Monster Altar

Chapter 265

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“Come on, so soon?”

Waiting in the living room, everyone was horrified, with some happiness and hope to Fang Ping.

Fortunately, the Yinchuan base city is ranked No. 4, otherwise, even if it is too late to ask for help from the nearest Nanning base city.

The only thing to worry about is whether the opponent has the power to kill the Morning Star monsters.

“Let’s go!”

Fang Ping’s face is calm.

At this time, he would naturally not be stage fright, take money from others, and eliminate disasters with others. He still has the most basic professional standards.

Seeing Fang Ping’s face unchanged, the high-levels of the Jiangmen Base City Monster Countermeasures Division were all slightly sighed in relief. Being able to be so calm shows that the other party is indeed confident.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping, please here!”

Yan Zhou was polite in his tone and hurriedly led Fang Ping.

Soon after, an extended armored vehicle drove out of the Jiangmen Base City Monster Countermeasures Division and headed for the west city gate. This Morning Star monster is located in the west of Jiangmen Base City.

In addition to Fang Ping, there are only four deputy directors of the Monster Countermeasures Division. Even the armored vehicles are driven by deputy director Liao Lun.

In the face of Morning Star monsters, Tier 5 Awakener can still help a little bit. As for Awakener below Tier 4, it is almost the same as death. Therefore, not at all let others follow.

After half an hour, there was no road ahead, Fang Ping 5 people abandoned their car and shuttled through the densely wooded forest.

After running for 7 kilometers, through the walkie-talkie positioning, the 8 Fang Ping and the Awakener team responsible for monitoring the Morning Star monsters met and saw the Morning Star monsters from a distance.

I saw dust flying more than 1000 meters away, large tracts of trees collapsed, and a huge monster could be vaguely seen.

The roar sounded like thunder, and with every roar, a large number of fallen leaves would rise into the sky.

A horrible atmosphere permeated, and some of the only remaining wild animals sprang from the hidden treasure in horror.

Some panicked and fled, while others were so scared that they lay on the ground, and their excrement and urine flowed out uncontrollably.

The Awakener squad responsible for monitoring the monsters in the Morning Star consists of 3 Tier 4 Awakener with perception, invisibility, and camouflage abilities.

2 Male and female, wearing tight-fitting combat uniforms with camouflage colors, and the youngest is in his 30s.

All night surveillance left them physically and mentally devastated, and each and everyone turned pale.

Seeing the arrival of the five people, all three of them couldn’t help but look at Fang Ping curiously. They had already learned from the walkie-talkie that Fang Ping was the powerhouse invited to hunt down the Morning Star monsters.

The age of the opponent is much worse than their children, making them really doubt whether the opponent has the ability to hunt down the Morning Star monsters.

“You retreat to a distance, and there will be a big battle here later.”

Yan Zhou ordered.


The 3 people, such as the amnesty, responded and quickly withdrew back.

The battle with the Morning Star monster is not just for fun. Even the aftermath of the battle is enough to kill Tier 4 Awakener like them.

“Your Excellency Fang Ping, how do we need our cooperation?”

Zhong Borong, a woman with silver-frame glasses, looked at Fang Ping and asked.

“I mainly attack and entangle it. You can help me from the side while protecting your own safety.”

Fang Ping said.

He is not familiar with the abilities of the four people, and it is impossible to achieve fine coordination, so he can only do some general coordination.

The main reason is that the time is too hasty, otherwise, you can practice in advance.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, sou!

The four chiefs dispersed and quietly approached the Morning Star monster, while Fang Ping stepped out, entered the door-to-door space, and quickly approached the Morning Star monster.

Coming closer, I finally saw the appearance of the Morning Star monster.

It is impossible to reach an exaggerated ten meters in length. The mustache man I met not long ago has never seen the Morning Star monster at all. It is certain that he is completely boasting.

This is a huge monster that looks like a lizard. Connected to the Fairy Tail, it should be 7 meters close to 8 meters long.

The red and green colors on her body are like a piece of red and green gems.

On the head, there are 2 flat sharp horns, just like 2 huge sharp horns.

On the back, there are raised red bulges one after another, just like the bumps on the toad.

At this time, the opponent, abdomen, back, head, and 4 legs were all injured.

In particular, a wound on the abdomen was the most serious. Large areas of epidermis and muscles disappeared, revealing dark red flesh and blood.

In the battle with Morning Star powerhouse Yuan Jingyao yesterday, Yuan Jingyao was seriously injured and unconscious, and he was also injured.


A golden pillar of fire suddenly shot out from the door space, attacking the lizard monster from the side.

If it is a lizard monster in the peak state, it can react even in the face of such a surprise, but the Morning Star monster at this time is not in the peak state, but in a seriously injured state.

The severely injured body slowed its physical ability by half a beat, and the golden flame pillar hit the lizard monster without encountering any obstacles.

The peak formidable power of Tier 5, coupled with the restraint effect on the monster, immediately left a fierce burning wound on the back of the lizard monster, and there was still residual flames burning.

The lizard monster was hit and slid out sideways, and many trees were “ka-cha” hit by the lizard monster that slid out sideways.

At this time, Fang Ping had left the space inside the door, his face was solemn, and his hands quickly sealed.

“Sage art. Gracious Deity Gates.”

A huge building dropping from the sky, one horizontal and two vertical, got stuck in the belly of the fallen lizard monster.

An invisible suppressing force pressed against the lizard monster. Under this suppressing force, the lizard monster that was originally angry and wanted to climb up seemed to press a 1000-ton weight on its body and fell down again.


Quickly crossing a distance of a few ten meters, Fang Ping right hand turned into flames, forming a huge flame palm, and slapped the serious wound on the abdomen of the lizard monster.


As the wounds increased, the lizard monster screamed in pain, and the huge body struggled. The buildings suppressing it suddenly heard an overwhelmed sound, and cracks appeared on the surface.

Facing the Morning Star monster, the building created by Sage art. Gracious Deity Gates summon could not last long.

Not dare to delay, Fang Ping’s palm of flame touched the abdomen of the lizard monster, and the golden flames continued to spread from him to the lizard monster, burning the lizard monster.

“Get together!”

At this time, the four deputy directors of Jiangmen Base City came from four directions and saw that the lizard monster was temporarily trapped, their eyes lit up, and they all attacked the lizard monster.

Yan Zhou held a long spear, next moment, and the long spear suddenly stretched out, stabbing the lizard monster with a thump, and a blood hole bloomed on the lizard monster.

Ju Xiaotai’s already extremely sturdy body became stronger under the blessing of a certain ability. The skin became azure, leaping high, and his huge fist fiercely beat the head of the lizard monster.

The head of the lizard monster suddenly torn skin and gaping flesh, and blood flowed.

Zhong Borong took off the silver glasses, and yellow rays of light shot out from her eyes, casting them on the lizard monster, and then the lizard monster was partially petrified.

Liao Lun summon came out of a huge mouse with sharp teeth and gnawed at one leg of the lizard monster.

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