Monster Altar

Chapter 264

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If they had no other choice and had no other choice, how could they take a full year’s share of the nutrient solution as revenge to the Nanning base city, but now it seems that there is no other choice.

The Monster Countermeasures Division of Hetian Base City waited in the living room. After Fang Ping reported his identity, he was led here.

He did not bring Lu Yu at all. Lu Yu had no ability to disguise, and his identity was sensitive, so he left Lu Yu outside the Monster Countermeasures Department and allowed him to move freely temporarily.

Suddenly, he was slightly surprised lifts the head, looking at the door, he heard a large group of footsteps coming here.

As a well-known figure among the younger generation of Yinchuan Base City, coming to a place like Hetian Base City is sure to be received by the senior officials of Hetian Base City, but shouldn’t it attract so many people?

When he was puzzled, a large group of people walked into the waiting room, their faces full of unusual enthusiasm.

“Hello, Your Excellency Fang Ping, I am Yan Zhou, Deputy Director of the Monster Countermeasures Division of Hetian Base City. It is an honor to meet you.”

The first tall and thin man stepped forward and held Fang Ping’s hands with both hands, saying with extreme enthusiasm.

“Hello, Director Yan, take the liberty to interrupt, and please forgive me.”

Fang Ping was a bit perplexed. These people actually came to receive themselves, but they still responded.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping can visit Hetian Base City. It is an honor for our Hetian Base City. Hello, I am Ju Xiaotai, Deputy Director of the Hetian Base City Monster Countermeasures Division.”

As soon as Yan Zhou let go, another tall and sturdy man leaned forward and held Fang Ping’s hands tightly with a pair of big paw fan hands. Because of too much force, Fang Ping couldn’t help but twitch.

Then, one named Zhong Borong and one named Liao Lun also enthusiastically stepped forward to shake hands with Fang Ping.

Although the status of No. 4 in the Yinchuan base city list is indeed not small, it should not have received such a grand reception.

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. Fang Ping is not stupid. After a little thought, he has some guesses in his heart.

The Morning Star monster attack happened in the Hetian base city one day ago, and it is hard not to let him link the anomaly in front of him with the Morning Star monster attack the day before.

With speculation in his mind, he suppressed the idea of ​​asking the other party about the whereabouts of the Morning Star monster. He believed that if the other party’s excessive enthusiasm was really related to the Morning Star monster, he might have gained extra.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping was able to visit the Demon Countermeasures Department of Hetian Base City, which made the Demon Countermeasures Department of Hetian Base City flourish. I originally wanted to prepare a welcome party for Your Excellency Fang Ping. Unfortunately, Hetian Base City is now in troubled times. “

Deputy Director Yan Zhou sighed and said with shame.

“What happened in Hetian Base City?”

Fang Ping pretended to be surprised and asked.

“Don’t tell the truth, Fang Ping, the base city of Hetian was attacked by the Morning Star monster yesterday. Because of that battle, the director is still seriously injured and unconscious. The trouble is that this Morning Star monster is still wandering around the base city and may attack the base at any time. city.”

While Yan Zhou was talking, he looked at Fang Ping secretly.

Hearing this, Fang Ping’s eyes flashed suddenly, and he finally understood why the Monster Countermeasures Department of Hetian Base City was so enthusiastic.

At the same time, I immediately understood the plan of these people, nothing more than wanting him to become a free laborer and helping them deal with the Morning Star monsters for free.

He couldn’t help being amused. There is no free lunch in this world. If it is the base city, it’s all. After all, it is related, but he has nothing to do with the Hetian base city, so how can he make it for free.

“The situation is so urgent. Blame me. I took the liberty to disturb you. It caused you to delay such a major event. You don’t care about me. Although you are busy, you can’t delay the major event.”

Fang Ping has a serious face, but never mentions helping.

“Cough cough, Lord Fang Ping, are you sure to deal with the Morning Star monster?”

Seeing Fang Ping was not answering, Yan Zhou had to take the initiative.

“If it’s a wounded Morning Star monster, I’m sure to kill it, but it’s too dangerous. The Yinchuan base city executives have already ordered 3 orders for us not to take risks…”

Fang Ping said with an apologetic face, it was not that I was unwilling to help, but that the senior officials of Yinchuan Base City would not let me such a potential seed risk.

Yan Zhou and Zhong Borong looked at each other, and the two of them could see that the youngster in front of them was by no means a “young and energetic” type. If you want to let the other party shoot for free with a few compliments, it might be difficult.

Yan Zhou said immediately.

“If your Excellency Fang Ping can help Hetian Base City kill this Morning Star monster, Hetian Base City is willing to get 100 bottles of nutrient solution as a reward.”

“Hey, Director Yan, it’s not that I don’t want to, but the base city has an order, really can’t.”

Fang Ping looked embarrassed.

“2 months.”

Seeing Fang Ping’s desire to refuse and welcome it, Yan Zhou and Zhong Borong didn’t understand that Fang Ping was not satisfied with the reward.

“Director Yan, you are embarrassing me, hey, seeing Hetian base city encounter such a crisis, it is really uncomfortable for me to sit idly by, but at worst is a death, I promised, but I still have 2 Conditions.”

“You said……?”

Yan Zhou vomited blood in his heart, 2 100 bottles of nutrient solution, that was the share of Hetian base city for 4 months. Although it is not ruthless in Nanning base city, it seems that he is also a master who cannot suffer.

“The first condition is that the corpse of this Morning Star monster must belong to me.”

“no problem.”

Yan Zhou not at all thought about it and agreed. Although the body of the Morning Star monster is precious, the safety of the base city is nothing compared to it.

“The second condition is that the life and death of this battle is unpredictable. If I die, my five fiancee lives will be lost, so I have to add another 2 million living expenses. Well, I have to call me before the war. Turn them over while you are still alive.”

Yan Zhou’s cheeks twitched, but you have a lot of plays. The mainstream now advocates monogamy and wants to leave opportunities for many bachelors.

5 fiancee, why not say ten fiancee, can you handle it?

But what can be said when the situation is forced

Try not to let yourself show complaints on your face, Yan Zhou said.

“no problem.”

A few minutes later, Fang Ping’s mobile phone rang a reminder. When I clicked it on, it was the news that the 200 million in Hetian base city had arrived.

This couldn’t help but make him secretly happy. With this 200 million, even in the worst case, it is enough to break out the Morning Star battle strength and kill the monster.

As for Lu Yu, because of his sensitive identity, he does not intend to let Lu Yu act.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping, the location of this Morning Star monster has been locked, then let’s go.”

Seeing Fang Ping look like a money fan, Yan Zhou twitched his eyes.

Originally wanted to make the other party young and vigorous and let the other party become free labor, but I didn’t expect it to be a little Fox. He had paid 200 million in advance before fighting the monster. I only hoped that the other party could be worthy of the money, otherwise he would lose out.

Of course, if Fang Zhan’s strength is not equal to the price they paid, he will naturally not pay for the subsequent 2 100 bottles of nutrient solution.

At this moment, the young woman in uniform ran over anxiously, loudly said before it was near.

“Not good, the Morning Star monster is coming to the base city!”

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