Monster Altar

Chapter 241

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Feeling the crisis of have one’s hair stand on end, Lu Cao’s forehead slipped cold sweat.

However, as soon as this cold sweat appeared, it was immediately evaporated by the high temperature environment in front of him.

He did not dare to move at all, because he knew that if he dared to move, the real high temperature would immediately erupt.

When the time comes, you will definitely get hurt.

“Fang Ping won and replaced Lu Cao’s ranking on the list, ranking Ranked 4th.”

Seeing that Lu Cao had been subdued, there was indeed no means to comeback. The old man who served as the referee stepped forward, gave Fang Ping a slightly surprised look, and announced.

Like the people watching the game, he is more optimistic about Lu Cao, because he has hosted a Lu Cao match and knows how unsolvable Lu Cao’s “deceleration field” is. Even he thinks he is not as good as Lu Cao.

Unexpectedly, the final outcome would be Fang Ping’s victory over Lu Cao and defeat. Fang Ping challenged Lu Cao as the tenth on the list and successfully won Lu Cao’s ranking.

“I won again. Even Lu Cao, No. 4 on the list, is not an opponent. This Fang Ping is too enchanting.”

“It’s really too enchanting. How long has it been since the ranking has only been below those 3 people.”

The people who came to watch the game couldn’t help but utter awe.

They were not optimistic about Fang Ping time and time again, but Fang Ping refreshed their understanding time and time again, showing stronger strength time and time again.

Such a growth rate is simply enchanting, even if it is compared with the growth experience of those three people, it is not different.

Hearing the exclamation of these people, Fan Xuan and Yan Xue, the only people in He’an Base City who had ever come to watch the battle, looked at each other, and they couldn’t help but smile.

Since getting to know Fang Ping, Fang Ping has repeatedly shown their amazing growth rate, and now it is no exception.

It just became amazed, not only the people from He’an Base City, but also the Awakener from Yinchuan Base City.

After lifting the flame giant, Fang Ping walked out of the door space. Although he defeated Lu Cao, he looked at Lu Cao’s eyes, not at all despised, but with caution.

This battle was not easy, except that Beauty of Fitzgerald had not been used yet, all the methods that could be used were used, which shows the power of Lu Cao.

Lu Cao can be ranked only below those 3 people, occupying the fourth place on the list, and is absolutely powerful.

Especially the ability to slow down, Fang Ping suspects, it is probably a peak order ability.

“Although you have won, don’t think that you can stay in this position forever. Next time, I will challenge you.”

Looking at Fang Ping who defeated him, Lu Cao’s eyes were slightly tranced, but he did not expect that he was defeated.

This was something he hadn’t thought about before the battle. At most, he only thought that the opponent could pose some threats to him, but once the deceleration field was used, the opponent would surely be defeated.

Unexpectedly, the opponent was not only strong in battle strength, not inferior to him, but also cracked the deceleration field.

But soon, his eyes returned to fighting spirit.

It is naturally not only the innate talent who can go to this step now. It is naturally impossible to get rid of the fight and temper because of such a little blow.

“When the time comes to fight again.”

Fang Ping Zheng nodded and responded.

The opponent’s strength and potential are unquestionable. If his strength increases slowly after this, it is not impossible to be overtaken by the opponent.

There were three Hu Ao’er people. When Fang Ping defeated Lu Cao and won, Chang Sheng had a slight surprise on his face, Hu Ao’er had such a color on his face.

Fang Ping is one of the few people she can’t see through, and she even faintly felt threatened by him.

Can make her feel threatened, the opponent’s strength can be imagined, Lu Cao is naturally impossible to be the opponent, as she guessed, the opponent will win in the end.

“Fang Ping?”

Among the three, Zhai Long, who had never spoken from start to finish, suddenly spoke, lightly said with a voice that he could only hear.

After defeating No. 4 on the list, it is not difficult to imagine who the opponent’s next goal is. He must be No. 3 on the list.

Although judging from the strength currently displayed by the opponent, he could not give him much pressure, but he saw a potential in the opponent, a potential that could threaten him.

Leaving the more dilapidated wasteland, Fang Ping walked towards Fan Xuan and Yan Xue, and Fan Xuan and Yan Xue also walked out to join Fang Ping.

Fan Xuan wore a purple shirt, black slim pants, and a pair of boots, which set off her slender legs even more slender.

Yan Xue is wearing a white shirt and beige trousers, and his face is cold and glamorous.

The beauty of the two people attracted the attention of many youngsters present, and some of them were quite confident of themselves and even planned to come forward to strike up a conversation.

However, when they saw Fang Ping who joined the two people, they couldn’t help but stop.

In this World, it is sometimes dangerous to strike up a conversation. After seeing the battle just now, they are not sure that they can withstand Fang Ping’s punch.


Fan Xuan and Yan Xue smiled and congratulated Fang Ping.

“Thank you.”

Fang Ping thanked him, and glanced at the young men who had wanted to approach but stopped forcibly because of his own reasons, jokingly said.

“How about it, my flower protector is alright?”

“Well, good performance, keep working hard.”

Fan Xuan smiled, while Yan Xue rolled his eyes.

“Get it.”

Fang Ping responded with a straightened chest, really like a flower protector, approaching 2 people, and the guard is beside them.

Seeing Fang Ping like this, Fan Xuan couldn’t help but bend over with a smile, and Yan Xue couldn’t help but curl his mouth slightly.

In a moment, the frolic was over, Fan Xuan said.

“You got No. 4 on the list this time, you have to treat, and you have to be the capable restaurant.”

“no problem.”

Fang Ping responded with a smile. Although he still lacks money, he does not lack some small money.

Because of the need to use Flying Thunder God Jutsu, both of his hands were supported on the shoulders of two people. The bodies of the two people were slightly taut, but they relaxed quickly, allowing him to hold his shoulders.


The three people disappeared in their place, and when they reappeared, they had already appeared in Fang Ping’s residence in the Monster Countermeasures Division.

After one meal, a total of 5 was spent, but for the current Fang Ping, this amount of money can only be regarded as drizzle, naturally nothing difficult.

Fan Xuan and Yan Xue also know that Fang Ping now has a monthly income of more than 40 million. Because of this, 2 talents are not polite to Fang Ping.

After a few days of rest, Fang Ping was about to leave the base city and searched and killed the Morning Star monsters with Lu Yu.

Before leaving, he was going to search the monster countermeasures department and nearby areas to see if Wu Shi had sneaked back to Yinchuan Base City.


Kenbunshoku Haki unfolded, with him as the center, over 3 kilometers, all fell into perception.

The sound after another, like a light one after another, appeared in his perception, densely packed.

Among them, some are weak like candlelight, and some are strong like a bonfire.

The weak as candlelight is an ordinary person.

It is Tier 5 Awakener who is as hot as a bonfire.

The stronger the Awakener, the stronger the life essence and the stronger the sound.

Did not perceive the sound of the Morning Star powerhouse, because once it reaches the Morning Star realm, the control over oneself will reach an incredible level.

They have been able to control their own voices, unless they actively reveal them or cannot suppress them during fierce fighting, otherwise, it is impossible to perceive their voices.

Fang Ping suspects that the Morning Star powerhouse has a longer lifespan than the Morning Star, which is related to the fact that they often suppress their own voices.

This way, it is likely to slow the passage of life.

Hiring a taxi, Fang Ping began to wander around the monster countermeasures department, searching for Wu Shi’s voice.

After more than an hour, he had already searched the vicinity of the monster countermeasures department in a carpet-like manner, but he didn’t find Wu Shi’s sound at all.

“Did you sneak in with alertness not at all, or did the other party have some means of isolating sound?”

After getting off the taxi, Fang Ping walked aimlessly on the side of the road, thinking in his heart.

Although Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception is good, it also has the ability to isolate, and even some enchanted artifacts also have this ability.

When the Enchanted Artifact pavilion re-tempered the monster item, he encountered enchanted artifacts that could isolate Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception.

After thinking for a while, not at all, Fang Ping gave up temporarily.

With Kenbunshoku Haki’s one second foreseeing the future, Wu Shi controls the Awakener sneak attack with his mental manipulation ability, which is not a big threat to him.

The current focus is not how to deal with Wu Shi, but to improve the Growth innate talent and obtain a faster speed of strength improvement.


lifts the head and looked at the sky. It was already evening, and he used Flying Thunder God Jutsu, and he disappeared in place.

Behind him, a man wearing thick black-rimmed glasses and dressed as an office worker looked at the place where he disappeared like a ghost.

A big living person suddenly disappeared before his eyes.

unable to bear took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes to confirm whether he was dazzled.

But there was still no one, the person just disappeared before his eyes.

Looking at the dim sky, he felt a chill behind his back, tightened his clothes tightly, avoided the place where Fang Ping disappeared, and walked away in a hurry.

Although it is the world where the Awakener exists, ghosts and other ghosts still exist, and there are still many believers.

It is also related to many Awakener people dressing up as God, playing the devil, and frightening people with evil tastes.

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