Monster Altar

Chapter 246

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“Not good, got into the ground and escaped!”

Fang Ping and Lu Yu face changed, the tree-shaped monster has escaped after knowing that it was lost.


Nuke Nuke no Mi’s ability is used, Fang Ping takes Lu Yu and dives into the ground.

Soon, they discovered the huge silhouette of the tree-shaped monster. The opponent moved through the soil with the help of the Earth Element ability, just like a fish swimming in the water.


2 people quickly chased in the direction of the tree-shaped monster.

The movement speed of the tree-shaped monster is not slow, more than 2 100 meters per second. As a tree, it has to be said that it is already the world champion in the tree.

However, Fang Ping and Lu Yu are faster.

As a normal Morning Star, it is normal for Lu Yu to reach the speed of sound, while Fang Ping has a divine speed, which can also reach the speed of sound.

“Give me a stop!”

Soon, the two of them caught up with the tree-shaped monster, and Lu Yu’s mind turned into a strong restraint force, bound to the tree-shaped monster, and then dragged the tree-shaped monster to the ground.

All the branches of the tree monster trembled continuously, trying to break free from the invisible bondage.

As a Morning Star monster, his strength is not weak, and under the fierce struggle, the invisible power of thought bound to him appears densely packed cracks.

In the end, with the sound of ka-cha, the invisible power of thought bound to him shattered.

However, before it broke free, Nianli dragged him away from the ground and came to the ground.

Hey, hey, hey!

In the sky, one after another destructive white light beams descended, with terrifying power enough to penetrate the mountain, towards the tree-shaped monster.

If it continues to dive underground, it will endure this devastating white beam after another.

All the branches of the tree-shaped monster swing, and one after another blue beams shoot out from the branches to meet these white beams.

Bo, bo, bo!

One after another, the blue rays of light collided with white radiance and annihilated each other.

There was a violent turbulence in the air, as if one air bomb exploded one after another, and the strong shock wave swept through 4 weeks.

The surrounding plants and rocks disappeared under the shock wave, revealing a desolate land spreading 1000 meters without any plants.

And as the shock waves spread one after another, the ground was cut again and again, and in the end, the ground had sunk deeply.


In a moment, the descending of the white radiance was over, but the attack was not at all over.

A giant palm dropping from the sky, like a mountain, is photographed toward a tree-shaped monster.

The giant palm is not visible, but the appearance of the giant palm can be seen as ripples from the surrounding air.

On the ground, before the giant palm fell, one after another crack appeared under the strength.


Feeling a strong threat, all the branches of the tree-shaped monster swayed violently, and then one after another huge plant vines appeared on the surrounding ground.

Each of them is as thick as Mich, grows wildly, entangled with each other, intertwined into a huge barrier to the sky.


The invisible giant palm slapped on the barrier formed by the plant vines, and the terrifying formidable power erupted at the collision between the two, and the ground shook violently.

The roots of the plant vines exploded and splashed for 4 weeks, and the invisible giant palm also showed densely packed cracks on the surface, and finally the ka-cha cracked.

Bear the brunt of the impact, the closest tree-shaped monster was hit by a strong impact, shaking uncontrollably.

At this moment, Fang Ping appeared, and a large amount of ice spread, freezing towards the tree-shaped monster.

The tree-shaped monster and the surrounding area were instantly frozen by the ice, and the tree-shaped monster was frozen in the snowy world, unable to move even a little bit.

Ka-cha ——

After all, tree monsters are Morning Star monsters. Even if the ice ability formidable power is enhanced due to the improvement of the ability level, it can only reach the Tier 5 peak level, which is not enough to restrain the tree monsters.

The branches of the tree-shaped monster shook violently, and the ice frozen on it suddenly exploded and splashed.

Then, the blue rays of light, with a dangerous breath, attacked like Fang Ping.

Seeing the dangerous blue rays of light, Fang Ping quickly teleported to avoid it.

Behind Fang Ping, under the turbulent blue rays of light, the ground was forcibly cut out a huge pit as deep as several hundred meters.


While the tree-shaped monster was attracted by Fang Ping’s attention, Lu Yu approached the tree-shaped monster, turning his mind into an invisible fist, and hammered the tree-shaped monster.

Crackle, crackle, pa pa!

Where the tree-shaped monster was hit by the hammer, the branches were blown up like fried beans.

On the side of the tree-shaped monster’s body, all the branches were destroyed.

The body was severely injured, the tree-shaped monster went crazy, and the dense blue light beam attacked Lu Yu, the culprit.

Hey, hey, hey!

Lu Yu hurriedly propped up the mind barrier in front of him to resist, but under the turbulent blue rays of light, the mind barrier shattered one after another, and Lu Yu had to retreat again and again.


Taking this opportunity, the tree-shaped monster “pu” dived into the ground.

Fang Ping teleported and arrived in time, Susanoo in the fourth form used it, and the two giant hands respectively grasped the branches of the tree-shaped monster and dragged the tree-shaped monster to prevent it from drilling into the ground.

However, even with the increase of Sage Mode, Susanoo’s battle strength is only the peak of Tier 5. In terms of strength, it is not as good as the tree monster, which is still sinking into the ground.

On the other side, Lu Yu, who had just been pushed back, turned his mind into a giant hand and came to help, but because of the distance, it was obviously too late.


Before the giant hand of thought power arrived, the tree-shaped monster broke free of Susanoo’s hands, went underground, and escaped again with the ability of Earth Element.

“If this continues, it will be difficult to hunt down this monster!”

At this brief moment, Fang Ping made a decisive decision.

Lu Yu and battle strength of Morning Star alone are comparable to him at the top of Tier 5. It is still too difficult to hunt down Morning Star monsters.

Without the addition of stronger battle strength, it would be difficult for them to hunt this Morning Star monster.

Indeed, if the monster has penetrated into the ground, they can also block the monster, pull it out of the ground again, and slowly grind it down. They should eventually be able to kill the monster.

However, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, his battle strength can persist until then.

Even though the current Tier 5 peak battle strength was obtained after he increased it with Sage Mode, the time could not be maintained too long, only half an hour, and now more than ten minutes have passed.

According to the current situation, it is difficult for them to hunt the monster when the Sage Mode effect ends, and without his restraint, it is difficult for Lu Yu to hunt this monster alone.

“Beauty of Fitzgerald, 100 million enhancement!”

To release Susanoo, Fang Ping took out a bank card and used Beauty of Fitzgerald.

golden rays of light flew out from the bank card, like a sacred halo surrounding him.

At the next moment, one after another green rays of light appeared on the surface of his body, attached to his clothes, attached to his face, attached to his hands.

A powerful feeling that he had never had before filled his body.

He felt that his whole body was full of inexhaustible power, and one punch was enough to knock a mountain down.

This is not an exaggeration, but a fact. If his judgment is good, his battle strength is already comparable to Morning Star.

Although it is only a general level, it is nothing difficult to crash a mountain that is not too huge when the battle strength is all out.


Too late to feel this surge of power, Nuke Nuke no Mi’s ability was used, and he got into the ground.

Sweeping his gaze, he found the tree-shaped monster that had appeared outside several hundred meters.


not at all With the help of divine speed, just with the power of the body now, his speed has exceeded the speed of sound.

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