Monster Altar

Chapter 234

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“How dare to chase, I really admire your courage!”

Looking at Fang Ping, Wu Shi has cold light in his eyes, as if a predator is staring at its prey.

“It is you who should admire, knowing that the production base is a trap, dare to come!”

Fang Ping flies in the air, keeping a distance of 100 meters from the opponent, guarding against the opponent’s surprise attack.

The voice of the other party has been recorded, and as long as they encounter it in the future, they will be able to recognize it.

It is a pity that the opponent is wearing a mask and cannot see his face. If he can see his face and report to the Monster Countermeasures Division, not only will the opponent not be able to sneak into the Yinchuan Base City, but he will also be able to get a generous bonus point.

“You still want to lie to me? There is no Morning Star powerhouse hiding in the dark. Am I right?”

Wu Shi coldly snorted and said.

Fang Ping didn’t panic after being touched by the opponent, and simply admitted directly, with a taunted voice.

“Indeed, there has been no Morning Star powerhouse ambush since at first. I didn’t expect you to react so long. Originally I thought you would react faster.”

“Hmph, you dare to play such a trick, I have to say that you are not so courageous.”

The anger in Wu Shi’s heart was almost ignited by Fang Ping’s words. It is an indisputable fact that he was deceived by Fang Ping’s tricks for several months. He suppressed his anger forcibly and said with a cold voice.

“If you say that you are bold enough, since I have investigated, I should know that I possess a very powerful mind control ability. You are not afraid of being caught in my spirit if you appear so boldly in front of me. control ability?”

Fang Ping sneered.

Hearing Fang Ping’s words, Wu Shi’s eyes flashed with fear, but he quickly calmed down.

“Don’t frighten me. According to my investigation, the conditions for your ability to activate should be extremely harsh. It is likely that you will only be able to activate it when the target is seriously injured. Do you think I will give you this opportunity?”

“Smart, it seems that you are not useless, at least you are very good at collecting intelligence.”

Fang Ping “praised”.

“Humans, don’t be mad, do you think you can counter me with your current strength?”

The eyes under Wu Shi’s mask are filled with cold rays of light.

“It’s not enough, but if I want to go, do you think you can stop it?”

Fang Ping said without showing any weakness.

“Go, you are not afraid that I will destroy this production base?”

There was a threat in Wu Shi’s voice.

“If you want to threaten me with this production base, you would be very wrong. I was retreated by force majeure. Even the Monster Countermeasures Department will not hold me accountable.”

Fang Ping’s voice is calm and not threatened.

“Is this really true?”

Wu Shi said playfully.

“Then I will see if this is the case!”


On the top of Wu Shi’s head, a huge eyeball with a diameter of several meters appeared. The outside of the eyeball was white, and the inside was deep black.

There are dark rays of light, bred in black.

Seeing this huge eye, Fang Ping eyes shrank, I immediately guessed that the black light beam just now should be emitted from this eye.

Being able to accurately lock on him from several kilometers away, obviously this kind of eyes possesses extremely strong long-sightedness ability.

“Now this eye is locked on the Awakener who gathered together in the production base because of the movement just now, how many people do you think will die if this blow continues?”

Looking at Fang Ping, Wu Shi said jokingly.


The black rays of light are gestated to the limit, and they will burst out soon.

The whole process was extremely slow. He was putting pressure on Fang Ping and giving Fang Ping time to rescue him. As Fang Ping could not stop him, it was not his concern.


The black rays of light finally shot out and attacked the production base.

He did not at all deceive Fang Ping. At this time, this black rays of light did indeed lock a group of Awakeners. In this matter, he did not need to deceive Fang Ping.


Leng Khan slipped from Fang Ping’s forehead. As the other party said, he was under extreme pressure at this time. Whether to save or not is a question that needs careful consideration.


After all, Fang Ping took action. He was impossible to watch a group of people die in front of him.

With Flying Thunder God Jutsu, he appeared in front of the black rays of light, and the golden flame turned into a huge Fireball to resist the black rays of light.


The golden Fireball was penetrated, the golden flame splashed in 4 places, and the black rays of light continued to move forward.

Although it has a restraining effect on monsters, it was not able to stop it in the face of Morning Star’s other attacks.


The black beam hit Fang Ping behind the golden Fireball, pushing Fang Ping to slide backwards.

It slid back out of several hundred meters and broke the black beam of golden Fireball formidable power that had been greatly reduced before it completely collapsed.

Fang Ping fell directly from the air to the ground, smashing a pothole in the ground.

In the potholes, Fang Ping’s clothes were tattered all over, clinging to the surface of Busoshoku Haki’s skin, one could see deep wounds after another.

“Didn’t you say that you don’t care about the life and death of the human land in this production base?”

Although the attack was blocked by Fang Ping, Wu Shi laughed out of pride.

As expected, human beings will always persist in some unfathomable mystery, leaving fatal weaknesses.

With the other party’s potential, the future value is absolutely higher than this production base and all humans in the production base.

However, because of these human beings, the other party knew that it was not an opponent, and had to fight him desperately.

“I changed my mind and want to scare me away. You are not qualified enough.”

Fang Ping grinned because of the pain in his body.

Wu Shi looked at him high, he was not the kind of person who could sacrifice his own for the lives of others. The reason why he did not teleport away immediately was simply because Wu Shi’s strength was not enough to kill him.

Hey, hey, chi!

On his body, under the attack of the black rays of light just now, one after another deep wound, accompanied by white smoke, was healing quickly.

Among Hokage, the fifth generation of Hokage Tsunade is known for its strong resilience, even if the body is broken into two sections, it can recover, and Senju Hashirama has the same amazing resilience as Tsunade.

Senju Hashirama’s resilience is derived from the Shikkotsu Forest Sage Mode he has studied, and his Sage Mode, which is a combination of Mount Myōboku and Shikkotsu Forest Sage art, clearly has this resilience.

“Really strong ability to recover?”

Seeing Fang Ping’s original severe injury, he is recovering quickly, Wu Shi eyes slightly narrowed.


A black beam shot out from the giant eye in the sky, attacking Fang Ping at several times the speed of sound.

Almost in an instant, he was close to Fang Ping.

At the crucial moment, Fang Ping teleported and disappeared in place, and in his original place, with a sound of “pu”, a pitch-black hole appeared on the ground as deep as several hundred meters.

Faced with such a swift attack, even the Morning Star powerhouse may not be able to react.

However, with Kenbunshoku Haki’s foreseeing the future, knowing that after a second, and so on him, is naturally not in this list.

He reacted in time, and teleported to avoid it with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

Teleportation appeared, Fang Ping appeared behind Wu Shi, and he had scattered 20 flying knives around before.

Hula –

The right hand turned into golden flames, and turned into a huge golden flame fist, extending forward and hammering towards Wu Shi.

The air was scorched by the high temperature of the golden flame, rapidly expanding, and visually distorted.


In the giant eyes, a black rays of light shot out, piercing through the golden flame fist, causing the golden flame fist to explode, and golden flames flew at 4 places, igniting the forest below.

Immediately afterwards, another black rays of light appeared, shooting at Fang Ping extremely fast.

From Kenbunshoku Haki’s foreseeing the future, Fang Ping, who had already seen the attack, teleported and disappeared again and appeared in another place.

Huh, huh, Shua!

As soon as Fang Ping appeared, Fang Ping manipulated all the flying knives, approaching Wu Shi from different directions.

As long as there is a throwing knives that can approach Wu Shi, then he can approach Wu Shi.

Wu Shi black’s giant eye has a strong attack power, reaching the Morning Star, but it does not mean that it has also reached the Morning Star in other aspects.

After all, the current Wu Shi is just comparable to Morning Star, not Morning Star. It is absolutely impossible to compare to Morning Star in all aspects. There must be some places inferior to Morning Star.

“Want to be near me?”

Wu Shi’s face under the mask didn’t panic, but calm, next moment, his calmness had a reason.

Huh, huh, Shua!

A large number of black beams shot out from the giant eye at the same time.

Although it is a lot smaller, the number is as many as dozens of channels, and each channel seems to be guided by radar, accurately locking a throwing knives.

Not only these 20 flying knives, Fang Ping is also locked, as many as several black beams, locked Fang Ping and Fang Ping around.

Fang Ping and Fang Ping’s throwing knives used for teleportation are all locked.

Clang, clang, clang!

20 Throwing knives were hit at the same time and knocked out, none of them could get close to Wu Shi.

At the same time, the attack also fell on Fang Ping.

At this moment, Fang Ping’s body turned into golden flames and twisted.


The black beam of light passed through the distorted position of Fang Ping’s body, spread to the distance, and finally penetrated the ground. Fang Ping escaped the blow.

With the help of Kenbunshoku Haki’s prediction of the future in one second, Fang Ping can clearly know where the attack will fall on his body, and then his body turns into flames, twisting his body to avoid it.

Of course, not all attacks can be avoided.

If it is an attack with a very wide coverage, it is naturally unavoidable.

However, the giant eye’s attack split into dozens of them, and each of the black rays of light was not too thick, but it gave him a chance to escape.

“Blocked? No, I avoided it.”

With the powerful insight of the giant eyes, Wu Shi saw clearly what happened at the moment Fang Ping was attacked, and the pupils in his eyes couldn’t help but shrink slightly.

Although the opponent’s battle strength is not as good as his, but he has all kinds of weird abilities, even under his Morning Star other powerful attacks, it is enough to protect himself.

Suddenly, a smirk appeared on his face under the mask, and he said like an announcement.

“You can’t avoid the next attack!”

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