Monster Altar

Chapter 245

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“What monster is this?”

Fang Ping looked at Lu Yu in amazement.

“I don’t know, I have never seen such a monster.”

Lu Yu shook his head.

There are many types of monsters. There are more than hundreds of monsters in existence today, and new monsters are discovered every year.

The appearance of these monsters is all kinds of strange things, some have several heads, some are made up of 10000 1000 clones, and some have only Spirit Physique in their bodies…

However, it was the first time he saw such a monster that was difficult to distinguish between animals and plants.

“Although it looks strange, it is good news for us. This appearance shows that this monster is either unable to move or has poor mobility.”


Fang Ping nodded, the structure of the body determines that the opponent is unlikely to have too fast means of movement.

Such a monster is a living target for Lu Yu who has long-range attack methods, and the difficulty of hunting is undoubtedly greatly reduced.

At this moment, the two people suddenly noticed that all the branches of the tree-shaped monster were pointing towards them.

And at the end of each branch, blue rays of light are lit up.

“Not good !”

2 Everyone can’t help but complexion slightly changed, the end of the branches will light up blue rays of light, the reason is not difficult to imagine, it is at the next moment.

Hey, hey, hey!

One after another, thick blue rays of light shot out from the ends of these branches, hitting the sky, and coming towards them.

There are more than 100 channels, gorgeous like aurora, extremely beautiful, but also extremely deadly.

At an altitude of more than a hundred meters, the tree-shaped monster could not find them originally, but as the tree-shaped monster was dug out from the ground, the tree-shaped monster’s perception range seemed to be enhanced.

Hey, hey, hey!

Lu Yu hurriedly propped up the mind barrier in front of him. At the next moment supported by the mind force barrier, blue light beams hit the mind barrier, and there were dull sounds after another.

ka-cha, ka-cha, ka-cha!

One after another thought power barriers shattered under the blue light beam, more than a dozen thought power barriers, and soon enough thought power barriers were broken.

However, as the Morning Star powerhouse, Lu Yu was naturally impossible to be beaten passively.

In the sky, the mirrors on the other side turned around, and horrifying white light beams penetrated, attacking the tree-shaped monster.

Wave, wave, wave——

The white beam collided with the blue beam in the void, and ripples in the void once again.

Terrifying shock waves are generated one after another, even if it is 1000 meters away, it can’t help being affected.

Many plants and rocks were silently shattered under this shock wave and turned into powder.


Fang Ping escapes the space inside the door, lurking towards the tree-shaped monster.

Now that the tree monsters are fighting against Lu Yu with all their strength, it is the best time for a sneak attack.

Soon, he approached the tree-shaped monster from the space inside the door, and then he jumped out of the space inside the door.

Hula –

A huge golden Fireball had already appeared in his hand, and he was threw away and crashed into a tree-shaped monster only 20 meters away from him.


The golden Fireball was split into two halves. Just when the golden Fireball was about to hit the tree monster, one of the branches of the tree monster suddenly twitched at several times the speed of sound.

At that moment, Fang Ping seemed to see a blue sword.

The golden Fireball was split into two halves by this branch, failing to injure the tree-shaped monster at all, and another branch shot a terrifying blue light beam towards Fang Ping.


Before being hit by the blue beam, Fang Ping teleported away with the help of Flying Thunder God Jutsu, and appeared on the other side of the tree monster.

Another huge golden Fireball appeared in his hand, and he slammed into the tree-shaped monster.

The tree-shaped monster struck several blue rays of light, the golden Fireball was easily smashed, and the blue beam swiftly hit Fang Ping.


Fang Ping teleported and disappeared again, and at the location just now, it was too late to fly away. The flying knife used as the coordinates of Flying Thunder God Jutsu was hit by a blue beam and knocked away.

Fortunately, the metal used in Fang Ping’s throwing knives is the metal that can refine high-end Enchanted weapon, and it has also been re-hardened to improve the quality through the ability of Mutated Mera Mera no Mi, otherwise the throwing knives would be useless with this blow.

Huh, huh, Shua!

More and more blue light beams hit Fang Ping, and Fang Ping danced like a knife tip, avoiding the blue light beam that hit one after another.

Faced with such a large number and still at such a close distance, Fang Ping finally couldn’t dodge, was hit by a blue beam, and was knocked upside down.

Although Kenbunshoku Haki can predict the future in one second, it is not possible to avoid all attacks.

When the frequency of the attack is too fast to use Flying Thunder God Jutsu to evade, even if it can predict the future in one second, it cannot be evaded.

Peng –

Fang Ping was knocked backwards several hundred meters, and finally hit the edge of the huge pit, deeply embedded in it.

There are many wounds on his body, but they are not serious, only a little blood oozes out.

Before being hit, he used Busoshoku Haki to strengthen his defense. Busoshoku Haki’s defense combined with the strong defense of his body allowed him to take the blow with minimal damage.

When Fang Ping was wounded, the tree monster didn’t get any benefits.

Because of putting most of his energy on Fang Ping, his defense against Lu Yu was inevitably relaxed.

Facing a Morning Star of the same level, he was distracted during the battle, which is very dangerous.

Hey, hey, hey!

Seeing that the tree-shaped monster was pinned by Fang Ping, Lu Yu immediately seized the opportunity.

Protecting him with a mind barrier, he held the sparse blue light beam and approached the tree-shaped monster.

Then, Nian Li turned into a huge fist, like a fist beaten by a giant ancient giant, bringing up terrifying air ripples and hammering at the tree-shaped monster.

Pu chi ——

The tree-shaped monster hurriedly blocked it with its branches, but the formidable power of your mind power fist was extremely strong. Under the attack of the tree-shaped monster, the blocking branches immediately shattered and splashed.

Ka-cha, ka-cha!

The tree-shaped monster was angry, and the dense blue beam hit Lu Yu, one after another mind barrier was shattered, and Lu Yu, who approached the tree-shaped monster, was forced to retreat again and again.

At this time, Fang Ping has been pulled out of the deep mud, and his injuries have been recovered under Sage Mode’s powerful recovery ability.


In the space inside the escape door, he disappeared from the perception of the tree-shaped monster, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared very close to the tree-shaped monster.

The golden flames turned into a huge rotating pillar of fire and hit the tree-shaped monster.


The golden flame column was shattered by a blue rays of light.

Suddenly, a dozen thick plant vines appeared near Fang Ping.

All of them are more than one meter in diameter, and are harder than alloys. They shook with terrifying sound effects and whipped towards Fang Ping from all directions.

This is the ability to manipulate plants that Fang Ping has encountered before, but compared with that time, the formidable power at this time is undoubtedly too much stronger.

This is the plant ability of Morning Star!


Fang Ping not at all avoids, his most fearless attack is this kind of physical attack.

The body turned into a flame, and then ignored the attack, the right hand turned into a huge flame fist, and slammed at the tree-shaped monster fiercely.

Peng –

The vines swept across Fang Ping, but they were not able to injure him who turned into flames. Instead, flames burned on the surface.

And Fang Ping’s fist extended and hammered on the branches of the tree-shaped monster. On the branches of the tree-shaped monster, the golden flame burned and was carbonized under the golden flame.

The golden flames were continuously guided by Fang Ping’s hand to the tree-shaped monster branches. The tree-shaped monster branches shook violently, but couldn’t get rid of the flame.

It wasn’t until a blue beam shot at Fang Ping that Fang Ping had to teleport to avoid it, that the flames burning on the tree-shaped monster branch went out, and the branch had become scorched black.

Just when the tree monster was entangled by Fang Ping, Lu Yu launched another fierce attack.

Hey, hey, pu!

The white light slammed into the tree monster, and was hurriedly blocked by the tree monster controlled by Fang Ping, but it was not able to completely block it.

A lot of white light beams hit the tree-shaped monster. One after another burn marks appeared on the tree-shaped monster. Some branches that were continuously attacked by several white light beams were blown up on the spot.

Fang Ping’s battle strength is naturally inferior to Morning Star, but with its speed and defense, it is enough to fight with Morning Star’s tree-shaped monsters and contain part of the tree-shaped monster’s energy.

The tree-shaped monster, who was restrained by some of its energy, faced Lu Yu, who was also the Morning Star, and suddenly suffered a lot. Many branches exploded, and many spots of scorched black appeared on the body.

Pu chi ——

Suddenly, the soil where the tree-shaped monster was located splashed, and pieces of soil were like cannonballs splashing at 4 places.

However, the tree-shaped monster that was there suddenly disappeared, leaving only a trace of roots in place.

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