Monster Altar

Chapter 240

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“Really worthy of being No. 4 on the list.”

Fang Ping frowned.

In terms of battle strength, he is definitely not weaker than Lu Cao. The reason why he is in a passive position time and time again is entirely because the opponent’s ability is too unsolvable.

The deceleration field prevents him from getting close to the opponent’s five hundred meters range and can only walk outside the five hundred meters range.

Originally, Zanpakuto was able to restrain this ability.

Now, there is another kind of ability with strong gravitation, which can restrain Zanpakuto and neutralize Zanpakuto, and this ability suddenly becomes more insoluble.

Outside of five hundred meters, it’s not that you can’t attack the opponent, but at such a distance, the formidable power of the attack will be greatly reduced, and it is difficult to threaten the opponent.

Unless it is the ability to have ultra-long-range attack methods, such as Wu Shi’s “giant eyes”, due to the aggregation of attacks, even a few kilometers away, the formidable power will not have too much attenuation.

“This deceleration ability is definitely a peak order ability. If it is an ordinary Awakener, I am afraid there is really no way at this time.”

Fang Ping can’t help but feel fortunate that he has multiple abilities. At this time, the benefits of having more abilities are reflected.

He is not at all ultra-long-range attack methods, but he has a certain degree of ability to restrain the opponent’s deceleration field.


In the void, a door opened, Fang Ping stepped out and entered the space inside the door.

In the field of deceleration, the most restrained ability should be space ability, because space ability is a transfer method that does not use speed as a way of moving.

However, Flying Thunder God Jutsu needs a flying knife as a carrier. When the movement of the flying knife is affected by the deceleration field, this technique is naturally restricted.

But the “spatial means” that Fang Ping possesses is not only Flying Thunder God Jutsu. At this time, even though it moves by running, it does not need the “carrier” Doa Doa no Mi ability to be able to achieve miraculous effects.


In the space inside the door, Fang Ping quickly moved to Lu Cao, and soon entered the five hundred meters range centered on the opponent.

However, Fang Ping’s speed, not at all, was slightly affected, and he was still moving fast.

The strong isolation ability of the space worked here, and the deceleration field could not affect him in the space inside the door.


Seeing Fang Ping’s sudden disappearance, Lu Cao was on guard for 4 weeks. Fang Ping had already proved that he had the power to threaten him with strength, so he couldn’t help but not pay attention.


Suddenly, behind him, a door bandit opened silently, and Fang Ping appeared behind the door.

He turned around suddenly as if he had eyes on his back, and his keen perception could perceive the extremely small flow of air. By virtue of this, he discovered the abnormality after he came.

However, he reacts quickly, Fang Ping, who has the ability of divine speed, reacts more quickly.


When he saw Fang Ping, a huge golden Fireball had already rushed out of the door and shot towards him, constantly zooming in his eyes.

The speed of golden Fireball is not at all affected by the deceleration domain. Although the deceleration domain can slow down the movement speed of creatures and even objects, there is no way to slow down a pure energy attack like flame.

At the critical moment, he turned into a fog giant, attacking with the powerful defense of the fog giant.

Hong long!

The golden Fireball hit the chest of the fog giant, and the terrifying high temperature raged, and the surrounding ground melted under the high temperature and turned into a hot lava.

The fog giant who was the first to bear the brunt, where the chest was hit by the golden Fireball, a large amount of fog was evaporated and a clear depression appeared.

Not only that, but the huge body, under the horrible impact, retreats again and again.

The sneak attack was successful, but Fang Ping’s face changed slightly.

“Not good, although I am still in the door space, the ability to slow down has already affected me.”

Although he is still in the space inside the door, his movement speed has been affected by the deceleration field and has become slow.

The reason for this is that he opened the space inside the door, connecting the space inside the door with the outside world, and the space inside the door of Unicom has also entered the scope of the deceleration field.

Peng –

Lu Cao immediately discovered that Fang Ping was affected by the deceleration zone, and the fog giant slammed on the ground under his feet, forcibly stopping the retreat.

Then, a giant foggy hand stretched out and grabbed Fang Ping.

Along the way, the air was quickly squeezed away, and there was a whistling sound.

creak ——

The giant mist hand came quickly, but Fang Ping was slowed down because of his speed. He couldn’t even reach out to close the door opened by Doa Doa no Mi.

As soon as he saw it, he was about to be grasped by this giant foggy hand.

However, at this moment, the door, which was originally unmanned, turned automatically, clicked, and closed.

Pu chi ——

The giant mist hand caught the air and caught Fang Ping, but could not catch anything.

As the door closed, the door in the air disappeared, and the misty hand suddenly flew into the air.

“Fortunately, the current Doa Doa no Mi ability is different from before.”

In the space inside the door, the restraint force disappeared, and Fang Ping resumed his swift movement speed again.

Fruit ability is based on Awakener’s statement. With the enhancement of his realm, Doa Doa no Mi’s ability has begun to show some changes.

Now, he uses the Doa Doa no Mi ability and does not need to touch with hands. The range of several meters, thoughts move, can open a door.

The same is true for closing the door, thoughts move, and the door automatically closes.

It seems that there is only a small change, but the usefulness is not small, as it is now, because this small change has blocked Lu Cao’s counterattack.


Moving fast, Fang Ping quickly approached Lu Cao from the door space.

The right hand turns into flames and forms a giant flame fist, which stretches forward.

At the same time, a huge door opened automatically, and the giant flame fist that stretched forward passed the door in the direction of hammering towards the fog giant.


The mist giant controlled by Lu Cao reacted extremely quickly. Even in the face of such a surprise attack, he still reacted, with a giant hand blocking the flame fist.

However, after all, it was a hastily shot that could not be completely blocked. The fog giant’s hand was swung away, and the flame fist hammered on the fog giant’s shoulder.

At the position beaten by the flame fist, the fog evaporated, and a terrifying force fell on the fog giant, and the fog giant fell and slipped out.


The flame fist and the door disappeared. Fang Ping moved quickly in the door space. This time, he appeared beside the mist giant who had fallen and had not yet risen.

The door opened automatically, and the giant flame hand stretched out and slapped on the fog giant.

The mist giant, who was about to get up, was slapped by the giant flame hand and lay back on the ground.

The terrifying shock wave was transmitted to the ground, and then vented for 4 weeks, a huge pothole appeared centered on the fog giant.


The mist giant was lying in the pothole, held by a giant flame hand, unable to get up.

The blazing high temperature continuously evaporates the mist from the mist giant.

Although Lu Cao of the Mist Giant within the body is quickly replenishing the mist of the Mist Giant, but the speed of replenishment is obviously not as fast as that of evaporation.

The fog giant was like a mad giant, with four arms attacking the giant flame hand, and with a “puff” sound, the giant flame hand broke from the middle.

However, at this time, the mist giant’s damage has become extremely serious, and a half of the mist body has disappeared.


The fog giant turned over and climbed up, his 4 arms grabbed the air and extended to Fang Ping in the space inside the door.

However, Void Sect closed swiftly, 4 arms caused a hurricane, but it was not able to hurt Fang Ping a bit.

Fang Ping has opened the door from the other side and appeared.

A huge golden Fireball rammed out, like a meteorite from the sky, hitting the back of a fog giant.

Hong long!

The fog giant flew upside down, hitting a mountain bag as high as 100 meters, and suddenly smashed the whole mountain bag, and large chunks of mud shot off.

A huge depression appeared behind the fog giant, and a large amount of fog was evaporated again, and the remaining fog was not enough to maintain the fog giant’s body.

Finally, the fog giant collapsed, revealing Lu Cao, which was protected inside.


At this moment, the giant flame hand stretched out, grabbing the exposed Lu Cao in his hand, and bound it tightly.

The terrifying heat is hidden in the hands of the flame giant, not at all burst out.

However, once Lu Cao makes a slight move, this terrifying high temperature will immediately burst out, instantly acting on Lu Cao.

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