Monster Altar

Chapter 256

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A few days later, Enchanted Weapon pavilion, Fang Ping’s exclusive mixing chamber.

Fang Ping sighed and placed a pair of metal gloves on the item rack, ending the re-hardening and quality improvement of the first Enchanted weapon.

Because he was about to leave the base city to hunt down the Morning Star monsters again, he took the time today and prepared to refine one month’s sales volume for later sales.

In the refining room, besides Fang Ping, there are 2 women.

A shoulder-length short hair, wearing a cut-shoulder white top, and a blue silk skirt on the lower body, revealing her white shoulders.

A black with long hair hanging down, wearing a pink skirt, showing snow-white slender legs.

These two people are Yan Xue and Fan Xuan. I heard that Fang Ping was going to refine Enchanted weapon today, and they came to watch them with improvisation.

“This is how you refine Enchanted weapon?”

Fan Xuan asked with interest.

“Well, it’s not refining to be precise, but refining and improving the quality on the original basis.

Fang Ping corrected.

“Probably to what extent?”

Yan Xue was obviously interested, and asked curiously.

“Below Tier 5, the grade can probably be raised by one level. For example, the one I just re-hardened. It was originally Tier 3 enchanted artifact, but now it is Tier 4 enchanted artifact.”

Fang Ping said.

“In just half an hour, you made 200010000?”

Upon hearing Fang Ping’s words, Yan Xue and Fan Xuan were shocked, looking at Fang Ping as if looking at a mobile money printing machine.

Although I knew that Fang Ping’s side business was a lot of money, I didn’t expect it to come so quickly.

A Tier 3 enchanted artifact is around 100010000, and a 4 enchanted artifact is around 300010000. That is to say, in just half an hour, you have earned around 200010000.

Compared with this speed of making money, turning on the printing machine and so on is simply weak.

“Not as exaggerated as you said.”

Fang Ping smiled and shook his head.

“In order to increase sales volume, the price of Enchanted Artifact pavilion will be reduced a lot, probably around 250010000. Of the profit of 150010000, I and Enchanted Artifact pavilion are divided into 5 to 5, so there is only 75010000.”

“Moreover, you can only make money if you sell it. The monthly volume of enchanted artifacts, especially high-level monster items, is very small. Generally speaking, only a few items can be sold a month.”

Although there are many wealthy families in the Yinchuan base city, such extremely expensive things as enchanted artifacts are impossible to buy from time to time even if the wealthy families, so the monthly sales volume is actually not much, the real 3 It does not open in the first year, and it will last for 3 years.

“Already very good.”

Both Yan Xue and Fan Xuan lamented that they have a few 10000000 million credits per month, which is already extremely exaggerated in their opinion.

Fang Ping laughed, although the speed of making money is faster, the speed of using money is faster.

Last time, in order to make the battle strength reach the enhancement of the Morning Star, he spent a full 100 million, and it was a one-off, it was a bottomless pit, and the speed of making money was never as fast as using money.

He was about to start the re-hardening of the second enchanted artifact to improve its quality. At this moment, a noisy sound entered the ears of three people.

“Liar, accompany me with hard-earned money.”

“If you don’t give me an explanation today, I will never finish with you.”

“The shop bullied its customers, the shop bullied its customers…”

Hearing this noisy sound, Fang Ping brows slightly wrinkle, but not at all, he continued to refine Enchanted weapon.

He and Enchanted Artifact pavilion are just a cooperative relationship, this kind of thing is not in his control, so he has no intention of mixing.

But soon, he was involved and saw Hu Shi, the manager of Enchanted Weapon pavilion, walking into the refinery room with worry on his face holding a short blade that should be an enchanted artifact.

“Grandmaster Fang Ping, something went wrong.”

As soon as he saw Fang Ping, Hu Shi said solemnly.

“What happened?”

Fang Ping kept the supply of golden flames, and asked sideways.

“This enchanted artifact was originally a Tier 4 enchanted artifact, but now it has greatly reduced its ability and has become a Tier 2 enchanted artifact.”

Hu Shi said solemnly.

“Are you sure it was sold from Enchanted Artifact pavilion?”

Fang Ping was surprised that all the enchanted artifacts of Enchanted Artifact pavilion above Tier 4 were re-hardened and improved in quality. If this enchanted artifact was sold from the Enchanted Artifact pavilion, then in other words, enchanted by him The artifact has a quality problem.

“The position of the handle of this short blade bears the mark of Grandmaster Hu Yan. This knife is indeed from Grandmaster Hu Yan.”

Hu Shi pointed his finger at the handle of the short blade. Fang Ping looked at it. At the position of the handle of the short blade, there was an archaic word “flam”. This was indeed from Grandmaster Hu Yan’s hand and was then tempered and improved by him. enchanted artifact.

“How could this happen?”

Stopping the pure quality improvement of the second enchanted artifact, Fang Ping reached out and took the short blade.


Holding the short blade, Fang Ping tried to drive the short blade’s ability. Accompanied by a buzzing sound, azure rays of light were attached to the short blade, which extended to as long as one meter.

He stretched out his hand and flicked it. With a clear sound, the extended azure blade “ka-cha” shattered. The formidable power was indeed greatly reduced, and now it is only Tier 2.

“It shouldn’t be.”

Fang Ping brows slightly wrinkle.

From the anime of Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker, Pure Yang Flame’s re-hardening to enhance the quality of magic weapons is permanent, not at all effective, and will not destroy the magic weapons themselves.

Moreover, up to now, the first Enchanted weapon he refinished, that is, the flying knife he is currently using, still hasn’t lost its grade or its ability.

He looked at Hu Shi.

“It stands to reason that this situation won’t happen, but now that this has happened, our cooperation can only be temporarily terminated, and we can see if similar things happen in the future before we make a decision.”

“For damaged Enchanted weapon, I will compensate Enchanted Artifact pavilion at the original market price.”

“Want to stop the pure quality improvement of enchanted artifacts? Grandmaster Fang Ping, is this too cautious? Maybe it’s just an example.”

Hu Shi face changed, Enchanted Artifact pavilion In the past six months, the reason why it has been able to seize market share and forced other enchanted artifact stores to lose money is because Fang Ping has re-tempered and improved the quality of enchanted artifacts.

If the cooperation with Fang Ping is stopped, Enchanted Artifact pavilion will no longer have an advantage over other enchanted artifact stores, the market share it seized will definitely be returned, and the monthly income will be greatly reduced.

“If something like this has happened, if you don’t figure out the real reason, and blindly treat it as an example, it’s not good for the Enchanted Artifact pavilion.”

Fang Ping said solemnly.

“I don’t have much research on enchanted artifacts. It’s best to send this enchanted artifact to Grandmaster Hu Yan, and let him study it to see if he can figure out the reason for the reduced ability.”

“Okay, I’ll send it over.”

Knowing what Fang Ping said was indeed the correct way to deal with it, Hu Shi had to nod his head.

“If you don’t mind, can you take me with you? I also want to know what caused this enchanted artifact to drop in grade.”

Fang Ping asked.

“Grandmaster Hu Yan wanted to meet Grandmaster Fang Ping a long time ago. If Grandmaster Fang Ping goes, Grandmaster Hu Yan will definitely welcome it.”

Hu Shi barely said with a smile.

Finally, Fang Ping, Fan Xuan and Yan Xue also went to the workshop of the Fox Yan Artifact Refining Grandmaster.

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