Monster Altar

Chapter 266

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ka-cha, ka-cha ——

Under the constant struggle of the lizard monster, the buildings summoned by Sage art .Gracious Deity Gates appeared one after another cracks.

Ten seconds later, with a sound of ka-cha, the building summoned by Sage art .Gracious Deity Gates shattered, 4 splashes, and the lizard monster came out.

“It’s out of trouble, go back!”

The 4 deputy directors of the Monster Countermeasures Department of Jiangmen Base City all face changed, and they retreated.

Among them, Liao Lun is the fastest retreat among the four. The building summoned by Sage art .Gracious Deity Gates has not been broken yet, it has already retreated.

He commanded the huge mouse, rolled himself up with Fairy Tail, and ran away covered head and sneaked away like a rat, and in the blink of an eye, he escaped to more than a hundred meters.

I could see that the other three deputy directors of Jiangmen Base City twitched, and the attack retreated the earliest at the latest, wasting several seconds in vain.

Fang Ping is also funny. The deputy director has some interesting things. I can’t see anything else, but his life-saving ability must be very strong.

Hula –

The palm of the flame was still on the lizard monster, burning the lizard monster, Fang Ping not at all immediately retreated.

If he retreats right now, the 4 people will be in danger. He must temporarily withstand the lizard monster and buy time for the 4 people to retreat.

Now that he has taken advantage, he has to do things well. He will never paddle.


The lizard monster turned around, slapped its giant claws, and smashed the extended palm of the flame. Then, the giant mouth opened and the red mist rolled out.

“Poisonous, get away!”

The four deputy directors of Jiangmen Base City all shouted anxiously.

Director Yuan Jingyao was seriously injured and unconscious because of this poison.

Although he had already taken the attenuating agent at the time, the toxicity was too overbearing. Even if he took the detoxifying agent, it could not remove all the toxins.


Before being covered by the red fog, Fang Ping disappeared with a Flying Thunder God Jutsu teleport, and when he reappeared, he had already appeared on the back of the lizard monster.

The terrifying cold was surging down, and the lizard monster was frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant.

But the lizard monster is a Morning Star monster after all. Even the ice formed by the peak ice ability of Tier 5 is difficult to restrain. As the lizard monster struggles, the ice trapping the lizard monster suddenly shattered and splashed in 4 places.

However, this moment of time is enough for Fang Ping to trap the lizard monster with Sage art .Gracious Deity Gates again.


The huge building dropped from the sky again, trapped on the lizard monster that had just broken free from the ice, and the lizard monster was pressed to the ground again.

The flame turned into a giant hand, Fang Ping burned to the head of the lizard monster, the head of the lizard monster suddenly became charred, and there was a smell of meat.


The lizard monster roared in pain and anger, and the sound that came out made the surrounding violent wind erupted.

At this time, the four deputy directors of Jiangmen Base City, who had moved a distance away, turned back again and shot together, leaving wounds on the lizard monster.

Ten seconds later, the lizard monster broke free, a pair of scarlet eyes, with strong murderous intention, locked Fang Ping firmly.

The humans in front of them gave it a great threat. As for the other four humans, as long as the humans in front of them were killed, he could easily hunt them down.

Hey, hey, sou!

Its body trembles, and on its back, the red bumps one after another have escaped from its body and attacked Fang Ping like raindrops.

Divine speed is used, Fang Ping retreats quickly.


Where he was originally, there was a violent explosion and flames raged.

That each and everyone red pimple is actually some kind of bomb filled with oily substances, with extremely strong formidable power.

Boom, bang, bang!

each and everyone red pimple chased Fang Ping, causing explosions one after another.

Smoke billowed, earth and rocks splashed.

Fang Ping dodged in a thrilling manner. Although it was thrilling, it finally waited until the red lumps were exhausted and survived the violent wind of these red lumps.

The red bumps are being generated, but it will be at least ten seconds later.

At this brief moment, Fang Ping did not retreat but moved forward. The distance from the lizard monster was less than 20 meters, and the huge scarlet eyes of the lizard monster were clearly visible.

The lizard monster opened its huge mouth and was about to spit out the red poisonous mist, but at this moment, Fang Ping’s eyes turned into the Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan pattern, and the Illusion Technique was activated.

The lizard monster suddenly turned around, actively avoided Fang Ping, and breathed red mist.

A large swath of trees died instantly and became bare under the red fog.

The red mist is extremely toxic, but such a strong toxic attack has actively avoided Fang Ping.

The reason is because the lizard monster has fallen into Fang Ping’s Illusion Technique.

However, the lizard monster is a Morning Star monster after all, and the realm of Fang Ping is too far apart. It broke free in an instant, and the murderous intention gaze locked Fang Ping again.

At this time, another giant building dropped from the sky, pressing on the lizard monster, pressing the lizard monster to the ground.

Fang Ping quickly attacked the lizard monster, and the four deputy directors of Jiangmen Base City also came again and took action.

There is no doubt that spending 10000 sacrifices to redeem Sage art .Gracious Deity Gates is the right choice for Fang Ping.

Although only one more means of trapping the enemy, it greatly enhanced his overall strength, allowing him to fight against the Morning Star monsters.

If Sage Mode can last longer, reaching more than an hour, he might be able to kill a peak state Morning Star monster like this.

However, such a thing is impossible. At this stage, his Sage Mode can only last for half an hour, which is the limit of his current physical fitness.

However, Fang Ping cannot maintain Sage Mode for more than an hour, but the lizard monster is not in peak state either.

A lizard monster who had only fought with a Morning Star powerhouse a day ago, is now seriously injured.

This is a fierce battle, more than 20 minutes later.


A pillar of flame struck out of Fang Ping’s hands, and violently hit the abdomen of the lizard monster.


The place that has been attacked one after another is finally accompanied by a light sound, pierced by the flame pillar, and the scorching terrifying high temperature rushes into the lizard monster within the body.

The soft internal organs of the lizard monster within the body were immediately burned to charcoal under this terrifying flame.


The lizard monster roared frantically, broke free from its restraint, and rushed towards Fang Ping frantically.

But even though life force is as tenacious as it, after the internal organs are burned into coke, they have come to the end of life.


Before getting close to Fang Ping, his huge body fell heavily to the ground, raising a lot of dust, and his body was still trembling slightly, but it was clear that life force was dissipating from him.

“Hu, call—”

Fang Ping and the four deputy directors all gasping for breath. Looking at the lizard monster lying on the ground, they sat on the ground without any image until they saw that the lizard monster was completely silent.

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