Monster Altar

Chapter 244

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“I didn’t find it!”

Looking at the place that seemed to be entangled by one python after another, Fang Ping was surprised.

His Kenbunshoku Haki has been turned on, but not at all found the sound of a monster. Obviously he encountered a monster that could hide his own voice.

He looked around, not at all, and found creatures like monsters.

The plants and vines just now are all plants motivated by the power of monsters, not monsters.


Suddenly, his face changed again, this time became extremely serious, and he quickly disappeared in place.

And just at the next moment, where he was, a thick blue light that drew the heart suddenly pierced out of the soil.

The speed is so fast that it has reached several times the speed of sound!


Failing to hit Fang Ping, the blue light shot straight into the sky, and it spread to high altitude in a very short time.

The high-altitude white clouds were pierced through, revealing a huge hole, but the blue light did not know where it spread.

“Not good !”

Fang Ping dodges again, at the next moment he dodges.

Another thick blue beam broke through the soil at several times the speed of sound, shot into the sky, penetrated the white clouds, and spread to an endless distance.

This is not at the end of all.

Hey, hey, pu!

One after another, huge blue light beams attacked from the soil at a terrifying speed several times the speed of sound.

He dodges one after another with Flying Thunder God Jutsu, but every time he dodges, a huge blue beam of light quickly pierces from the soil and attacks him.

“Can detect my position?”

Fang Ping facial expression grave, the unknown monster that attacked it, obviously can accurately lock his position through some method.

“Is it through the vibration of the ground?”

He flies into the sky, and the divine speed ability is capable of flying.


Another blue beam broke through the ground, attacking him like flying in the air.

He dodges quickly, and quickly rises to the sky.

Huh, huh, Shua!

One after another, the blue beams shot out from the ground, attacking him towards the sky, and each one aimed at him accurately.

With the help of Kenbunshoku Haki’s one second foreseeing the future, he avoided successively, until after flying to a height of more than a hundred meters, the attack ceased.

“Finally stopped, it seems that its sensing range does not exceed 100 meters!”

Standing at a height of more than a hundred meters, Fang Ping breathed a sigh of relief. He should have been in a place where unknown monsters could not perceive him.

“I have flew off the ground just now, but I can still accurately perceive my position, indicating that it is not through the vibration of the ground, is it because of these flowers and plants?”

Fang Ping looked at the grass below, not at all the silhouettes of monsters, only flowers and plants that can be seen everywhere.

He had to doubt that the unknown monster used these flowers and plants to accurately determine his location. After all, the unknown monster could manipulate plants.

“The monster should hide in the ground!”

There is no silhouette of monsters on the grass, and the attack comes from underground. Fang Ping is almost certain that the monsters are hiding underground.

“From the formidable power point of view, this is probably one…”

Standing in the air, Fang Ping’s right hand, a large number of golden flames converge, a golden flame ball is rapidly growing, and finally the diameter reaches astonishing several meters.

Then, being thrown by him to the grass below, it was like a golden meteor, which was quickly falling to the ground.


Before the huge golden Fireball fell to the ground, suddenly, a blue beam broke out of the earth and passed through the golden Fireball precisely.

Formidable power reached the peak of Tier 5, the golden Fireball, which is extremely powerful against monsters, blasted to pieces.

However, the blue light beam seems to pierce the sky without much attenuation and disappear into the sky.

“Sure enough…”

Fang Ping’s eyes are slightly narrowed.

Mutated Mera Mera no Mi’s formidable power is already the pinnacle of Tier 5. Coupled with the use of monsters, it is difficult for a monster to block the attack of this ability under the Morning Star.

The blue beam can smash the golden Fireball, and there is more power. The formidable power level of the blue beam, it is not difficult to imagine that this is a Morning Star monster.

When he was attacked by the blue beam for the first time, he had this kind of guess, because the blue beam actually gave him a feeling of palpitations.

The only thing that can make him feel palpitations today is the other battle strength of Morning Star, and it has been confirmed now.

“Morning Star monster found!”

Fang Ping was not surprised and rejoiced. His purpose of leaving the base city this time was not to find the Morning Star monster.

After exiting the grass, he landed on the ground and notified Lu Yu with Flying Thunder God Jutsu.


Soon, Lu Yu was brought by Shadow Clone as Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

“Young Master, can you determine what monster it is?”

After appearing, Lu Yu asked in a solemn expression immediately.

Facing the Morning Star monster, even he had to treat it with caution, so as soon as he appeared, he immediately asked Fang Ping for more information about the monster.

“It’s still unsure. The monster is hiding underground. I didn’t see its main body at all, but judging from the attack on the formidable power, it should be a Morning Star monster.”

Fang Ping shook his head.

“Hiding underground? It’s a bit troublesome. I’m not at all Earth Element ability. If the opponent hides underground and can’t come out, I can hardly threaten him.”

Lu Yu frowned.

“This is not a problem, I have the ability to guarantee free movement underground.”

Fang Ping said.

“Then what abilities did it use when you fought it just now?”

Lu Yu continued to ask.

“When I fought it, it used the plant manipulation ability and a blue beam.”

Fang Ping said.

“Plant manipulation and the blue beam? This should not be all the abilities it has. Fighting underground is not good for us. It is better to push it out of the ground.”

Thinking a little, Lu Yu said.

“Well, it’s better to force it out of the ground and hunt it down.”

Fang Ping nodded. Although Nuke Nuke no Mi can guarantee that they can move freely underground, in this case, Lu Yu must rely on him for his movement, and his mobility is greatly reduced.


After discussing for a while and confirming that everything that should be considered was taken into consideration, Fang Ping and Lu Yu started to act.

Huh, huh!

2 Everyone flew up to the sky above the grass, which was more than a hundred meters high.

This is a place that the underground monsters cannot perceive, and 2 people are not at all under attack.


Standing on the sky, Lu Yu raised his right hand.

Suddenly I saw that above the sky, huge mirrors appeared one after another.

Their own abilities, coupled with the power of the sunlight above their heads, are combined into one, turning into a terrifying white radiance after another, descending from the sky.

In an instant, more than 100 terrifying light beams descended and landed on the ground, covering a wide grassland spreading 1000 meters below.

This is a scene like the extinction, as if the light of extinction is descending.

Such a huge movement was naturally noticed by the underground monsters.

One after another blue beams shoot out from the ground, facing the white beam.

Wave, wave, wave——

The white and blue beams collide together and both disappear.

The extreme force caused the air to vibrate violently, and there appeared one group after another group of naked eye visible ripples in the air.

Many white light beams were blocked by blue light beams, but more white light beams had not been able to stop them before they hit the ground with a “pu chi” sound.

After all, the attack came from outside the perceptual range of the underground monsters, and the hidden monsters hurriedly intercepted them, obviously not being able to block all attacks.

Pu chi , pu chi , Pu chi!

On the grass, the original flowers and plants were vaporized and disappeared instantly under the terrifying white beam. The white beam penetrated the ground and penetrated deeply into the ground.

The dust was flying, and big chunks of mud splashed everywhere, covering this area completely.

When the attack ended and the dust dissipated, the grass that had spread 1000 meters no longer existed.

The ground was forcibly cut by 100 meters, revealing a huge 100 meters huge pit.

“That is……?”

Fang Ping and Lu Yu both couldn’t help but stare into the huge pit with slight surprise.

In the huge pit, a strange monster appeared.

The monster is more than ten meters high, looks like a tree, and is bare, just like a huge tree with fallen leaves in autumn.

The color is like metallic blue, exuding metallic luster.

Every branch was swaying in no wind, obviously not like the branches of a tree, unable to move.

These branches are not only able to move, but also likely to have extremely strong attack power.

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