Monster Altar

Chapter 235

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A thick black beam shot from the giant eye, causing the air to ripple forward.


Fang Ping appeared in front of the black beam, and the golden flame turned into a golden flame pillar, blocking the black beam.

But it easily collapsed under the black beam, and the black light hit Fang Ping behind the golden flame pillar.

Fang Ping was pushed by the black beam to slid back, and there were many hideous wounds on his body.

When he slid back out of several hundred meters, the black beam collapsed and disappeared. At this time, Fang Ping was already covered in wounds, and blood was constantly flowing out of his body.

“Look, I said you can’t avoid it.”

Wu Shi’s voice said triumphantly.

“You are really mean.”

Fang Ping gnashing teeth said.

The opponent’s attack is directed at the production base. If this shot falls, someone will inevitably die under the attack, and he is naturally impossible to let the attack fall.

“Thank you, I will take this as a compliment.”

Wu Shi’s voice is even more meaningful.

“By the way, notice again, you can’t dodge this blow!”


Another black rays of light shot out from the giant eyes and was blocked by Fang Ping again. Fang Ping had recovered some of his injuries, and he was aggravated again, and he was more serious than before. The blood had already stained him all over.

“Why haven’t you come yet, do you want to use your hole cards?”

Anxiety faintly grew in Fang Ping’s heart. Although he has a strong recovery ability in Sage Mode, he is also impossible to hold on for too long. If this continues, even him, it will be very dangerous.

If you give up the production base and escape, you can’t choose if it is not necessary, so you can only use the “Beauty of Fitzgerald” hole card.

This is also the biggest hole card he dared to keep, but the price of using this hole card is too great, it costs 100 million, and it is a one-time, he really doesn’t want to use it unless necessary.

No matter where this is fighting, it is totally burning money. Even if the money printing machine is turned on for 24 hours, it is not enough to burn money.


Another black beam hit the production base at this moment.

A giant silver hand suddenly appeared, before the black beam, and shook it suddenly. With a sound of “ka-cha”, the black beam was crushed.

At this time, 3 silhouettes appeared in front of Fang Ping.

One of the silhouettes is exactly the same as Fang Ping, it is Fang Ping’s Shadow Clone.

And the other two figures, one of them is a middle-aged beautiful woman, is Deputy Director Lu Yun.

The other person is a middle-aged man with an ordinary appearance and another deputy director, Qin Lan.

“How come so fast?”

Seeing Lu Yun and Qin Lan who suddenly appeared and blocked his attack, Wu Shi was shocked. How could the two rush over so quickly.

And when he saw Fang Ping Shadow Clone among the three, he immediately reacted.

“You actually have the ability to clone!”

The answer is already obvious, Fang Ping has some kind of clone ability, this clone can also use space ability, it is this clone teleport brought Qin Lan and Lu Yun.

“Finally caught up.”

Fang Ping sighed in relief.

In fact, when he was attacked and rushed in the direction of the attack, he had secretly separated Shadow Clone and asked Shadow Clone to return to the Monster Countermeasures Division for help.

Now he finally came in time and stopped a 100000000 million loss for him.

In Yinchuan Base City, he has hardly exposed his clone ability to the outside, and not many people know about it in He’an Base City.

Therefore, even though Wu Shi had collected his information, he did not know that he actually possessed the ability to clone.


A fiercely glared at Fang Ping, Wu Shi slid cold sweat on his forehead, surprised and angry and backed back.

He fell into Fang Ping’s plot against again, and as a result fell into an extremely dangerous situation.

Although he is now comparable to Morning Star, he has no chance of winning against two Morning Stars at the same time.

“Now stay here!”

Wrapped in the wind, Qin Lan disappeared in an instant, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of Wu Shi.

A huge tornado, like a huge pillar connecting Heaven and Earth, engulfed all the soil and rocks in it, and hit Wu Shi.


In the huge eyes above Wu Shi’s head, a thick black beam struck out, blocking the huge tornado.

Although the attack was blocked, Wu Shi’s face under the mask was ugly. His front and back roads were blocked.

Sure enough, at the next moment, behind him, Lu Yun’s sullen voice came out.

“Little Brat of Demonic Human Race, my younger generation of Human Race seems to be taken care of by you a lot!”

Although I didn’t see the battle between Fang Ping and Wu Shi, just from the direction Wu Shi attacked just now, we can understand the general process.

Wu Shi must be threatened by the people in the production base, forcing Fang Ping to take the opponent’s attack again and again.

Otherwise, with the spatial ability that Fang Ping has mastered, the opponent is almost impossible to hurt Fang Ping.


While speaking, a giant silver hand was already like a giant silver mountain, photographed from the top of Wu Shi’s head.

With the sound of ka-cha, the giant eye was smashed under the giant silver hand, and the giant silver hand continued to shoot.

Wu Shi raised his left arm filled with black light to resist, but was shot to the ground under the terrifying force, leaving a pothole on the ground with a diameter of several hundred meters.

The strong shock wave dissipated, and the range of more than 4 meters was affected.

Wu Shi raised the resisting left arm, showing an unnatural bend, and it was broken.

There are even Bai Sensen’s bones, pierced into flesh and blood, and exposed.

Drops of blood flowed from the punctured wound, not red, but purple.

Standing in the air, Lu Yun’s anger was not quenched. He stepped on one foot, and a giant silver foot stomped on Wu Shi in the pothole.

Hey, hey, pu!

On Wu Shi’s head, black giant eyes condensed again, shooting out dozens of black beams.

The black beam penetrated the silver giant foot and blocked the silver giant foot.

But at this time, a huge wind blade left a flat cut along the way, cutting towards him.

He dodges to the side to avoid it, and he can’t help but avoid it. At the place where he was just now, a huge crack spreading several hundred meters suddenly appeared.

And the surging shock wave swept him away and flew out more than a hundred meters.

“Let’s enjoy it!”

Looking at Wu Shi who was injured in the first day of the game, Fang Ping mouth showing a smile.

Wu Shi’s strength is not inferior. Even the Morning Star powerhouse can be a battle, but it is a pity that now Wu Shi is not encountering a Morning Star powerhouse, but a full 2.

Facing the siege of two Morning Star powerhouses, even if they were as powerful as Wu Shi, they could not help being completely suppressed. Death was sooner or later.

Although he could not kill Wu Shi personally, he was able to dominate the death of the opponent with one hand.

Suddenly, his face changed in shock, and he exclaimed.

“Director Lu, Director Qin is long, beware of sneak attacks!”

Just the next moment his voice fell.


A golden rays of light suddenly appeared from behind Lu Yun and attacked Lu Yun’s back.


A huge scarlet claw appeared from behind Qin Lan and grabbed Qin Lan.

Bang, hong long!

Along with the loud noise, Lu Yun and Qin Lan backed back again and again in embarrassment, stepped back several hundred meters, and the encirclement formed by Wu Shi was broken.

Fortunately, with Fang Ping’s reminder, both people were alert. Although embarrassed, they barely blocked the sneak attack, not at all injured.

Two people have an expression grave, looking in the direction of the sneak attack. In the direction Lu Yun is looking, a tall blond young woman appears, and in the direction Qin Lan is looking, a red-haired woman appears.

“Reinforcement of the Demonic Human race!”

Fang Ping ugly complexion looked at the two people who appeared, but did not expect that the Demonic Human race would have reinforcements.

The reason why he was able to spot the sneak attack earlier was naturally because of Kenbunshoku Haki’s one second foreseeing the future.

“Fortunately, it came in time!”

Seeing the two people who appeared, Wu Shi sighed in relief.

When he shot Fang Ping, he did not at all ask other Demonic Human races to support, but when he was besieged by 2 Morning Stars, he knew that Demonic Human race would definitely have reinforcements.

Because, in Yingchuan Demonic Human race, there are people who have the ability to predict danger. When the Demonic Human race that has been imprinted on them is in danger, they can know about it and pass the news to the nearest Demonic Human race. .

At first, Li Pengling and a man with spatial ability encountered Lu Yun ambush. The red-haired woman was able to rush to the rescue because of this ability.

When Li Pengling was killed by Xiang Qiu, the blonde woman appeared because of this ability.

The death of Peak hacker Dark Emperor will be discovered so quickly, also because of this ability.

“You are the Morning Star powerhouse anyway, don’t you feel embarrassed if two people bully a Little Brat who has not yet become a Morning Star?”

The sneak attack failed, and Chi Ji, the red-haired woman, showed a trace of regret on her face, but soon turned into a giggle.

“Ashamed? I only have regrets, regrets failed to kill him.”

Lu Yun was coldly snorted, but he was on guard.

Now the opponent has 3 Morning Star battle strength, but their side, there are only 2 people, the form is slightly disadvantageous to them.

“Just think about him dying? But it’s a pity that he can’t die today.”

Chi Ji smiled.

“Withdraw, the other side’s reinforcements should come soon!”

Frowned the blonde woman said.


After a flash, she appeared like a lightning next to Wu Shi outside of several hundred meters, and then took Wu Shi to meet Chi Ji outside of several hundred meters. The entire process took less than a second.

“Fast speed!”

Seeing the moving speed of the blonde woman, Lu Yun and Qin Lan couldn’t help but shrink their pupils.

The speed of the opponent has exceeded 2 times the speed of sound, reaching 3 times the speed of sound.

Generally speaking, the speed of Morning Star powerhouse is about double the speed of sound, and the more skilled in speed can reach 2 times the speed of sound.

But the other party has not yet become a Morning Star powerhouse, but already has a terrifying speed of 3 times the speed of sound. Such a speed is simply incredible.


Without stopping, after meeting with Chi Ji, the blonde woman took Chi Ji and Wu Shi quickly and flew away. Although the speed slowed down, it exceeded 2 times the speed of sound.

After Lu Yun and Qin Lan chased for a certain distance, they had no choice but to give up the pursuit. In just a few seconds, the three of them had disappeared from their sight.

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