Monster Altar

Chapter 255

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The dazzling white light envelops Lu Yu, which turns into a luminous body, emitting dazzling rays of light.

Above him, a mirror is also emitting white light, just like one after another sun.

The entire space inside the door was illuminated by the white light, and Fang Ping was so dazzling that Fang Ping couldn’t even open his eyes.

Half an hour later, a mirror on top of Lu Yu’s head actually merged, turning into a giant mirror with mysterious lines.

Until this time, the rays of light on Lu Yu’s body gradually faded and disappeared completely.

“how do you feel?”

Knowing that the transformation is over, Fang Ping stepped forward and asked.

“I feel that the formidable power has been enhanced a bit, but how much it has been enhanced can only be known after testing.”

Lu Yu looked at the giant mirror above his head and said.

“Then test it.”

Fang Ping put his hand on Lu Yu’s shoulder, and with a sigh, he disappeared with Lu Yu. When he reappeared, he appeared among the mountains full of dense plants.

“Try it and see how the formidable power is.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

Lu Yu replied, once again condense the giant mirror above his head, and then looked at a mountain more than 1000 meters away as high as several hundred meters.


A thick white radiance, extended from the giant mirror, appeared more than 1000 meters away in an instant, and hit this mountain as high as several hundred meters.


The mountain as high as several hundred meters was destroyed from the left edge, and there was a huge defect that seemed to be gnawed by a dog.

But this was not at all over, and the giant mirror moved quickly to the right, and the boom suddenly sounded.

Accompanied by the rumbling sound, the mountain as high as several hundred meters, from the middle position, was cut into two pieces by the waist, and the upper half fell down, hitting the ground heavily.

Suddenly The earth shook and the mountain quivered, and a large amount of dust came up in the sky, rolling endlessly.

“The formidable power has been enhanced a lot!”

Seeing the formidable power of this blow, Fang Ping was surprised.

Morning Star powerhouse, although it can destroy mountains and rivers, this mountain generally refers to a hill about 100 metres away.

Being able to easily cut off a huge mountain as high as more then 300 meters, the attack power has undoubtedly exceeded the level of the ordinary Morning Star, and is much stronger than when the tree demon was hunted last time.

“The formidable power is about 3 times stronger.”

Lu Yu said joyfully.

“Should have reached the peak order level, right?”

Fang Ping asked.

“Well, it has been reached.”

Lu Yu definitely nodded. Prior to this, the ability level of the “light mirror” ability was already at the top level in the high order. Now that it has been promoted, it must have reached the peak order level.

“Not bad.”

Fang Ping is very satisfied.

Lu Yu originally had the ability of peak order, which was the ability to parasitic manipulation of Awakener.

However, this ability is not an Attack Type ability. Now that the optical lens ability is transformed into peak order, it finally has an Attack Type peak order ability.


With a green face, Zuo Gaofeng returned to Zuo Family, and as soon as he returned to Zuo Family, he immediately sent people to summon Zuo Wei.

“Lord Gaofeng, did the purchase fail?”

Upon receiving the notice, Zuo Wei hurried over and saw Zuo Gaofeng’s green face, he immediately had guesses in his heart and asked carefully.


Zuo Gaofeng’s voice complied in a low voice.

“This Fang Ping is too fail to appreciate somebody’s kindness, and I dare to refuse Lord Gaofeng’s purchase, Lord Gaofeng, as I said last time, we must teach this Fang Ping some lessons, the best is…”

Having said this, Zuo Wei’s face was cruel. Although he didn’t say it, neither he nor Zuo Gaofeng clearly understood what it meant.

“Different from the past, this Fang Ping is ranked No. 4 on the list after all. If something happens, the movement caused by it is too great, the Monster Countermeasures Division will not let it go.”

Zuo Gaofeng frowned in thought, and shook his head after a moment.

If ordinary people dared to offend themselves in this way, he would have already started, but Fang Ping’s No. 4 status on the list is really too special.

Because of the potential of the Blood Moon level, the Monster Countermeasures Division attaches great importance to it. If found, even if he is the Morning Star powerhouse, he will be severely punished and even sent to prison.

There is no doubt about this. Hei Ni’s strength and innate talent is enough for one person to challenge the Yinchuan base city, showing the strength and innate talent of the other party.

However, after being found to have killed other geniuses on the list, the Monster Countermeasures Division was immediately wanted for hunting down, which shows the Monster Countermeasures Division’s attitude towards this matter.

“How is the situation on Enchanted Weapon pavilion?”

“I have been looking for top Artifact Refining Grandmaster in Yinchuan base city and even surrounding base cities.”

“However, after all Artifact Refining Grandmasters saw the Enchanted weapon refined by Fang Ping, they all said that Fang Ping had already maximized the effect of the materials. Not to mention catching up, it’s just as incapable as possible.”

Zuo Wei shook his head.

To defeat the Enchanted Artifact pavilion, he must refining the Enchanted weapon with the same material that is equivalent or even better, and reduce the cost. With this idea, he has been looking for the top Artifact Refining Grandmaster.

It is a pity that all the Artifact Refining Grandmasters that were looking for saw the Enchanted weapon refined by Fang Ping, and no one was sure to surpass Fang Ping.

“This Fang Ping is a genius Awakener who puts his energy on the list. How can the refining water product be so strong?”

Zuo Gaofeng brows slightly wrinkle, with doubts on his face.

There is no doubt that refining must be Fang Ping’s sideline business. After all, Fang Ping’s strength and potential are there. With such strength and potential, no matter how good the innate talent of refining is, it is absolutely impossible to regard refining as its main business.

But even if it is a sideline, the level is far higher than that of the Artifact Refining Grandmaster, which makes him wonder. The energy of a person is limited, and it is impossible to do everything. How does the other party achieve the current level of refining.

“Although I don’t want to admit it, it’s a fact. His refining level has almost reached the pinnacle of refining. It is almost impossible to beat him at the refining level.”

Zuo Wei’s voice paused slightly, as if he said deeply.

“So if you want to defeat him, you can only start from other aspects.”

“Tell me what you think.”

Zuo Gaofeng said solemnly, he heard Zuo Wei’s overtones.

“His craftsmanship level is high, so it will make him stink. In this case, no one wants to buy the enchanted artifact he refined.”

Zuo Wei said with a cruel expression on his face.

“This is a way, how do you do it?”

Zuo Gaofeng looking thoughtful, this is indeed a method.

“I recently discovered an Awakener, his ability is very strange, can destroy the ability of Enchanted weapon, so that the appearance of the Rubik’s Cube item does not change, but the rank is big.”

Zuo Wei sneered.

“If this person is allowed to destroy the ability of Enchanted weapon, and then frame the quality of Enchanted weapon, when the time comes, it will be difficult for him to think of it.”

“Yes, just do it like this.”

Zuo Gaofeng immediately nodded his permission, framed and so on, he would naturally not care, as long as he could achieve his goal.

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