Monster Altar

Chapter 243

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“Trouble, I can’t get out after diving into the water!”

Stealing his figure in the air, avoiding the water column after another, Fang Ping looked at the deep, constantly churning river below.

The injured monster became cautious and dived into the bottom of the river. The deep river water became its natural barrier.

If you attack the opponent on the river, and wait until the attack falls on the opponent, the 100% formidable power may be less than 50%, and it will be easily blocked by the monster fish.


The void opened the door, Fang Ping and Susanoo entered the space inside the door.

It is troublesome, but it is relatively speaking. Compared with Lu Cao’s deceleration field, this trouble can only be regarded as a minor trouble.


Through the space inside the door, Fang Ping entered the river and approached the monster fish hiding at the bottom of the river.

Pu chi ——

Opening the door, Susanoo rushed out. The huge spiral sword, which was 7 meters long, pierced the monster fish’s abdomen and deeply pierced it within the body before the monster fish monster could react.

Then he rushed to the surface of the water with the monster fish and monster so hard.

The divine speed ability is not based on running, but an inexplicable traction, so even in the water, it will not lose its effect.

Of course, being blocked by the water, and moving against the huge body of the monster fish, it is certain that the speed will not drop to the speed of sound.


Hard against the monster fish monster, Fang Ping broke through the water, and then the spiral sword suddenly flicked.

The monster fish weighing more than ten tons was thrown away from a distance, and with a sound of “peng”, it fell on the shore several hundred meters from the river.


The speed of sound exploded, Fang Ping flew to the monster fish monster.

Dropping from the sky, the spiral sword spins and stabs, bringing up a spiral of strong wind, like a huge tornado dropping from the sky, crashing into the monster fish.

Hey, hey, hey!

Although the monster fish has left the river, it does not mean that it has lost the ability to control the water.

A large amount of water flow appeared under the control of the Water Element ability, turning into huge water balls one after another, carrying formidable power ten times stronger than a cannonball, and hitting Fang Ping dropping from the sky.

However, after leaving the river, the formidable power of its Water Element is greatly reduced, falling to the normal Tier 5.

Faced with this level of attack, Fang Ping completely ignored it. Relying on Susanoo’s strong defense, he insisted on the attack of water balls and approached the monster monster.


The spiral sword pierced the head of the monster fish, and the flesh and blood splashed. The ground under the monster fish was under strong impact, and huge potholes appeared.

The monster fish and monster struggled violently, manipulating the water to slap at Susanoo, trying to shoot Susanoo away.

Unfortunately, leaving the river, it can no longer trigger the formidable power of the Tier 5 peak, and without the formidable power of the Tier 5 peak, the impact on Susanoo is extremely limited, and it cannot cause damage to Susanoo at all.

Fang Ping used his weapon to hard against the monster’s head and drilled holes in the monster’s head.

Pu chi ——

In the end, with a clear sound, the head of the monster fish was drilled through, and the struggle of the monster fish suddenly became weak.

After struggling for a while, the monster fish died completely.

“Unexpectedly, the Water Element monster, in a water environment, can actually exert such a strong formidable power.”

Disarming Susanoo, Fang Ping sighed as he looked at the dead fish monster.

The strength of the monster fish in front of him, under normal circumstances, is only Tier 5 level.

But in a watery environment, the opponent’s battle strength increased horribly, increasing by several times, reaching the Tier 5 peak.

After putting the corpse of the monster fish into the sacrifice space and confirming that there is no danger around, Fang Ping enters the sacrifice space and performs sacrifices.


A white radiance of snow fell and turned into a woman with black hair.

Black hair The woman has short, crisp hair, wearing a black kimono-like costume, with a small amount of dull hair on her forehead.

Name: Rukia Kuchiki

【Innate talent】

Growth innate talent :very excellent

Death God innate talent :very excellent


Sode no Shirayuki: The powerful Ice Attribute Zanpakuto is known as the most beautiful Zanpakuto.

“Sacrificing the Water Attribute monster, actually took out the Ice Attribute cartoon character.”

Fang Ping is slightly astonished.

Rukia Kuchiki, an anime character in the animation Death God, an anime character who is not too strong in the early stage, but can reach Captain level in the later stage.

I originally thought I was a pair with the protagonist Ichigo Kurosaki, but finally got married with Asani Nenji. Fang Ping thought in his previous life that the author must have received a blade at the time.

To Fang Ping’s surprise, the one he sacrificed was obviously a monster with the ability of Water Element, but he took out such an anime character with the ability of ice attribute.

“Water Element ability and ice attribute ability are both related to water. Is it because of this reason that the two abilities are classified as similar abilities?”

Fang Ping gave birth to guesswork.

Whether it is water or ice, in fact, they are just two forms of water. The two abilities are classified into one category, but it can barely be explained.

“Currently anime characters have Growth innate talent, Death God innate talent, and ability Sode no Shirayuki. Do you choose one to acquire?”

The majestic voice sounded, Fang Ping looked at Zanpakuto Sode no Shirayuki on the Rukia Kuchiki attribute panel.

“How will it merge?”

The choice of Zanpakuto Sode no Shirayuki is certain. After all, this ability can be integrated with his abilities at a glance to form a stronger ability.

What really made him curious was what abilities Zanpakuto Sode no Shirayuki would integrate with.

As Zanpakuto, it and Fang Ping’s Zanpakuto, which now combines Haineko and Senbonzakura, are of the same kind and should be compatible with each other.

As the ice and snow ability, it is the same as Muted Hie Hie no Mi ability. According to common sense, it can also be integrated with each other.

This is a more interesting scene, one ability can be integrated with two abilities at the same time, then which ability will it integrate with?

“Choose Zanpakuto Sode no Shirayuki.”

Fang Ping made his choice and then began to wait for how Sode no Shirayuki would merge.

“The sacrificer already possesses similar abilities and is capable of fusion.”


A snow-white rays of light flew towards Fang Ping, and finally hit Fang Ping within the body and disappeared without a trace.

It is already clear how to integrate.

If it is fused with Zanpakuto, the rays of light should have crashed into Zanpakuto, and now it crashed into Fang Ping. Obviously, the fusion is the ice attribute ability of Fang Ping.

He looked towards the Mutated Hie Hie no Mi ability column in his attribute panel.

Mutated Hie Hie no Mi Ability

【Integration of Hie Hie no Mi ability, Ice Escape Kekkei Genkai, Ice Attribute ability fruit, Zanpakuto Sode no Shirayuki and the formation of powerful ice attribute ability. 】

Sure enough, as he judged, Zanpakuto Sode no Shirayuki blended into the Mutated Hie Hie no Mi ability, and raised the ability level of Mutated Hie Hie no Mi.

The Mutated Hie Hie no Mi ability, which was originally a peak order ability, has been upgraded again, and the level should have surpassed the general peak order ability.

After exiting the sacrificial space, mobilizing the ability of Muted Hie Hie no Mi, letting the cold envelop himself, Fang Ping suddenly felt the difference.

The cold air became even colder. Although he couldn’t feel this cold, he could detect the changes in the outside world.

As soon as it appeared, before releasing it to the surroundings, the ground under the feet and the surrounding trees and flowers had frozen on to the ice.

Ka ka ——

The cold air spread to the surroundings, and the world of ice and snow quickly appeared. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding several hundred meters had been transformed into the Snow and Ice World.

Even the surface of the river in the distance was frozen with a layer of ice.

Ka-cha ——

Fang Ping thoughts move, all the ice shattered, and the trees, rocks, and fish in the river were all shattered as the ice broke.

“If you were fighting the monster fish before, the Muted Hie Hie no Mi ability would have the current formidable power, and the ability of Muted Hie Hie no Mi alone should be enough to kill the monster fish monster.”

Seeing such formidable power, Fang Ping was slightly happy.

It was originally to search for monsters to improve the Growth innate talent, but I did not expect that Mutated Hie Hie no Mi’s ability level was increased by accident. I have to say it was an unexpected joy.

Continue on the road to search for monsters, walk to the river, Fang Ping keeps walking, stepping on the river water, and walking to the opposite side.

As his feet fell, a thick layer of ice appeared on the surface of the river, carrying him, and walking across the river.

Crossing the river and spending several days in the forest, Fang Ping saw a grassland in front of him. The dense flowers and plants grew extremely high, some even taller than people.

Fang Ping prepares to cross the grass.


Suddenly, as he was crossing the grass, his complexion suddenly changed, the speed of sound exploded, and he retreated to a distance more than a hundred meters.

And where he was originally, a large number of plant vines grew crazily, becoming harder and tenacious than alloys, like one after another python, surrounded by all around.

In an instant, he bound his original place inside and out.

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