Monster Altar

Chapter 236

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“Faster than I can use Flying Thunder God Jutsu!”

Looking at the three people who disappeared into the sky in an instant, Fang Ping couldn’t help but stunned secretly.

With Flying Thunder God Jutsu on the way, his current speed is only 2 times the speed of sound, but the opponent has reached an astonishing 3 times the speed of sound, which is twice the speed of sound faster than him.

He seriously suspects that the ability the opponent possesses is a speed-type peak order ability, and only this level of ability can allow opponents who are not Morning Star to have this kind of speed.

“Director Lu, Director Qin.”

Lu Yun and Qin Lan returned and walked towards Fang Ping, Fang Ping respectfully called them.

“Good job.”

Two people looked at Fang Ping with applauses.

Being able to block Wu Shi who is comparable to Morning Star, and insisting on their arrival, Fang Ping’s strength is far more outstanding than the ranking of the list. Obviously, it has reservations on the ranking of the list.

“This time you hold Wu Shi to avoid damage to the production base. I will apply to the Monster Countermeasures Division and give you additional rewards.”

Lu Yun said.

“Director Lu, no need, I’m ashamed to say that this time the production base will be attacked, it should be because of me. When in the base city, my friend was manipulated by him to assassinate me.”

Fang Ping speaks truthfully.

It wasn’t that he was stupid and didn’t need the points he sent to the door, but because Wu Shi was targeted by Wu Shi because of the attack in the base city, he definitely couldn’t escape the investigation of the Monster Countermeasures Division. In that case, it is better to explain the truth.

Lu Yun and Qin Lan both looked at Fang Ping unexpectedly, and then looked at Fang Ping more approvingly, Qin Lan opened the mouth and said.

“No, you deserve this reward. Although the production base has been targeted because of you, it is a fact that you have guarded the production base from a powerhouse comparable to Morning Star.”

“As for being targeted, it is an irresistible factor, it is not your fault, it is mediocre to be uninvited, and the Demonic Human race will focus on you, which is a manifestation of your strength and potential.”

Lu Yun also said with a smile: “You don’t need to have psychological pressure, this reward is what you deserve.”

“Although the Demonic Human race has been withdrawn, the probability of sneaking back is not great, but in case of 10000, the two of us will sit here for a while.”

“Many thanks Director Lu and Director Qin.”

Fang Ping thanks.

After more than 20 days, Fang Ping completed the garrison mission, handed over, and returned to the base city.

Lu Yun and Qin Lan returned with him.

After thanking the two people for a while, Fang Ping separated from the two and returned to his residence. Not at all then took the garrison mission. The “empty city strategy” had been found out, and it would be too dangerous to take the garrison mission again.

However, there is no need to take over the garrison mission and avoid it.

Kenbunshoku Haki’s one second of predicting the future is enough for him to easily avoid before the sneak attack.

Moreover, he has recorded Wu Shi’s voice. If Wu Shi sneaks into the base city again, he will surely let the other party back and forth.

After resting at home for 2 days, Fang Ping received a call from Hu Ao’er.

“Fang Ping, have you returned to the base city?”

“Well, I’m back.”

“Are you free now? Enchanted Artifact pavilion has newly refined a batch of high-level enchanted artifacts. If you are free, just come over. The inventory for refining and improving the quality is running out.”

Hu Ao’er’s voice is slightly cheerful, obviously she is in a good mood, and it is true.

Although Enchanted Artifact pavilion is the largest enchanted artifact shop in Yinchuan base city, it does not have any competitors. Among them, there are several enchanted artifact shops, which are not much worse than Enchanted Artifact pavilion.

Because of Fang Ping, the cost of Enchanted weapon of the same quality has been greatly reduced, and Enchanted Artifact pavilion decided to reduce the price to increase sales.

As a result, in recent months, the income of Enchanted Artifact pavilion has soared. In contrast, the income of several competitors has shrunk significantly, and they have lost a lot of market share.

“I’m free, I’ll come here.”

Fang Ping responded.

Enchanted Artifact pavilion reduced the price of enchanted artifacts. It was negotiated with him, and he agreed. After all, as long as the sales increase, his income will not decrease, but will increase.

The fact is the same. In recent months, his income has been increasing every month, and now it has stabilized at more than 4000 10000 per month. The 100 million he owed has been paid off, and there is still a surplus.

Arriving at the Enchanted Artifact pavilion, Fang Ping went unimpeded all the way, without any obstacles, and came to the highest level of the Enchanted Artifact pavilion.

And just as he entered the Enchanted Artifact pavilion, a man who had been waiting for the monsters for a long time took out his cell phone and made a call.

“Boss, he is here!”

Greeted Hu Ao’er, Fang Ping came to the mixing room specially prepared for him by Enchanted Artifact pavilion.

To re-harden and improve the quality of enchanted artifacts, although no additional tools are needed, high temperatures will inevitably be brought to the environment during the process, so Enchanted Artifact pavilion specially created this refining room for him.

The laying and utensils inside the mixing chamber are all made of high temperature resistant materials, and they are also equipped with a fast cooling central air conditioner, which can quickly cool the room.

Apart from this, it is also equipped with a lounge and bedroom, where you can spend the night.

The enchanted artifact that needs to be re-hardened has been placed on the corresponding item rack. Fang Ping looks at the enchanted artifact placed in the front.

This is a vest-style soft armor that is biased towards women’s, made of some high-end monster leather.

The item ability introduction next to it says that this vest-style soft armor can not only provide strong defense, but also greatly enhance the wearer’s speed.

Fang Ping picked up the vest-style soft armor, placed it on a bracket made of a material that can resist hundreds of thousands of high temperatures, and wrapped it in golden flames.

The golden flame temperature was extremely high, exceeding 10000 degrees, but the vest-style soft armor showed no signs of burning or melting.

It’s not that this kind of magic leather is resistant to high temperatures, but because it incorporates Pure Yang Flame’s Muted Mera Mera no Mi ability, which has such ability characteristics.

As long as he doesn’t want to burn things, they won’t be burned even in the flames, but can be re-hardened and improved.

After half an hour, Fang Ping finished the re-hardening of this vest-style soft armor. Although there was no experiment, he was certain that the defense and attachment capabilities of this vest-style soft armor would inevitably be greatly improved.

He picked up the second enchanted artifact, which was a pair of earrings with the ability to manipulate ice, made of a certain metal material capable of refining Morning Star weapons.

However, because of the small amount, the level naturally cannot reach the Morning Star, and can only reach Tier 5.


I took a break in the middle. It was already afternoon when Fang Ping completed the re-hardening of ten enchanted artifacts.

Slightly tired, he declined Hu Ao’er’s invitation to be a guest at Hu Family, left the Enchanted Artifact pavilion, and prepared to hire a car to return to his residence.

At this moment, a black sedan with a good grade and a series of “8s” on the license plate stopped beside him.

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