Monster Altar

Chapter 262

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Zuo Family, Zuo Gaofeng sits on a chair made of Morning Star monster Balrog snake leather and skeleton with a cold face.

This is his favorite chair and his pride, because he hunted and killed the Balrog snake, which is also quite strong among the Morning Star monsters.

Sitting in this chair that he regarded as proud, he was in a terrible mood at this time.

Opposite him, Zuo Wei stood nervously, not even daring to get out of the air, lowered his head, with cold sweat on his forehead.

Zuo Gaofeng did not speak, and he naturally did not dare to speak, so the room fell into an extremely depressed silence.

After a long time, there was finally a voice, and Zuo Gaofeng asked coldly.

“What the hell is going on, how can Hu Family get hold of it?”

“My lord, I have been monitored. Hu Family has a very powerful hacker expert who monitored my mobile phone without disturbing me, causing the information to leak.”

Zuo Wei said quickly.

After being notified of punishment by the Monster Countermeasures Division, he immediately investigated the cause of the leak.

From the clues of Yu Baidong, all the way back, finally, more than an hour ago, the reason was investigated.

It was not that he was not cautious, but that such a thing had never happened before.

The mobile phone he uses is specially customized and has an anti-monitoring mechanism. Normal hackers cannot break into his mobile phone. Even Peak experts cannot monitor his mobile phone without triggering a mobile phone alert.

But this time, the mobile security system was breached, and even the warnings were too late. This is no longer what top hackers can do. Only the top hackers and the super hackers at the top of the pyramid can do it. .

There are no more than 5 such hackers in the entire hacker world, but Hu Family has found one.

“Let me Zuo Family suffer such a big loss, this person must find out, can you pinpoint who this person is?”

Zuo Gaofeng frowned. He knows the high security level of Zuo Family’s high-level mobile phone. After all, he is also using it. If the news is leaked due to this aspect, it is no wonder Zuo Wei.

On the other hand, if he is allowed to take charge of this matter, it will inevitably not prevent the leakage of the news. As for without a mobile phone, this is impossible.

As a senior, it is necessary to be prepared to respond to emergencies at any time and keep the mobile phone open 24 hours a day.

In order to retaliate, Hu Family has no way. Although Hu Family is weaker than Zuo Family, it is not much weaker. In addition, Hu Ao’er is backed by Lu Yun.

However, this super hacker who caused the Zuo Family’s heavy losses must be found out, not only for revenge, but also for not being unconsciously monitored in the future.

“I’ve asked the Hu Family to inquire with all my strength. I believe it will not be long before there will be news.”

Zuo Wei said quickly.

Zuo Gaofeng nodded, said after a little consideration.

“Although you are not at the fault of this time, you are responsible for it. You will be fined one year’s salary and you will step down as the manager of Enchanted Weapon pavilion.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Zuo Wei’s heart is bleeding. The position of Enchanted Weapon pavilion manager, but a fat man, can bring him far more than his salary every year. Most importantly, this represents a position far beyond ordinary clansman.

Knowing that he has stepped down as the manager of Enchanted Weapon pavilion, there will probably be many people in the family secretly overjoyed and planning to fight for this position.


After being framed, Fang Ping quietly left Yinchuan Base City with Lu Yu on the 2nd day. Knowing that he had left, only a few people such as Yan Xue and Fan Xuan were the only ones who left.

Leaving the base city of Yinchuan, two people went straight to the south of the base city, and their destination was Hetian base city, which is about 2 kilometers away from the base city of Yinchuan.

“I hope I haven’t gone far.”

Fang Ping thought while rushing.

According to online news, a morning star monster appeared near Hetian base city a day ago, and a production base with a population of 100 was attacked and destroyed.

The Morning Star powerhouse in Hetian base city shot, and after a few hours of fierce battle, at the cost of serious injuries, finally defeated the Morning Star monster.

Fang Ping guessed that this Morning Star monster was also likely to suffer severe damage, otherwise the impossible will retreat.

If you can find this badly wounded Morning Star monster, not to mention Lu Yu, whose light mirror ability has been upgraded to peak order and his strength has soared, even he is sure to kill this Morning Star monster.

Originally, because of Zuo Family’s framing, he was delayed for more than a week. He was very upset and couldn’t help being happy when he heard the news.

The wasted week is no longer a bad thing for him, but has turned into a good thing. If he left the base city a week ago and the news is unclear, he will naturally not get such news.

A few hours later, Fang Ping and Lu Yu arrived outside the city of Hetian Base.

Did not use the speed of sound to drive, so it took several hours.

The speed of sound is okay for a short time to drive, but it can’t be maintained for a long time. Even if it is the Morning Star powerhouse, it cannot be driven at the speed of sound for a long time.

Hetian Base City, a base city that looks slightly larger than He’an Base, is located in a basin.

There are not at all rivers and other water sources, but because of its low-lying location, the groundwater veins are abundant, and there are underground rivers, which can support the daily water supply of a large base city.

“Young Master, the information collected on the Internet is not detailed, why don’t you go in for the information?”

Looking at the base city in front of him, Lu Yu suggested.


Fang Ping nodded in agreement.

Landing from the air, Fang Ping took Lu Yu with the ability of Doa Doa no Mi, crossed the city wall and entered the base city.

Without entering from the city gate, anyone who enters and exits the city gate will be subject to close interrogation. It takes time not to talk about it. The main reason is that Lu Yu’s identity cannot withstand interrogation.

“Fortunately, Master Jing Yao took action, otherwise this time my Hetian base city would be in danger!”

“It’s a pity that I didn’t see that battle. If I could see that stop, I would die without regret.”

“If you saw it, I don’t know if you died without regrets, but you will definitely die.”


Everywhere in the base city was talking about the battle yesterday. Each and everyone was excited, and their eyes filled with worship.

In this dangerous world where monsters are rampant, people have a natural admiration for powerhouse, because it is the existence of each and everyone powerful Awakener that they can live safely in the base city.

“Don’t you know, that battle was simply murky heavens dark earth, the raised dust covered the sky, the splashed stones were like cannonballs, and the forest collapsed…”

A man with a mustache was eloquent, trying to describe the magnificent scenes of yesterday’s battle. The picture was so strong that he simply jumped out.

Fang Ping and Lu Yu couldn’t help but were attracted to their attention. They stepped forward, and Lu Yu approached.

“Man, I heard that the monster was hurt badly, is it true?”

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