap is naturally impossible to do.

“Hmph, I will wait another month. I don’t believe you will keep on working. Even if you have this time, the Morning Star powerhouse of the Monster Countermeasures Division will not have this time.”

Coldly snorted, Wu Shi, who was about to go out, sat down again.

Another month passed, Fang Ping returned to the base city again, and Wu Shi, who had been waiting impatiently, was immediately ready to attack Fang Ping.

But soon, he received news that Fang Ping had taken the mission out again, and Fang Ping had taken the garrison mission out again.

Ka-cha !

Another mobile phone was scrapped, and fragments of parts fell to the ground.

“Damn it, don’t you rest?”

Wu Shi has a green face, and the complexion is gloomy so that water can drip out. He has always been hiding in the dark and never personally shoots, unexpectedly gave birth to the urge to kill the production base.

However, he suppressed this impulse. If he rushed to the production base at this time, he would definitely be in an ambush by the opponent.

“Let several Morning Star powerhouses guard you for 3 months, your face is really big enough.”

After taking a few deep breaths, Wu Shi slowly calmed his mood.

“Wait another month, I don’t believe that Morning Star powerhouse will always protect you if it is so idle.”

In Wu Shi’s extremely long suffering, another month passed, Fang Ping returned to the base city again.

But soon, the thing that made Wu Shi almost runaway happened again, Fang Ping took over the task again and left the base city.

“Damn, damn…”

The angry Wu Shi was no longer able to suppress this anger, and after smashing all the things in the room, he panted heavily and stopped.

“Impossible, Morning Star powerhouse all have their own tasks and things to do. Impossible has been guarding him for several months.”

After making a mess, he gradually calmed down and gradually discovered the abnormality.

“Damn, he was playing tricks!”

Suddenly, the anger he had just suppressed appeared again, and he slapped a glass coffee table, which shattered under his this slap.

Morning Star powerhouse impossible protects the opponent for several months, so the only possibility is that the opponent does not at all ask Morning Star powerhouse to protect.

Perhaps, since at first, there is no Morning Star powerhouse next to the other party. The other party uses his cautious psychology to prevent him from act blindly without thinking.

He was completely teased by the other party.

“Don’t think you can lie to me!”

Coldly snorted, his eyes are full of murderous intention.


In the No. 5 breeding base, Fang Ping closed his eyes and walked in the fenced production base, but he always avoided obstacles before encountering obstacles.

Kenbunshoku Haki has the ability to perceive biological sounds, but it is imperceptible to non-living creatures.

But having the ability to predict is different. Although imperceptible to non-living creatures, they can predict what they will encounter in the near future, such as predicting that they will collide in the near future.

Now that they know that a collision is about to occur, they will naturally not move forward, they will turn around or move forward in a different direction.

It is precisely in this way that he can always avoid when a collision is about to occur.

Kenbunshoku Haki predicts that the future development will take more time than he imagined. Now that more than three months have passed, it has finally achieved results and has been able to predict what will happen in a second.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes suddenly, flashed back, and retreated to a few beyond ten meters in an instant.

Next moment, where he was originally, a black light silently descended from a distance.

A pitch-black hole with a diameter of several ten meters appeared on the ground, which was not bottom deep and more than 100 meters deep.

“Finally disabled to bear?”

Looking at the direction of the attack, Fang Ping Flying Thunder God Jutsu used it, and walked away in that direction.

After a few flashes, he has left the production base and appeared outside the production base.

Kenbunshoku Haki was turned on to the limit. Within a few months, the realm was improved again. Today, Kenbunshoku Haki has a sensing range of more than 3 kilometers.

Everyone’s voice is different. As long as he is perceived by his Kenbunshoku Haki, he will be able to recognize the opponent as long as he encounters it in the future, and the opponent will no longer be able to move safely in the Yinchuan base city.

“found it!”

Leaving the production base, suddenly, within the range of his Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception, a “silhouette” appeared, and he found Wu Shi whose face had not been seen before.

On the top of a huge tree with a height of 100 meters, stood a man wearing a yellow windbreaker.

The other party was wearing a weird mask with half black and half white, and had long black hair, but from the physical point of view, it should be a male.

“How dare to chase, I really admire your courage!”

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