Monster Altar

Chapter 263

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“That’s, and don’t look at who the opponent is. That’s Director Yuan Jingyao. If it didn’t run fast, it would definitely be shot on the spot.”

The mustache man said proudly.

“What kind of monster is that? What abilities are there?”

Fang Ping also asked like a curious audience.

Before hunting and hunting, if you can know the type and ability of monsters, and beware, the difficulty will undoubtedly be greatly reduced.

“Then you ask the right person, I dare say I am the one who can see the most clearly except Master Jing Yao.”

“It’s so oozing, ferocious-looking, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, it’s more than ten meters in length, and its 4 legs are so thick that it looks like a car, with 3 on its head. Head…”

The moustache man spoke more and more vigorously, making gestures with his hands while speaking, spitting stars everywhere.

Fang Ping and Lu Yu looked at each other, with an awkward smile on their faces, they all backed away and turned away.

“Eh, eh, you two don’t go, I haven’t said the power of that monster…”

Seeing that they hadn’t finished speaking, Fang Ping 2 was about to leave. The bearded man was dissatisfied.

“No, you go on.”

Fang Ping waved his hand, a blush appeared on his face.

Two of my own, one battle strength is only one-liner worse than Morning Star, and one is stronger than the average Morning Star monster. He was almost cheated by a Tier 2 Awakener. This shame is a shame.

You, a Tier 2 Awakener, actually said that you can see the most clearly except Morning Star powerhouse Yuan Jingyao?

You are so powerful. Even the shock wave of the Morning Star powerhouse fight can be blocked. You are afraid that you have opened Invincible. You are so powerful, why don’t you go to heaven?

It is not a snake monster, but it is more than ten meters long. Are you sure you saw a Morning Star monster, not a Blood Moon monster?

So far, apart from snake monsters, the largest Morning Star monster found in each base city has not been more than 8 meters long.

Although the size and strength are not absolutely equal, to a certain extent, they can judge the strength level of a monster.

Morning Star monsters should generally be less than 8 meters in length, and above this, they should be Blood Moon level monsters.

If it is exactly what the mustache man described, this monster is likely to be a Blood Moon-level monster, and in the case of Hetian base city, it is obviously impossible to block a Blood Moon-level monster.

So the only possibility is that the man with the mustache is bossing, and the opponent not only hasn’t watched the battle up close, but hasn’t even seen that battle.

“Young Master, this inquisitive news seems unreliable, what should I do now?”

Lu Yu asked more embarrassedly.

“It’s better to inquire directly to the Monster Countermeasures Division of Hetian Base City. As I am now, the other party should give some face.”

Fang Ping said embarrassingly. Obviously, it is really unreliable to inquire about the masses of people eating melons.

In the High-level Conference Hall of the Monster Countermeasures Section in Kawada Base City, an extremely depressing conference is being held.

More than a dozen people were sitting at the 2 side of the conference table. The main seat of the conference table, which should have been the position of Director Yuan Jingyao, was vacant.

“Tell me your thoughts. Now the director is seriously injured and unconscious, but the monster has appeared again, and there is a tendency to come to the base city.”

The Number One Person on the right, near the theme, is a tall and thin middle-aged man named Yan Zhou, one of the four deputy directors of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Hetian Base City, a Tier 4 Awakener.

“What’s the hesitation, that monster has been seriously injured, and we can join forces with the four of us to encircle and kill.”

Said a man as strong as Iron Pagoda.

He is extremely tall, at least one head taller than everyone in the Conference Hall, named Ju Xiaotai, and is also one of the deputy directors of the Monster Countermeasures Division.

“I don’t agree. Although the Morning Star monster has been seriously injured by the Chief, the Morning Star monster is a Morning Star monster after all. Even if it is seriously injured, it cannot be siege by 4 Tier 5 Awakener.”

Said a middle-aged woman wearing silver-rimmed glasses.

She has an ordinary appearance, and the reason for her high position all the time is that she has a majestic temperament. Her name is Zhong Borong, and she is another deputy director of the Monster Countermeasures Division.

“I don’t agree.”

A short man with slightly drooping eyes also said that he was Liao Lun, the last deputy director of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Hetian Base City.


Hearing the words of the short man Liao Lun, as strong as the Iron Pagoda man Ju Xiaotai coldly snorted, he looked at the short man Liao Lun with disdain.

If Zhong Borong, a woman with silver-frame glasses, thinks that the difference in battle strength is too large, then Liao Lun is completely timid and fearful. He is also the deputy director of the Monster Countermeasures Division. He knows the opponent too much.

“What are you saying, respect it, I am also carefully considering the survival of Hetian Base City.”

Liao Lun wanted to get angry, but seeing Ju Xiaotai’s huge eyes like a copper bell, his voice couldn’t help but weaken.


Ju Xiaotai was even more disdainful, while Liao Lun’s face was full of shame.

“Okay, let’s just say a word.”

Yan Zhou, a tall and thin middle-aged man, stopped two people before speaking.

“I don’t approve of direct action, because the chances of winning are not great, Polong, how are the contacts in Nanning Base City?”

Nanning Base is the closest base city to Hetian Base City, more than 600 kilometers away from Hetian Base City.

“The Nanning base city agreed to take the shot, but the other party asked us to take out a year’s share of nutrient solution as a reward.

Zhong Borong said with a sad face.

“One year’s share, is this too hard?”

In the Conference Hall, everyone sucked in a cold breath.

Medium-sized base cities like them do not have the technology to make nutrient solutions, so they can only exchange monster corpses to Yinchuan base city.

However, the output of Yinchuan base city is limited, and this exchange is not unlimited.

Each base city will have a quota every year. If the quota is exceeded, no amount of monster corpses can be exchanged.

Yan Zhou had blue veins on his forehead, and he was obviously shocked by this request, but he eventually clenched the teeth.

“Promise him.”

“The other party is obviously using monsters to threaten us, do you really want to agree?”

A look of hesitation appeared on the faces of everyone in the conference hall.

“The situation is too critical, monsters may come at any time, even if the asking price is high, we must agree.”

Yan Zhou said calmly.

“Why don’t you ask for help from other base cities?”

Liao Lun, a short man, suggested.

“It’s too late. The situation is too critical. Except for the base city of Nanning, the distance to the nearest base city is 1200 kilometers.”

Yan Zhou shook his head.

Hey, hey, dong!

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and a young woman wearing the uniform of Nanning base city monster walked in and reported quickly.

“Director, Mr. Fang Ping, No. 4 in the Yinchuan Base City list, is visiting.”

“What, the 4th visit of Yinchuan base city list?”

Hearing the number 4 on the Yinchuan base city list, all the 4 directors couldn’t help but their eyes brightened.

Yan Zhou’s face was slightly happy.

“I heard that the top 3 of the Yinchuan base city list all have Morning Star battle strength. Even if the 4th is not as good, I am afraid it will not be much worse.”

“Quickly, please, no, let us go personally!”

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