Monster Altar

Chapter 242

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On the second day, Fang Ping, who had prepared supplies, first changed his appearance with the Body-Transformation Technique, and then appeared in Lu Yu’s residence by teleportation.

With each other, the two teleported and appeared between the mountains far from the base city of Yinchuan.

“Young Master, shall we act separately or together?”

Lu Yu asked.

“Let’s act separately, so that the scope of the search is wider. I will let one of my Shadow Clone act with you, and let me know if I find it.”

Fang Ping thought for a while and said.

With his current realm, it is not a problem to separate ten Shadow Clones, but this will greatly weaken the strength of his main body.

Today’s target is the Morning Star monster, he can’t care about it at all, so he doesn’t plan to separate too many Shadow Clones, only one Shadow Clone is used to send messages.

“This is best.”

Lu Yu nodded. Naturally, he has no opinion on Fang Ping’s instructions, and this is indeed the best way.

The two sides separated, and then each followed one direction and searched.

The Morning Star monster can also hide its own voice like the Morning Star powerhouse in the Demonic Human race.

Facing the monster that hides their voices, Fang Ping and Lu Yu may not be able to find each other even if they walk not far from each other.

Fortunately, as the overlord among the monsters, there are few natural enemies. In most cases, they disdain to hide their own voices.

Otherwise, bad luck, even if Fang Ping and Lu Yu searched for a few months, they might not be able to find a Morning Star monster.

Over the two mountains, Fang Ping walked in a huge forest, with thick fallen leaves under his feet, which were extremely fluffy. Stepping on it is like stepping on a soft spring mattress.

Ka-cha !

A crisp sound came from Fang Ping’s feet, not a dead branch, but something else.

His keen sense of hearing made him hear the sound just now, which was different from when he stepped on a dead branch.

He used his feet to cut through the dead branches, and a long piece of Bai Sensen appeared before his eyes.

This is a human shin bone, which is one of the two bones of the lower leg. The bone is seriously decayed, and he can easily step on it into two pieces with one foot.

After cutting open the surrounding litter, several human bones were found one after another, but incomplete, some bones still had tooth marks on them.

It’s not hard to imagine what happened to this life before.

Pulling out Zanpakuto, Fang Ping dug a hole and buried the remaining bones of the opponent.

This is an unwritten rule that Awakener all follow. When the bones of other Awakener are found in the wilderness, they need to be buried.

If there is an item that can prove the identity of the opponent, then bring the item back and hand it to the Monster Countermeasures Division. The Monster Countermeasures Division will find their relatives and return them.

A monument was erected in the place where the bones were buried. Fang Ping wanted to carve something, thought about it and gave up, because the other party left too little information, he didn’t even know whether this was a man or a woman before his life.

Continue to search forward, a few days later.


A monster that is more than 3 meters long and looks like a wolf, pounces on Fang Ping.

The hair on the monster’s body showed a fiery red color, like a burning flame.

During running, the monster opened its mouth, and a fiery Fireball spit out from its mouth and attacked Fang Ping.

Facing this attacking monster, Fang Ping didn’t move. The flying knife inserted in the holster on his legs flew out.

call out!

The terrifying speed of 2 times the speed of sound erupted. As soon as the flying knife passed through the incoming Fireball, the Fireball burst into pieces.

But the flying knife is constantly speeding, piercing through the monster’s mouth and out from behind the monster’s head.

The monster fell to the ground with a plop, and red’s blood mixed with white matter flowed from the back of the monster’s head.

Not at all, the flying knife was stained with blood, turned, and reinserted it into the holster on Fang Ping’s foot.

Fang Ping not at all Collect the corpse of this monster, but go straight over it.

This is only a Tier 2 monster and cannot be used for sacrifice.

In these days, dozens of monsters have died in his hands. Among them, 2 are Tier 4 monsters. The cartoon characters who took out are not too good. He directly chose the Growth innate talent.

Although it cannot cause a qualitative change, it can be improved a little.

Even if he waits for him to hunt down the Morning Star monsters and successfully sacrifice the Growth innate talent on top of very excellent, this little improvement will be retained.

After all, the same innate talent or ability is a fusion rather than a replacement.


Suddenly, Fang Ping looked in one direction and quickly ran in that direction.


After running for 2 kilometers, the sound of the river came into his ears, and continuing forward, a wide river appeared before his eyes.

The river is as wide as fifty-sixty meters, the water is turbulent, and the waves that are quite high in several meters are slapped.

Arriving here, Fang Ping slowed down and slowly approached the river.

The reason for this is naturally because he found a monster.

According to Kenbunshoku Haki’s perception, in this river, there is a Tier 5 monster.

Pu chi ——

Fang Ping slowly approached the river, and suddenly, a huge water column rushed out of the river.

The trees along the way were easily broken under the water column, leaving a long gully, and the water column came straight towards Fang Ping.

The monster in the river has apparently found Fang Ping.

Ka ka ——

The ability of Mutated Hie Hie no Mi was used, the cold air of Bai Sensen spread, and the water column that hit was instantly frozen into icicles.

In this way, Fang Ping plundered the control of the “water” and manipulated the icicles to hit the river, where the monsters they sensed were located.


Facing the hitting icicles, a spiral vortex appeared in the river.

The spiral vortex swallowed, and the icicle was sucked into it, and then under the seemingly soft vortex, but actually destructive power, it was stirred into crushed ice, disconnected from Fang Ping.

Then, a huge monster came out of the water.

It looks like a fish, with huge scales attached to its body surface.

A huge mouth is covered with jagged fangs, and above and below the huge mouth is covered with beards, which are actually tentacles.

A pair of red eyes are extremely huge, almost occupying 13 heads, and they are watching Fang Ping at this time.

“Living in a place with water, but also has the Water Element ability!”

Looking at this monster, Fang Ping felt a little tricky.

The formidable power of the ability is not static. In some special places, the formidable power of the ability will be greatly enhanced even several times.

As it is now, a monster with the ability to manipulate water lives in a water environment.

Such a Tier 5 monster, its battle strength is by no means weaker than the Tier 5 peak monster.

And the most troublesome thing is that for monsters, they have the extremely strong ability of Mutated Mera Mera no Mi, which will be restrained in the face of this monster’s Water Element ability.

Hey, hey, pu!

The monster launched an attack on Fang Ping, and three large water columns, like the pillars supporting Heaven and Earth, crashed into Fang Ping.

Ka ka ——

Fang Ping tried to freeze three water columns into cold ice with the ice ability, but only part of it was frozen, and the subsequent weakening, the water flow behind, crushed the ice and slapped Fang Ping.

The ability of Mutated Hie Hie no Mi is that the peak order ability is true, and the ability to restrain the Water Element to a certain extent is true. Unfortunately, Fang Ping’s realm is too low today.

The realm of Tier 4 Awakener, resulting in the formidable power exerted can only reach Tier 5 normal level.

Facing the Water Element ability of Tier 5’s peak formidable power, I was suddenly incapable.


The water flow seemed weak, but the force reached 1000 tons, fiercely slapped towards Fang Ping.

Susanoo’s fourth form is used. The green giant, which is more than ten meters high, wraps Fang Ping and carries a 4-ton impact with a strong defense.


With a loud noise, Susanoo stepped back again and again, and cracks appeared on the surface.

Although he took the impact hard, he was inevitably damaged. After all, he was facing the formidable power of Tier 5’s peak. Even Susanoo’s defense could not be taken without damage.

Physical defense can be combined with Busoshoku Haki, but the disadvantage of this state is too obvious, that is, the battle strength is too weak.


Controlling Susanoo, Fang Ping soars into the sky, with the help of the flying ability of divine speed, flies in the sky, and then flies towards the monster fish.

Puff puff–

One water column after another rose into the sky, rushing into the sky above several hundred meters, and attacking Fang Ping.

Fang Ping relies on divine speed to reach the terrifying speed of sound, quickly dodges, avoids the water column after another, and quickly approaches the monster fish.


Fang Ping rushed into the sky above the river. Suddenly, a large amount of river water surging up like a waterfall upstream, blocking Fang Ping’s path and rushing towards Fang Ping.


The spiral sword in Susanoo’s hand spins quickly, and a sword pierces the huge waterfall coming from it.

A huge hole was drilled into the waterfall. Susanoo passed through the huge hole, and the distance from the monster fish was shortened to 30 metres.

In a sprint, he approached the strange monster, and the spiral sword rotated violently, stabbing the strange monster.


The spiral sword stabbed fiercely on the back of the monster fish, and the flesh of the monster fish’s back fluttered, blood oozing out, and dyeing the river red.

Fang Ping was planning to make persistent efforts to pierce the monster with the spiral sword, just at this moment.

Peng –

The huge current slapped in, fiercely slapped Susanoo’s body, Susanoo’s surface appeared a lot of cracks, and flew into the sky under the tremendous force.

The scarlet monster, the monster fish, gave Fang Ping a fiercely glare, got into the water, and then manipulated huge water columns one after another in the water to attack Susanoo toward the sky.

The confrontation just now made it realize the strength of the enemy, so it sank to the bottom of the river, protecting itself with the river water everywhere.

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