Monster Altar

Chapter 247

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After chasing more than 1000 meters, Fang Ping caught up with the tree-shaped monster and approached the tree-shaped monster.

Hey, hey, pu!

The tree-shaped monster found him, and several blue rays of light pierced through holes one after another in the ground, attacking him and blocking his approach.

On him now, the tree monster felt the aura of Extremely Dangerous, so it tried its best to prevent him from approaching.

However, in the ground, the tree-shaped monster was obviously affected, and the attack could not be swayed as freely as the ground, and the blue beams emitted were not many.

After several consecutive dodges, Fang Ping avoided the blue rays of light and bullied the tree monster.

The tree-shaped monster hurriedly beat Fang Ping with its branches, but Fang Ping was faster.

A punch from the bottom up, with the terrifying destructive power of Morning Star, bombarded the tree monster.


The ground was pierced under his this fist, and the mud and stones in the ground were beaten into the sky.

And the tree-shaped monster was also under his this fist, and many branches were shattered and flew out of the ground.


Fang Ping chased out and quickly approached the tree-shaped monster.

Beauty of Fitzgerald can only strengthen strength, speed, physical defense, not at all long-range attack methods.

This is a very monotonous reinforcement, but it is also a very strong reinforcement.

Because power, speed, and physical defense have covered attack power, movement speed, and defense, and these are the three most important aspects of an Awakener.

Huh, huh, Shua!

The tree-shaped monster angrily swayed blue rays of light and attacked Fang Ping. It was no longer like the underground, only a few shots, but densely packed as many as 100.


Even though it has been strengthened by Beauty of Fitzgerald, I still can’t help but feel a strong crisis.

With Doa Doa no Mi’s ability to use, Fang Ping hurriedly drilled into the space inside the door, avoiding the 100 horrible blue rays of light.

After losing the target, 100 horrible blue rays of light spread forward and hit a mountain beyond several hundred meters.

This mountain suddenly collapsed under the attack of 100 blue rays of light, 1000 sores and 100 holes, crash-bang.

Destroying mountains and rivers, this is the Morning Star battle strength.

After avoiding the attack, Fang Ping appeared. With the help of Doa Doa no Mi, he appeared in a place that was less than ten meters away from the tree monster.


Before the tree-shaped monster could react, the fist had already caused terrifying air ripples and violently bombarded the tree-shaped monster.

Large pieces of branches exploded, and even more impact hits the trunk of the tree-shaped monster, blasting a hole in the trunk of the tree-shaped monster.

The shape of the hole is exactly the shape of a fist.

Huh, huh, Shua!

A large number of branches were under the control of the angry tree-shaped monsters, lashing towards Fang Ping at several times the speed of sound.

At such a close distance, Fang Ping finally couldn’t dodge, and was hit by several branches in a row.

It seemed that it was not a branch that was drawn, but an iron lock weighing more than 10000 jin. Fang Ping was beaten back and forth.

However, the defense strengthened by Beauty of Fitzgerald is stronger than the combination of physical defense and Busoshoku Haki’s defense.

Although it was very painful to be beaten, the injury was not serious, only some superficial wounds were left. Under Sage Mode, it was repaired in an instant.

There was blue rays of light, and Fang Ping had already stepped out at this time, escaped into the space inside the door, and disappeared without a trace.


This time, he appeared on top of the tree-shaped monster, and smashed it down from the top of the tree-shaped monster.

The branches of the tree-shaped monster’s head exploded and were damaged again, and a shock wave hit the ground. With the tree-shaped monster as the center, huge potholes appeared on the ground.

After using Beauty of Fitzgerald, Fang Ping fought against the tree monster for a short period of time, and the injury caused to the tree monster was more than the injury caused by Lu Yu to the tree monster in the previous ten minutes.

The reason for this is that Fang Ping is too strong, and before using Beauty of Fitzgerald, it has been able to contain tree monsters.

After being enhanced by Beauty of Fitzgerald, his overall strength suddenly soared to surpass Lu Yu.


The tree-shaped monster burrowed into the ground again, and at this moment, the white radiance bombarded it.

Before it was too late, many branches of the tree-shaped monster were bombarded to pieces, and the surrounding soil was forcibly cut off for more than ten meters.

The tree-shaped monster that had penetrated most of its body into the ground was exposed again.

Hearing the movement of the battle here, Lu Yu rushed to join the battle.

The white light beams continuously attacked the tree-shaped monster and bombarded the tree-shaped monster.

Bo, bo, bo!

The tree-shaped monster finally reacted and hurriedly shot out blue light beams to block the white light beams, and suddenly there was a sound explosion in the air.

Taking advantage of the tree-shaped monster fighting Lu Yu, Fang Ping was able to use the Doa Doa no Mi ability to approach the tree-shaped monster’s torso. It was not big, but its formidable power fist hammered on the tree-shaped monster’s torso.


The terrifying formidable power exploded on the trunk of the tree-shaped monster, just like dozens of tons of explosives, exploding in a very small area.

A huge hole appeared in the trunk of the tree-shaped monster, not only that, but the whole was penetrated and became transparent.

The tree-shaped monster was hit hard, and he could no longer take care of Lu Yu who was far away. A large number of branches lashed at Fang Ping frantically.


Fang Ping dodges and blocks a few twigs and is flew out.

At this time, the devastating white radiance that was not blocked hit the tree-shaped monster. A large number of tree-shaped monsters exploded, and there were holes in the torso.


The tree-shaped monster knew that it would definitely die if it continued like this. Under the attack of white light beams, he dived underground again, preparing to escape.

Halfway through the dive, suddenly, two hands with green lines on the surface grabbed his branches, and then suddenly used force.

puchi ——

The tree-shaped monster that had dived halfway into the mud was pulled out of the mud and then fell into the sky.

Fang Ping arrived in time and prevented the tree monster from escaping.

Looking at the tree-shaped monster flying in the sky, he slammed on the ground, and the ground collapsed, but he ejected and flew to a place parallel to the tree-shaped monster.


Leaning his body, he suddenly slammed his foot on the torso of the tree-shaped monster. On the torso of the tree-shaped monster, a hole that was transparent before and after appeared again.

And the huge body crashed to the ground at extreme speed, smashing the ground heavily, causing a burst of The earth shook and the mountain quivered.

Huh, huh, Shua!

Almost at the same time, Lu Yu’s attack was connected, and the destructive white light hit the tree-shaped monster violently.

The tree-shaped monster’s huge body lay down on the ground, losing its original vitality.

Suffered one after another, even though it was similar to plants, not at all heart, and blood, the tree-shaped monster still suffered heavy injuries.

At this time, Fang Ping was quickly dropping from the sky, the direction was the tree-shaped monster.


The declining momentum plus the strength gained after the Beauty of Fitzgerald was strengthened, all bombarded the tree-shaped monster.

The tree-shaped monster added a hole that was transparent before and after. The tree-shaped monster, which was already extremely sluggish, suddenly fell down, and there was no movement.

“Are you dead or pretending to be dead? Humph, whether you are pretending to be dead.”

When it was imperceptible, Fang Ping couldn’t determine whether the tree monster was dead or pretending to be dead, but he didn’t care.


The scarlet chain appeared, dragging the tree-shaped monster into the sacrifice space, and then he was completely relieved.

As long as you enter the sacrifice space, it makes no difference whether you are dead or alive. Monster Altar’s “invisible” level of power, he doesn’t think Morning Star can shake.

If Monster Altar can be used to capture monsters, as long as they are bound by the scarlet chain, the Blood Moon level may not be able to break free.

Unfortunately, Monster Altar has only taken the initiative to capture monsters when it first started.

After this, although the living monster can also be captured, it must be in a situation where the monster has been subdued and cannot resist. Once the monster resists, the capture will fail.

“somebody is coming.”

Suddenly, Lu Yu face changed and warned Fang Ping.

As a Morning Star powerhouse with the same perception ability, his perception range is wider than Fang Ping, enough to reach ten kilometers.

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